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The Gardening with ALMOST free supplys Grow 2011... Check it again!.


Natalie J. Puffington
"I'm late! I'm late!...For a very important date.
No time to say 'hello', Goodbye!...I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" :whistling:

Exceptional greenhouse, Manitoid!! :respect:
(Sorry to hear about your original acct.)
Nice choice picking the Flo; she happens to be one of my faves; I'm really glad to have her in my garden! :wahey:

Hope you don't mind if I tag along; I'm gonna have to keep this one bookmarked! :witch:

Wishing you a record-breaking-ly bountiful harvest!! :plant grow:
"I'm late! I'm late!...For a very important date.
No time to say 'hello', Goodbye!...I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" :whistling:

Exceptional greenhouse, Manitoid!! :respect:
(Sorry to hear about your original acct.)
Nice choice picking the Flo; she happens to be one of my faves; I'm really glad to have her in my garden! :wahey:

Hope you don't mind if I tag along; I'm gonna have to keep this one bookmarked!

Thank you so much for your kind words, and for stopping by. By all means pull up a chair. It is about to get interesting, as we will see first flowers by august 1 it seems!
What a great thread and very detailed, excellent job!

I don't think I've seen a colorado outdoor thread so will be watching this one closely.

Could you tell us a little about the cooling/heating of the setup.

was around 100 here on the front range so what types of temps do you get in the greenhouse on our hot summer days.
do you have some type of temp controlled exhaust fan system to extract heat.

how about in oct/nov do you need supplemental heating?

plants are looking happy
What a great thread and very detailed, excellent job!

I don't think I've seen a colorado outdoor thread so will be watching this one closely.

Could you tell us a little about the cooling/heating of the setup.

was around 100 here on the front range so what types of temps do you get in the greenhouse on our hot summer days.
do you have some type of temp controlled exhaust fan system to extract heat.

how about in oct/nov do you need supplemental heating?

plants are looking happy

Sure would love to.

I am on the front range as well... It has been hot, but weve gotten the daily 10 minute rainstorm reprieve every day for a couple weeks here, so its been alright. The Highest ive recorded outside has been 97 and the hottest inside greenhouse 98...

How do we achieve this? a couple ways.

There are two 6 ft exhaust fans on the east side. @ 25,000 CFM EACH we are cranking almost 50,000 CFM through the greenhouse.

at the opposite end is a 30 ft swamp cooler pad. Water can run over it from the well and the fans on opposite side pulling makes it the largest swamp cooler youve ever seen... HOWEVER... I almost never ever run it ever. It raises humidity. Even in colorado where the ambiant is around 12-16% humidity, it can raise it too high. Forget to turn it off before late afternoon? then over night humidity is 100%... bad news...

SO sometimes when im working in there i spray the pads to get the 10 degree chill off while im sweating my balls off.

The 50,000 CFM ends up being enough that the green house temp is usually same as outside temp. overnight one tuens off by thermostat and the other runs, so theres 25,000 CFM at night to keep humidity from rising too bad. Then why use the greenhouse at all you ask?

no hail, no too much rain, no 70 mph winds, more co2 !!!

Last year there was no supplemental heating. Last year every plant in the Greenhouse finished before the greenhouse froze EXCEPT a casey jones and a sour diesel. So November 18th last year i came out to frozen solid nugs, that were then let to thaw, cut and hung to be trimmed when dry (I usually trim wet)

This year there is a 250,000 BTU high altitude propane heater and a 500 gallon propane tank. My sativas will finish this year.

But like i said, If i grew only things that finished by november 10-15 then no supplemental heating required. Just having the greenhouse extended one month, as the average first frost here is October 15th. I may not even need the tank this year because I think all my strains will finish, but it is there just in case.

Hope this explained it some. The greenhouse setup is the part of the grow that isnt the free supplies. I got the use of the greenhouse and property for free (included in rent, came with property) so Id suggest you do that too!

Thanks again


your a baller period

Around what date do things start flowering typically?
your a baller period

Around what date do things start flowering typically?

They will really start flying / stretching for the first two weeks of august. As far as size wise looking at pictures from last year, they stopped getting taller around the 20th of August and were about the same height on the 20th of september, except with nugs.

A week or two until we notice means they START the process any day now.


word. Thanks for the reply. I love your setup and can only hope to have something similar in the future.
I had an actual emergency yesturday.

A large radius power outage left me without power from 1pm for 12 hours!

Without power, the two 6 foot fans do not run. The temperature rises without ceiling.

every single day in july, the temp between 1pm and an hour befor dark is around 90 degrees. this would spell >130 degrees in the GH without cooling systems

It was also the first time my mind said to me, "I cannot live without a generator!"

BUT>>> The grow gods were shining down on me. but not with sun. I live in the high desert and do not get rain usually... clouds and occasional sprits sure, b ut the desert doesnt get RAIN. well from a1/2 an hour before the power went out until dark it was either raining or cloudy, and the greenhouse survived. easily

any other day, the plants woud have been dead.

Off to find a generator?



Scary ordeal, Manitoid... glad it worked out though, whew!

Odd weather for me has my Green Crack in a funk, so I'm living vicariously through you as though mine were still exploding, LOL.

Can't wait for the updates during stretch/flower, and hope things run smooth for ya from here on out.
Full disclosure...

I have noticed pre flowers more, so IT HAS BEGUN.

I AM ALARMED that It appears I have a pollination rate of 105 % ± 5% !

It is as if a schwag or hemp farm moved in up wind of me this year...

WHAT CAN I DO TO TRY TO LESSEN OR ABATE THIS CRISIS? plants arent past pre flower yet id love nugs without too many beans!

Can i spray all surfaces and air inside the Greenhouse with water???

Its been one of those years

please assist in moral or educational support



MG, how do you know it's pollen?

Full disclosure...

I have noticed pre flowers more, so IT HAS BEGUN.

I AM ALARMED that It appears I have a pollination rate of 105 % ± 5% !

It is as if a schwag or hemp farm moved in up wind of me this year...

WHAT CAN I DO TO TRY TO LESSEN OR ABATE THIS CRISIS? plants arent past pre flower yet id love nugs without too many beans!

Can i spray all surfaces and air inside the Greenhouse with water???

Its been one of those years

please assist in moral or educational support

I perceive it is pollen because the pistil hairs are browning, and when i rip of a brown haired stem calyx, it is impregnated with a micro, but existing bean.

The white hairs dont go brown unless the nugs are completed, or the calyx is pollinated.

I soak them down twice a week already with the foliars (which is > 90% water), so i dont know they are deff sprayed.

Should i mist every surface, and then mist all the air? The is a potential ruin-er if i cannot resolve how / why this is happening!?


How bout that massive swamp koola ya got?

Pullin for ya over here in NorCal, I know you'll figure something out...

Preflowering happenin earlier for you than usual?


New member
my preflower hairs always turn brown and shrivel even if my plants havent started the flowering process at all, its usually the very old ones that first starting showing on the nodes that brown...but fuck you got me scared gonna go check the dying hair calyxes to see if theirs a micro bean like you say.


lots of calyx's have that.....its typical....

also...if it is pollen...its highly unlikely male marijuana pollen, especially if its all over... May want to check the color on that a bit...because lately my black car is covered in a slightly yellower colored pollen.

Go in there and spray down everything with plain tap water....I had to do this with a crop that hermied on all the lower growth 4 weeks in. I sprayed gallons of water on the lower growth ane had to climb around and clip of all kinds of lower flower with open full blown male flowers aswell, but ...only got about 10 seeds.....of 24 plants/6 lights.

Me thinks youll be alright


I perceive it is pollen because the pistil hairs are browning, and when i rip of a brown haired stem calyx, it is impregnated with a micro, but existing bean.

The white hairs dont go brown unless the nugs are completed, or the calyx is pollinated.

I soak them down twice a week already with the foliars (which is > 90% water), so i dont know they are deff sprayed.

Should i mist every surface, and then mist all the air? The is a potential ruin-er if i cannot resolve how / why this is happening!?

I dunno, Mani, I think you might be trippin', and hope you are. Wishing you good vibes fo sho.

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