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The Future of Food


I do?


I look at research and scientific results. Take Dr. Elaine Ingham who's head of the Soil Food Web over in Corvallis, Oregon. Before striking out on her own she was a professor at Oregon State University at Corvallis. I have absolutely NO idea of her politics - she may well be a Repuba-Bubba - I don't know.

But I can look at her research and her published papers and determine if she knows what she's talking about. Same deal with CT GUy who own a company which manufactures compost tea brewers - his politics are of no interest to me.

He may well be a neo-Nazi, a Birkenstock-wearing wanna be hippie - I don't care. How does his science measure up against peer-review studies. That's what I find important.

Nothing else.


Hey CC, the same is for me, the political views of the professor doing the research don't impact the results of a paper, especially in scientific fields! I guess that if we talked about research in Economics, we would say something different, but a well written and intelligent paper will still be good besides the political colors and views a professor might have.
You cannot say though, according to me, that the general political view of an institution doesn't affect what kind of research or experiments that institution pursues. Especially if we are talking about applied research.

Take all this anyway sort of "toker's den" kind of chat, nothing I'm taking seriously here ;)
And sorry, but my English doesn't allow me to express me as good as I'd like ;)

Clackamas Coot

Active member
You cannot say though, to me, that the general political view of an institution doesn't affect what kind of research or experiments that institution pursues. Especially if we are talking about applied research.

Of course I can state that without reservation.

Universities are a collection of 'schools' - the School of Agriculture has absolutely nothing to do with the School of Economics or the School of Humanities.

Are you familiar at all with how universities are constructed?




I believe I do CC ;)
and I agree 100% with what you say.
Hope now we have cleared it up.
Going back to the thread, are you instead of the idea OGMs have nothing to do with "The Future of Food"? I've made my opinion clear (at least I hope), would like to know yours, especially if it is different, there is more to know in people that disagree than in those that tell you "you are 100% right". ;)

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Here's my opinion about GMO based seeds as an organic produce grower and I cater to the high-end restaurant industry in both Seattle and Portland.

The question about whether or not I use 'organic seeds' vs. 'GMO' strains comes up in this part of the world. As you may or may not know, the Pacific Northwest is a bastion of organic farmers and consumers.

So for me the use of GMO seeds is not even an option. It would kill my business and even if I did use these strains it wouldn't affect the yield that I get from our 'farm' - bottom line is that it isn't worth the associated problems from using 'Franken-Strains' for whatever perceived benefits - real or imagined.

It's first about profit and more importantly it's about the quality of the products that I produce for market.

It's not any more complicated than that actually.



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
whats wrong with gmo, would you rather go hungry?

wouldn't you rather just do it right and grow your own food. save your own seeds and over time breed plants that are best for your local area? anyone can do it, even those in extremely poor areas.


Active member
remember a key point of the documentary was that the cross polination of the GMO genes into unsuspecting small farmers is what destroyed these small farms. it all comes down to PATENT LAW which is far stronger than any farmers rights. So you see, there is the potential to eliminate heirloom strains and control the entire food supply of the whole planet and all through a handfull of companies. its a good thing we also have a 2nd amendment and hundreds of millions of guns. yes we do fellow Americans.


Active member
Everythings gotta start somewhere, I imagine gmo crops are gonna be the only thing we can grow in the future because of global warming and desertification. If it makes it easier for the farmers to grow and having them not loose an entire crop to pests or frost or drought etc. I do not see anything wrong with it. If eating gmo is as bad as smoking cigarettes or binge drinking then I would think differently but so far ive seen nothing to make me concerned about gmo foods.


Active member
Everythings gotta start somewhere, I imagine gmo crops are gonna be the only thing we can grow in the future because of global warming and desertification. If it makes it easier for the farmers to grow and having them not loose an entire crop to pests or frost or drought etc. I do not see anything wrong with it. If eating gmo is as bad as smoking cigarettes or binge drinking then I would think differently but so far ive seen nothing to make me concerned about gmo foods.

did you watch the movie?

"global warming" ?

do you believe in the man made kind or the natural one they teach in Geology 101?

we can do whatever we want. some people just don't want frankenfood.

it will be the only kind of food we can grow in the future because GMO's DNA will be in every seed bearing plant and therefore licensed and intellectual property rights protected by a handfull of HUGE corps, only one being American.

But yeah, who cares. And what about allergies or the "Sucidal PLants" 15 of which are patent pending that once pollinate land races will render those plants sterile. you think about that?

watch the movie.


Active member
did you watch the movie?

"global warming" ?

do you believe in the man made kind or the natural one they teach in Geology 101?

we can do whatever we want. some people just don't want frankenfood.

it will be the only kind of food we can grow in the future because GMO's DNA will be in every seed bearing plant and therefore licensed and intellectual property rights protected by a handfull of HUGE corps, only one being American.

But yeah, who cares. And what about allergies or the "Sucidal PLants" 15 of which are patent pending that once pollinate land races will render those plants sterile. you think about that?

watch the movie.

global warming via greenhouse effect and our sun getting hotter is what I believe in just wait until Antarctica melts completely and the amazon burns down that is gonna be crazy. Allergens with the gmo foods is definitely an issue, but I look at gmo as something that is gonna take time to be perfected and how else are they gonna test it? we just gotta live with being guinea pigs for future generations. Capitalist corps hurt my brain, not much more to say about that.


You know, I just changed my mind... I mean, with all the species of fruit and vegetable existing in the world today, do we really need genetically engineered food?
And well, it looks like GMOs are manufactured with the only purpose of making stronger plants against pests and the like, not to have more nutrient and healtier food...
I don't know about US, but in Europe many economists believe there is too much agriculture in Europe, and EU spends a lot to subsidize not the production of high quality produce but also much of the chemically-fed intensive agriculture.
I believe genetical engineering has been in certain applications something good to man, production of some hormones to treat certain diseases has become more efficient for instance.
But production of franken-food is not really needed, doesn't man already produce more vegetable and fruits than he can consume? Moreover most of it is just low quality food.
I wonder though why science and the first applications of GMOs have taken the direction they have right now. I believe there were more examples of "golden rice", but it looks like most applications are not to enhance the quality of the food but to assure that, with a chemically-based intensive agriculture supported by pesticides and other chemical applications, the grower can have a higher probability of being able to harvest.
Hey CC, by the way, what is the risk of losing a crop using full organics vs. by spraying pesticides and the like as it happens in intensive agriculture?


Active member
guys the film goes into all of this questions.

GMO's are used so that the seeds can be licensed. Mansanto is suing farmers for patent infringement.

They want to control the worlds food supply while simulataneously reducing the gene pool of our food. This will give us fewer options. Pay attention to the part about how many varieties of mexican corn there are.

Polar Ice Caps melting? Dude, read a geology book. Climate Change has nothign to do with humans. it happens with or without us. Who cares if the polar ice caps melt?

We have about 2-3 times as many people on earth as is sustainable as it is. another 2 billion more peeps in the next 20 years. this is unsustainable. Natural Selection bro.

Don't build your house on the sand and don't depend on Multinational corps for survival. YEah there is going to be a mass Cull. there has to be. Save yourself. The Earth will cleanse itself over time. The mothership is coming to take me away in 2012. Enjoy.


Active member
You obviously don't believe in terraforming planets, climate change does happen naturally but not at the rate its happening now, when Antarctica melts its gonna release huge amounts of trapped greenhouse gases raising the temperatures even higher. If your living on a continent that is turned into a desert with no way of leaving your gonna have to live with it, i'll grow the gmo crops that require hardly any water, with extra nutrition added and you can grow the regular.


My little pony.. my little pony
Anyone against GM food needs to go out and try a Pluot. Genetically its about 75% plum and 25% apricot. But doesnt taste like either. Absolute yum.


h^2 O

i like the crappy spacefood you get in museum gift shops - the ice cream. Expensive though.

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