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The Future of Energy


Inorganic produced oil is one exciting topic. But still Scientists arround the world are fighting whether this theorie is correct or not. A group of russian chemists proofed that its possible to produce oil from methane and some other stuff under gigantic pressure. This could explain why the oil field in, I'm not entirely sure, Kazakhstan did allready supply more oil than there could ever been stored. In the same direction points the fact, that alle major oil fields are where huge tectonic plates meet.

On the other hand you can find organic matter in crude oil, that can not be "generated" inorganic. Could be a combination of multiple effects, that built the worlds oil. But you got to admit that exploring new fields is gettin harder everyday and the amounts of newly discovered oil are ways less than what we pump up today. Peak oil is a thing of the past...

BTW: today Germanys parliament decided just a few moments ago that all nuclear power plants must be shut down until 2022. Every one of them has a due date now. No new reactors may be build. The future of energy is renewable, nuclear is the past.

I'd have an easier time believing the adiabatic oil oil theories IF it wasn't so damn hard to get at these days. Drilling in several miles of water and then through another 6 miles of rock? It can't be plentiful!

Energy is going to get SO expensive! It's why I keep saying the oil war is coming. The WORLD needs it and the Arab middlemen won't sell it cheap enough. I have a feeling we're going to take back those lands we once owned...time for the Colonies to make a comeback.



Come on...we use hundreds of millions of barrels of oil EVERY day...you think "hemp" is going to replace that?

It's the enormous quantity that we use that people can't seem to get a grip on. How much hemp do you think you need to grow to fill a supertanker with hemp oil? Now multiply that by a hundred. Now grow that much so you can harvest that much EVERY day. You'd need to harvest areas the size of Australia every day to supply the needed energy. It ain't gonna happen.


Active member
Solar will NOT replace oil. Oil is "condensed" sun energy. The sun simply isn't bright enough to replace oil or NG. And the COST of adding solar to every house...too much...remember...we're ALREADY broke!


Another idea would be to use less oil and replace this amount by bio fuel. Sure we shouldn't kill large rainforrests in Asia and SouthAmerika just to grow our fuel.

But why not make Methane out of CO2 from factories and H2 from renewable Energy? You can use Methane in fuel cells as well as in gas burning cars. No more Problems with recharging batteries and stuff and Methane can be transported in already existing pipelines.

Crude oil will run out so why bother replacing it while you can push a better technology? Since prices for oil are climbing finally there is enough cash to research alternatives. Cars with batteries are not gonna replace the fuel burning ones we use today, there isn't enough lithium...

I'm not sure if hemp is the answer to our upcoming fuel problem but there are loads of other problems it could easily solve! The fun part is, it would even help intensify farming if you just grow hemp every other season, it helps the soil. Think of paper and stuff! Hemp is great!


Another idea would be to use less oil and replace this amount by bio fuel. Sure we shouldn't kill large rainforrests in Asia and SouthAmerika just to grow our fuel.

But why not make Methane out of CO2 from factories and H2 from renewable Energy? You can use Methane in fuel cells as well as in gas burning cars. No more Problems with recharging batteries and stuff and Methane can be transported in already existing pipelines.

Crude oil will run out so why bother replacing it while you can push a better technology? Since prices for oil are climbing finally there is enough cash to research alternatives. Cars with batteries are not gonna replace the fuel burning ones we use today, there isn't enough lithium...

I'm not sure if hemp is the answer to our upcoming fuel problem but there are loads of other problems it could easily solve! The fun part is, it would even help intensify farming if you just grow hemp every other season, it helps the soil. Think of paper and stuff! Hemp is great!

It takes MORE "regular oil" to make biofuel than you get out!!!! Jesus Christ...how can one be so ignorant yet so sure? This is getting to be like arguing religion!

No no no...you can't REPLACE oil with biofuel!!! Unless you want to be limited to 1/2 cup per person per month! Even THAT is a stretch. NOTHING we now have or are capable of making in the near future can replace oil. We use too damn much of it! you'd need hundreds of acres set aside for EACH person...JUST for fuel/energy! "Growing" fuel is a losing proposition...even bacteria or algae can't make enough to replace oil.

You people REALLY need to get a grip on the massive quantities of oil we use every day. Then you can intellectually determine an alternates viability.


Active member
so is this one of those stoner's "what could happen" threads? :D

then here is what could happen and is already happening:

Anaerobic digestion
Atomic batteries
Atomic energy
Banki turbine – hydro power, like overshot
Battery (electricity)
Biodiesel production
Bio-nano generator
Breeder reactor
Bubble fusion – a nuclear fusion reaction hypothesized to occur during sonoluminescence, an extreme form of acoustic cavitation.
Coal mining
Cold fusion
Compound turbine--two axle, steam
Deep lake water cooling
Dyson sphere
Energy tower
External combustion engine

Spoked flywheel
Fischer-Tropsch process
Flywheel (storage)
Fossil fuel
Francis turbine
Fuel – a substance used as a source of energy, usually by the heat produced in combustion.
Fuel cell
Fuel efficiency
Fusion power
Gas turbine
Geothermal exchange heat pump
Geothermal heating
Geothermal power
Green building
Green power
Grid energy storage
Heavy crude
Heliostat – device that tracks the movement of the sun
Hot-Dry-Rock – method to produce geothermal power in places where there is little underground water
Human energy
Hydrogen economy
Kaplan turbine
Light crude
Liquid fuel
Liquid nitrogen economy
Methane clathrate
Methanol economy
Natural gas
Natural gas field
Natural gas vehicle
Nuclear energy
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear reactor
Nuclear reprocessing
Oil drilling
Oil exploration
Oil platform
Oil refinery
Oil shale
Oil well
OTEC – Ocean thermal energy conversion
Perpetuum Mobile
Pneumatics – compressed air
Products based on refined oil
Pumped-storage hydroelectricity
Renewable energy
Savonius wind turbine – wind
Small hydro
Solar box cooker
Solar cell
Solar chimney
Solar panel
Solar energy
Solar power satellite
Solar thermal energy
Solar updraft tower – large version of the solar chimney concept
Solid fuel
Sonoluminescence – the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound.
Steam turbine
Stirling engine
Straight vegetable oil
Stranded gas reserve
Sulfur-iodine cycle
Sustainable design
Tar sands
Tesla turbine
Thermal depolymerization
Tidal power
Turgo turbine – impulse water turbine designed for medium head applications
Tyson turbine – for river flow harnessing

Vacuum energy
Vibration energy scavenging
Vortex energy
Water turbine
Wave power
Wind energy
Wind farm
Wind turbine
Wood fuel
Wood gas
Zero-point energy

magic of wiki... :)

or... we could just stop givin a fk about what Could happen and MAKE something happen ourselves... OR we could just load our rizzlas with that green matter which makes us stop giving a fuck by principle haha:)


You are right joeuser, as of today we can't. Just saying we should try hard to be able to in the future!

And of course we will have to reduce our oil consumption.


Active member
It takes MORE "regular oil" to make biofuel than you get out!!!! Jesus Christ...how can one be so ignorant yet so sure? This is getting to be like arguing religion!

No no no...you can't REPLACE oil with biofuel!!! Unless you want to be limited to 1/2 cup per person per month! Even THAT is a stretch. NOTHING we now have or are capable of making in the near future can replace oil. We use too damn much of it! you'd need hundreds of acres set aside for EACH person...JUST for fuel/energy! "Growing" fuel is a losing proposition...even bacteria or algae can't make enough to replace oil.

You people REALLY need to get a grip on the massive quantities of oil we use every day. Then you can intellectually determine an alternates viability.

mate you should read on biofuel. Hemp ethanol is the shit trust me! hemp can yield x3-4 times more than corn and finishes faster. also there are tons of other ways to utilize the plant for income.

it is also easier to compress, than oil. here is a link where they made a hemp fueled benz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF-yL2s3yzQ

also check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3BGBkKyfGg


that's why im only riding a bike :D what are you doing to make that happen? :p

not enough, I have to be this honest! I only consume renewable power and try to not waste energy. Got myself a car which uses way less fuel than every car I ever drove and of course try to ride my bike for most short distances. Try to only buy stuff from local farmers and so on.

Still not enough, you are right...


Hmmm. A simple google search tells a different story.


Coal = 49%
Nuclear =30%
Natural Gas =8%
Renewable =10% Renewable includes solar AND wind

Are you sure you even know where your power comes from?? And don't say the thing in the "wall".

Ot this

You're still off.
I'm not up-to-date on the big picture but i know the PV industry estimates an installation of 10 Gigawatts(peak) in 2011 in Germany alone, estimation based on their orders. PV is HUGE- and will only get bigger, subsidized or not.


Active member
photovoltaic panels installment business is booming atm.

I have a professor friend who tells me of this patent his collegues made at the university he works in. They want to send a pv panel to space so that it could send the electricity to earth the way they send an mp3 by bluetooth or some strong stuff like that.
To me it sounded like a sci-fi story, but he states that it is already a reality today.
The only issue is - the investments. Nobody wants to invest money into a long term profit project. Everybody wants to get payed NOW.


weed fiend
No no no...you can't REPLACE oil with biofuel!!! Unless you want to be limited to 1/2 cup per person per month! Even THAT is a stretch. NOTHING we now have or are capable of making in the near future can replace oil. We use too damn much of it! you'd need hundreds of acres set aside for EACH person...JUST for fuel/energy! "Growing" fuel is a losing proposition...even bacteria or algae can't make enough to replace oil.

You people REALLY need to get a grip on the massive quantities of oil we use every day. Then you can intellectually determine an alternates viability.

Tell that to Brazil. You're the one who needs to get a grip. Corn sucks as a bio fuel source. Why do you think they outlawed a plant you can't get high on? Industrial hemp could revamp our manufacturing base as well as power our cars.


Active member
I'm not up-to-date on the big picture but i know the PV industry estimates an installation of 10 Gigawatts(peak) in 2011 in Germany alone, estimation based on their orders. PV is HUGE- and will only get bigger, subsidized or not.

Subsidized or not? If it is subsidized, then the cost of the energy produced is more expensive. Why would you want to pay more for your power? Just to prove you are cool? Like driving a Prius in south park?

Look, these fucking solar plants CANNOT be built unless the developer can get either government grants or government loan guarantees. Why? Because the power these plants produce cost more then just about any other normal power source. so developers will not develop solar plants UNLESS they can get free money from the government or guarantees from the government to re-pay their loans.

Solar is bullshit and will remain so until it produces a watt of power at the same cost you can by a watt today on the open market. This is why our Dick of a president is making all other sources of energy more expensive.



Active member
Subsidized or not? If it is subsidized, then the cost of the energy produced is more expensive. Why would you want to pay more for your power? Just to prove you are cool? Like driving a Prius in south park?

Look, these fucking solar plants CANNOT be built unless the developer can get either government grants or government loan guarantees. Why? Because the power these plants produce cost more then just about any other normal power source. so developers will not develop solar plants UNLESS they can get free money from the government or guarantees from the government to re-pay their loans.

Solar is bullshit and will remain so until it produces a watt of power at the same cost you can by a watt today on the open market. This is why our Dick of a president is making all other sources of energy more expensive.


im sorry but this is an uneducated bs :)

They are not plants we are talking about here. They are photovoltaic panels that can be installed upon a building for building to produce energy autonomously. That business of installing those panels that are already produced in china big time is a new booming business nowadays.
Stop saying things based on your personal point of view in a manner that sounds scientific :)

And as for subsidizing such projects - I don't think that too many goverments would want to do that. The fact that building can work on their own electricity almost autonomously just doesn't seem to fancy too many goverments :)

Take Dominican Republic for instance: Their ecology is disasterous. They are burning whatever the fuck to get electricity which is not enough to them yet still. Yet they DO have a yearly temperature of 25c constant and A LOT of sun.
Wtf is goverment thinking? It's not thinking at all. It's acting. Acting to get payed with corruption and whatever the fuck that is they are burning to get the energy and destroy ecology.
Yet why wouldnt they aply such a nice technology that already exists? because it's not profitable over a period of time.
What are we to do? UNDERTAKE.
Entrepreneurship is our way out. It is a way for us to make something happen.


Tell that to Brazil. You're the one who needs to get a grip. Corn sucks as a bio fuel source. Why do you think they outlawed a plant you can't get high on? Industrial hemp could revamp our manufacturing base as well as power our cars.

The same Brazil that is ripping down their rain forest to plant sugarcane to make ethanol or biofuel?

You CAN'T have your cake and eat it too. What's MORE important...cheap energy or conservation? Or is it OK and "sustainable" to kill the rain forest for energy?

Hemp is NOT going to save the planet...


Active member
Hemp is NOT going to save the planet...

so wise.. Who are you, my friend, to predict such a thing?

Imo. The energy industry is now experiencing so many alternatives that only ONE thing just wont be able to do it all for all.

Maybe hemp will not save the planet, but it will sure make it MUCH MUCH better dare we start exploiting that UNIQUE commodity.

Seriously before posting statements such as that - do please make your own research and not just repeat what others said.

Hemp ethanol, methanol, biofuel, bio diesel and loads of other derivatives such as seed oil, hemp seed food, paper, rubber and MUCH MUCH MORE are huge benefits to us.

The production methods are very beneficial for ecology aswell. Not only growing hemp is healthy for mother nature, but also making ethanol and even burning it.

one picture is worth more than 1000 words



Active member
The sheer lunacy of not using the fastest growing plant that will grow anywhere almost anything that CAN grow for production of nearly anything that we need is astounding.

We all know how it came to pass, but that it continues is simply beyond belief.

Untapped hundreds of billions of dollars in cheap, eco-friendly and renewable, food, fuel and building materials including plastics all because established industries like things just they way they are.

The big industrial producers are a fact of life, like it or not, because we made them that way. We buy the stuff they make. It's a 2 way street.

We need to demand the Govt.s remove restrictions and encourage the use of hemp and consumers will have to demand that what they buy are made from renewable resources.

We all like to complain about the way things are, but we ourselves are to blame.
Vote with your dollars. They will have to listen and make the change or be left in the dust.
It's not going to be an overnight fix but, then again, what ever is?

Legalize hemp. When they see the profits to be made they'll come running.


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