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The Great Beer Cup Challenge 2011

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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i love all the new babies in this thread :good:


Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor

weekly update

weekly update

not much change..got a couple of new leaves. looks like its stopped stretching. the top looks like 2 nodes right on top of each other hardly any space between. what kind of ppm should i be feeding at now? been keeping it around 700. is it time to stop the baby food? you experts tell me....


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Lots of good stuff starting here, wish I would have seen this thread sooner. Im going to read through the whole thread this weekend, but hope you guys dont mind if I join in with something unique. I tried this on a similar challenge a while back, but was forced to chop early along with some other ladies.

Anyways, I do meet the criteria. This is a Dinafem Power Kush fem. I germed the seed at the end of September, and put the little sprout in a net pot on Oct.3. I was going to grow it in gallon pots with the rest of my girls, but I really want to finish out a red cup grow. So heres my Solo cup DWC.

150w HPS
Currently on very light Maxi Gro and Superthrive






High country cat herder
I've been thinking of the same kind of setup,... 18oz cup with an airstone in the bottom for a DWC grow,....

at least rez changes would be quick and easy!



Active member
Looking great guys but I think I might have to drop out coz for reasons beyond my knowledge they arent growing. I will post up pics later tonight of this problem. They deadset look exactly the same at day 21 as they did a week ago except one has died and another is nearly dead.
These beans where off a clone that threw out some nannas late in flower and fucked itself resulting in the seeds in the cups now. So I dont know if thats a contributing factor or not. They're under about 120w of CFL's getting plain tap water. Oh well these things happen I spose. CYA
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^^ If you do chop them down, I'd check out the roots to make sure you don't have any other issues to be watching out for... Might help diagnose your issues.

Hope it works out :wave:

Thinking about flipping mine in a week... Anyone else starting to consider?? I've got a bunch of clones to flip with them and am hoping to let all the clones go to seed with a nice male



High country cat herder

4 weeks vege before the flip,... started the bean on the day,... IN the cup!

Lots of folk are bending the rules to suit their purpose, I don't give a S**t! I'm playing it by the rules as described early in the thread.

I will be flipping in another week, at the end of 28 day's vege.

Certainly I'm not gonna be using the whole 120 time limit, so My finished bud will be posted and smoked before the last of the sativa's are in! :tiphat:


Bet a lot of folks are bending the rules growing this sweet herb ;)

We have trouble following authority and directions :dance013:

I'm liking these little hydro cups some of you got going... Can't wait for some root porn! :jump:


Lots of good stuff starting here, wish I would have seen this thread sooner. Im going to read through the whole thread this weekend, but hope you guys dont mind if I join in with something unique. I tried this on a similar challenge a while back, but was forced to chop early along with some other ladies.

Anyways, I do meet the criteria. This is a Dinafem Power Kush fem. I germed the seed at the end of September, and put the little sprout in a net pot on Oct.3. I was going to grow it in gallon pots with the rest of my girls, but I really want to finish out a red cup grow. So heres my Solo cup DWC.

150w HPS
Currently on very light Maxi Gro and Superthrive

i had to roflmao at this and i'll tell you why . . .

so im going through the newposts and figure i'd stop by and see how things are going with the challenge.

so since im starting up my first hydro grow i think to myself " you know what i can freak this whole shit with DW . . . and bang here is your post!

ahhh you growers are an ingenious lot! props to you sir/mame for beating me to the punch.

grow well and true


i had to roflmao at this and i'll tell you why . . .

so im going through the newposts and figure i'd stop by and see how things are going with the challenge.

so since im starting up my first hydro grow i think to myself " you know what i can freak this whole shit with DW . . . and bang here is your post!

ahhh you growers are an ingenious lot! props to you sir/mame for beating me to the punch.

grow well and true

Haha, well its still a little late. Heres a pic I took just before chopping her, a C99xDeepChunk. From October 2010. She was chopped early due to unforeseen circumstances. So Im hoping to top this at the least.

again, this is from last year, not for this grow. Same setup, different strain


Active member
Well here's my 6 cups, I've culled two since last week. Actually one died and the other was on deaths door. I checked the roots and it was basically the main tap root and a couple off it but on a whole they appeared healthy. Just nowhere near as many roots as should be at this age. :wallbash: Ive only done 4 grows but havent had this sorta slow growth before. But its great to see everone else doing so well. Really digging the mini DWC cups too:wave:
Hello there.
i dug out my old 1.2mega pixel for some fancy pictures as my wife said the others i took looked like weak redneck attempts at pictures.compared to others. any how here are some pics.. Peace. Herb...



Beer cup freaks...

Beer cup freaks...

Here's my entrys, a few anyway.I have about 15 but these are soo freaky, check out those crazy fans...:)
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