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The Future of Energy


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I think we are a good 80-100+ years out for solar economic mass viability and infrastructure.

With the price of oil extraction going up (a lot), all the Middle East mess, OPEC collapsing for all intents and purposes, and banking monkeys playing games with the supply chain. I think the market is going to force us to innovate eventually. NG is the most obvious to me.

Hydrogen maybe further down the road, but I think solar is going to play a large part too. Obviously this is way way down the road. Conjecture and speculation.

lost in a sea

scarily nikola tesla's technology is mostly owned by disney labs,,when the nwo gets fully up and running get ready for all his amazing, stolen and unrecognised work to be used (in some horrible new age speeding up of life ways),,,, the ancient geomancers like the druids and gnostics for example knew about electromagnetic energy and how it ran along field lines and laylines and could be directed and concentrated at certain places,,stonehenge and avebury here in the uk sits on one intersection point ,, at one point a large effort was made to concentrate alot of this energy at the pyramids of giza,,, on a larger scale all of the universe is connected through interacting plasma membranes containing specific electromagnetic properties,, plasma research, by perfectly predicting and allowing for the understanding of some of the most incomprehendable phenomana in cosmology has shown how many lies and bullshit nasa and the other illuminati puppets have been spewing over the years,, well its shown a few of the factual physics based lies up anyway,, god knows what satellites they've put up there and other shit they get up to,,,

i would say that solar is madness if we have to start consuming land to do it in huge farms,,but if we really are coming into some different sun cycle then they could get more energy maybe,,, wind is pretty retarded since we are doing far more damage to the earth by tearing up hundreds of thousands of square miles of places like mongolia to get the neodynium for the stupid fucking magnets and leaving purple lakes everywhere of cancer seeding heavy metals :frown: ,, makes co2 look like a saint that makes my plants grow better which is what it is,,, and water based power just seems to either completely block/ruin spawning grounds or ruin ecology simply by removing a building/destroying force,,

so imo its either nuclear ,which will still have spent nuclear rods for the ptb to scare us all with and potentially ruin the world, maybe solar or other,,id say the powers that be know a shitload about tesla's technology, he doesnt own it obviously but he was an exceptional being,,,, hoover and edison conspired to steal his knowledge, and fame for edison,, and the nazis kids have been messing with it ever since on one scale or another,,, did you know disney also brought (smuggled) nazi propaganda artists during operation paperclip that specialised in adding subversive imagery and hidden sexual themes by basically hiding penises wherever they felt they could,, sexualise and steal values from generation after generation,, mk ultra mouse out to brainwash us,,
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May your race always be in your favor
I think it will be a combination of energy suppling methods. Solar wind geothermal where it's applicable. Some nuke perhaps Hell hemp oil burns like diesel, Brazil supplies their fuel needs with sugar based ethanol another part of the equation. At the present levels of technology there isn't any stand alone supply. NG Sorta O k, fracking hasn't turned out to be quite what the industry has claimed.
Saw a report the other day where a university here in the states had perfected the ability to cast Photo cells rather than cutting them into slabs as they do now. saves like 50 % of the material and will eventually allow them to cast shaped cells or may be pour in place PH cells . The possibilities are endless. I see new construction of resident housing in my city has a lot of solar being built in new. Think its a great idea. MY TWO CENTS

Guest 88950

Sigh. another idealist who thinks solar is ready for prime time. It fucking isn't. Do some research before you claim it is.

i think we may have different understanding what "Solar" is and its not just PV panels.

i have done quite a bit of research regarding alternative energy and the 3 links provided are existing examples of technologies, new and old, that can be part of the solution that would allow the country to reduce is use of oil.

my response to the other poster pointed out that PV panels are not the only way to harvest energy from the sun.

btw, i'll admit that Konarka and NanoSolar are emerging technologies but the 3rd link is an example of a working, non PV, power station.


Active member
solar,is the only dependable one,and with batteries to store energy and perhaps a hydrogen and wind there can be a renewable cycle of energy.
physics dictates that energy cannot be created or destroyed,so it has to be harnnessed and put in a usable cycle.


Active member
i think we may have different understanding what "Solar" is and its not just PV panels.

Yeah I know. I live in the california desert. All the solar companies (domestic and foreign) are lining up and submitting plans. My friend is a county planning commissioner. Believe me, it's all about the money. government money.

It ain't about the power.


Yeah I know. I live in the california desert. All the solar companies (domestic and foreign) are lining up and submitting plans. My friend is a county planning commissioner. Believe me, it's all about the money. government money.

It ain't about the power.
I was reading awhile back about land values in your general area and how they've skyrocketed with the interest in solar and wind power generation. The new gold rush.


ICMag Donor
A large percentage of generated electricity is used merely to heat water in home and industry , simple technology is much more efficient in directly heating water via roof panels.

The 30 square feet of old radiators on my south faceing roof is very efficient and keeps 150 litres warm even in winter , sunny today and water temp is a lethal 85 c , has boiled in a hot spell.

A diy bodgeup that works a treat , incorporating a proper system in all new buildings would add little to the cost but needs a government to legislate and enforce it.

Photovoltaic may not be cost effective yet but water heating in most climates certainly is and most homeowners could rig it up themselves , might not save the planet in itself but will definately save you money.

As prices will continue to rise with increaseing world demand , some technologies will become financially viable and existing ones will be improved , a wide range will create a lot of real jobs in old industries , dont let China take the lead.


A large percentage of generated electricity is used merely to heat water in home and industry , simple technology is much more efficient in directly heating water via roof panels.

The 30 square feet of old radiators on my south faceing roof is very efficient and keeps 150 litres warm even in winter , sunny today and water temp is a lethal 85 c , has boiled in a hot spell.

A diy bodgeup that works a treat , incorporating a proper system in all new buildings would add little to the cost but needs a government to legislate and enforce it.

Photovoltaic may not be cost effective yet but water heating in most climates certainly is and most homeowners could rig it up themselves , might not save the planet in itself but will definately save you money.

As prices will continue to rise with increaseing world demand , some technologies will become financially viable and existing ones will be improved , a wide range will create a lot of real jobs in old industries , dont let China take the lead.

Roof water heating has one fatal flaw...cold winters. I remember one year in S. FL...the temp went down into the mid teens one night...the next morning we went outside to hear water running...EVERY house that had rooftop solar water heaters...had broken pipes! You MUST insulate or preheat the water or they will freeze/break. It sort of negates some/most the summer benefits. Solar water heating is mostly for low latitude places...


Cannabrex Formulator
Hate to break it to you all, but the real crux of the biscuit is not how we can continue to make and waste vast amounts of energy perpetuating a malignant, non-sustainable and illogical economic paradigm.....

It's about changing that paradigm, and changing the way we interact with this planet and the reasons why we are here.....PERIOD.

Because if we don't, and continue to rape, pillage, exploit and desecrate our only home in our infinite anthropocentric arrogance and greed, the planet will wipe us off like a pesky little fungus and go along it's merry way.

And the next species to evolve a large braincase will put our remnants in museums and label us as the species who amused and gorged themselves to death.

Let all repeat this next line after me....and keep saying it to yourself.

You cannot have infinite growth within a finite system.....PERIOD!


Cannabrex Formulator
Roof water heating has one fatal flaw...cold winters. I remember one year in S. FL...the temp went down into the mid teens one night...the next morning we went outside to hear water running...EVERY house that had rooftop solar water heaters...had broken pipes! You MUST insulate or preheat the water or they will freeze/break. It sort of negates some/most the summer benefits. Solar water heating is mostly for low latitude places...

Solar Thermal can be done with air instead of water....no freezing problems.


It's not about what technology can be built....the tech exists to change the way we consume energy in a big way......but it's about making money. If no-one is gonna make tons and tons of cash, it won't get done.

Never mind that we will render our planet inhabitable for our species....never mind that we will pass on a toxic, barren wasteland to our children......GOTTA HAVE THEM QUARTERLY PROFITS!!


Hate to break it to you all, but the real crux of the biscuit is not how we can continue to make and waste vast amounts of energy perpetuating a malignant, non-sustainable and illogical economic paradigm.....

It's about changing that paradigm, and changing the way we interact with this planet and the reasons why we are here.....PERIOD.

Because if we don't, and continue to rape, pillage, exploit and desecrate our only home in our infinite anthropocentric arrogance and greed, the planet will wipe us off like a pesky little fungus and go along it's merry way.

And the next species to evolve a large braincase will put our remnants in museums and label us as the species who amused and gorged themselves to death.

Let all repeat this next line after me....and keep saying it to yourself.

You cannot have infinite growth within a finite system.....PERIOD!

It'll just wipe out enough to keep us sustainable...not all of us. For that to happen...will probably take something we do to ourselves. GM virus, nukes? Or a PK event.

I've also suggested...either to crickets or outrage...population control. Sterilization of those less desirable in the gene pool.

We can do it now...and choose whom to keep...or, we can let God sort us out later. It's coming close to the deadline...time to make a choice.

Again, the government has different interests than we do. They need the population growth to keep the Ponzi going.

Solar Thermal can be done with air instead of water....no freezing problems.


It's not about what technology can be built....the tech exists to change the way we consume energy in a big way......but it's about making money. If no-one is gonna make tons and tons of cash, it won't get done.

Never mind that we will render our planet inhabitable for our species....never mind that we will pass on a toxic, barren wasteland to our children......GOTTA HAVE THEM QUARTERLY PROFITS!!

Thanks for the info...I had hoped things had changed. But heating up air...to heat water...isn't very efficient in my mind. Every transfer to a new medium takes away potential energy. Sun heats up tube that heats up air that keeps tube hot that heats the water. I wouldn't imagine air as a great heat exchange medium either. Why not a closed antifreeze system instead of air?

I've talked about the money aspect before...corporations NEED that regular monthly payment...it's all about the monthly payment. The next energy technology will probably be "rented" to us too.


Power Armor rules
There are technologies in the works now to help get solar efficiency to a higher level. Check out a company called Hypersolar. Even the high end panels from Sanyo are only 16-17% module efficiency. It's a matter of time and money, but eventually it will all get better. That is of course if we don't destroy ourselves first.


Active member
Yesterday's news was scary. It's about to get a lot scarier when people really learn what them greedy motherfuckers did.

National news yesterday reported that 75% of nuclear reactors today leak some radiation, but at "acceptable" levels. I wondered what is acceptable and to whom? To me none is acceptable.

They also said that 40-50 years ago when the reactors were first built they gave 40 years as the life of one. But now they say they'll last 100 years. Wait a minute. Why so much different now? Because they had no plan to dispose of all the waste they knew was going to happen, they still don't, and it is the power companies that are making this shit up as they go along.

I just don't believe ANYTHING them assholes say anymore. They fucked us bad. Unbelievably stupid actually. Literally kill your income source. The idea taken right from them tobacco barons.

Very short term planning and absolute greed.


There are technologies in the works now to help get solar efficiency to a higher level. Check out a company called Hypersolar. Even the high end panels from Sanyo are only 16-17% module efficiency. It's a matter of time and money, but eventually it will all get better. That is of course if we don't destroy ourselves first.

It doesn't matter...the sun doesn't put out enough energy to run most electrical appliances. The suns energy is really quite weak...it's why we don't get fried when we go outside. The ONLY way to get enough is to CONCENTRATE it...a battery does this. The sun shines all day and charges the battery...the battery lasts several minutes and then needs another full day to charge...get it?

Oil also concentrates the suns energy.

Yesterday's news was scary. It's about to get a lot scarier when people really learn what them greedy motherfuckers did.

National news yesterday reported that 75% of nuclear reactors today leak some radiation, but at "acceptable" levels. I wondered what is acceptable and to whom? To me none is acceptable.

They also said that 40-50 years ago when the reactors were first built they gave 40 years as the life of one. But now they say they'll last 100 years. Wait a minute. Why so much different now? Because they had no plan to dispose of all the waste they knew was going to happen, they still don't, and it is the power companies that are making this shit up as they go along.

I just don't believe ANYTHING them assholes say anymore. They fucked us bad. Unbelievably stupid actually. Literally kill your income source. The idea taken right from them tobacco barons.

Very short term planning and absolute greed.

There there FOREVER...who is going to clean up after a nuclear reactor is removed? Nobody. It's a toxic waste forever.

And yes...you ARE wise to not believe ONE THING that comes from the "officials".