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The "FRESH" spot

joe fresh

Active member
That's why I love my ionizer.

do you need to hook up a fan to an ionizer?...im looking for something that works better than ona gel that i can use in my general house, i smoke alot of weed in my house and it smells like growing weed too even though i got filters...thank god it dont smell out side, i run a sealed room so only smells in the house...

joe fresh

Active member
well here is day 30...

ive run into a few problems...

first is the fact that as if you been keeping up with the thread, i ran out of nutes for a good 10 days and plants missed atleast 1 or 2 feedings...so the nute defs are catching up now(notably N and K), i just gave them their second feeding today with maxibloom.

the other problem relates to the first, while i ran out of nutes i decided to make a tea using ewc...well to my suprise i infused a whole load of gnat larvae into the root systems...noticed it first on one of my oldest plants which was wilting due to root rot from these larvea...and i knoe its not just from flying gnats because with a grow my size i would see more than just 3-4 gnats a night...what i think happened is the larvea were in the tea...

now that the defs are being addressed with nutes, i plan to use azamax on the soil at low recomended dose...is this a problem being on week 5 of flowering?

i hope to get these girls back on track asap











as you can see some are worse than others...


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I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Let me know what you use with that, I have some gnats I need to get rid of and am picking up some azamax tmrw. Hope all works out dude, you got this.

Damn! Sorry to hear Joe .. Yeah I was just having the same issue .. Ran out of guano's and a few other things and it right when Im in between jobs BUT luckily enough I can across $2k so Im going out on Monday to pick up a few things from the grow shop and KMART (Espoma products here are A LOT cheaper then at the grow shop)

It make affect total yield but hopefully not by much since it was only 2 feedings (1 week or 2 weeks total without food?)

Azamax will FUCK those gnats up! I got a BAD bag of soil back during the summer (caused me to switch forever over to SS#4) and I got aphids and gnats .. Didnt see the bugs for over a month or so (cause Im a noob to indoor) and tossed my infected soils and ran Azamax at full strength and within 3 weeks everything was dead .. .. But I still soil drench once a month with Azamax at low dose and spray at low dose the week after I soil drench just for prevention. So long story short it will kill them off pretty quick!

The worst part about this issue for you will just be the leaves .. Now that you are feeding them the buds shouldn't be affected terribly but the leaves will just look like shit .. But those get tossed in the trash any way so who cares :)
Upon a second look I see its really only large fans that got messed up .. And the small leaves around the buds are still green .. you should be perfectly fine so long as you've corrected the problem and it doesnt persist and get worse.

AOD .. If Azamax helped me kill aphids then it will kill gnats no problem!

joe fresh

Active member
ya my prob now will be to just get rid of these gnat larvea...i see ppl all the time say dont worry about it its only a few gnats...but its the larvea that do the dammage and they can get your roots fucked real quick...

joe fresh

Active member
well im pretty pissed off.....i miss-diagnosed my situation again...i find it really wierd....it would seem that what i got is overfert and not a def....which i find weird because they were looking fine, then i went 2 weeks without ferts and they started to look yellow, i get my ferts and fed them every second watering @ 1.8 EC ....

ive checked runoff and its in correct range at 6.4ph and 2.4 Ec, and i did a soil extract by cutting a chink out the side of one of the more affected plants near the bottom of the pot and the ph was 6.2 and EC 2.0...

so it would seem what is in the soil is perfectly fine, but with the yellowing progressing and today i noticed on a more healthy plant the leaf in the pec here with the burt and yellowing tips...which came from the lower part of the plant...

i guess all i can contribute to my problem is the poor drainage qualities of my soil, not leaching the salts out properly each watering...and the fact of having such a tight garden does not allow me to inspect all the plants properly...

it just pisses me off about the misdiagnosis because if i had of diagnosed it properly i would not have fert 2 days ago...i would have flushed instead...

i feel like this house is cursed..lol...before moving in here i never had a problem growing, not one def...never overfert...(other than the slight tips burn)....and since ive moved intothis place 2 years ago i feel like ive been through every possible problem possible...ive learned alot but wtf im tired of this shit...






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And thats why I love organics .. You cant over feed them lol

Is it just occuring on the lower? Perhaps N is getting blocked or lacking in might seem

joe fresh

Active member
well its only the bigger fan leaves...starting at the botttome and moving its way up the plant...p[lants directly under the lights are the ones most affected...

i decided to flush some last night...WOW WTF...the smell of the runoff water was like old nasty sports socks....so my guess now would be that the tea i made fro them while i was out of ferts did more harm than good...by the smell i would guess i got a small case of pythium, not enough to make them wilt yet, but enough to start rotting things to make them smell....

joe fresh

Active member
sounds like serious overwatering to me

well i was also thinking this, but not because i water too often, but rather the pots do not seem to drain properly, i seen this problem a few weeks ago when i was trying to water till runoff, the water would just sit in the bottom of the pot and when i would pick the pot up then the water would leak out...

i only water when the soil is ultra dry, i need to see a few plants really dry almost to the point of wilt...then i water and try to water till runoff...but i think maybe this is my mistake, either the pots are holding too much water, or the excess salts are not flushing out...

my guess is the pots not draining properly so i end up with them holding too much water...

same with nutes, if the pots are holding 3 gals of water, when i fert thats 3 gal of nutes, then as the soil dies up thats 3 gal of nutes sitting in dry soil...

i think im just going to have to stop trying to water to runoff, i think that is where im getting alot of my problems, that and the fact of me feeding them some bad compost tea when i was out of nutes....

it wouldnt bother me so much in veg, but it really pisses me off in flower....bout 30 days left i hope im able to get things on track and not get too worse...

joe fresh

Active member
EDIT...ok i found the MF culprit....it was the combination of a bad tea, then i fed them a fish based fert.....big mistake, the bad tea pretty much inoculated my soil with bad fungi and bacteria, and then i fed a fish based fert....which would be great food for the bad bacteria and fungi...and now i gave them full dose of maxibloom and with the roots being in bad shape cant take in all the ferts and i believe this is where im seeing the nute burn from...

the good news out of all of this...the ph is right where it should be at 6.4...lol

i just filled my res with fresh water last night and left it till today tolet the water warm up...and all i see is grey sludge built up at the walls of the res and pump...so clearly this is something that was present in the water in my res and i then watered my plants with it...the fucked up part is a scrub my res every week....i really think its just the house and possibly the mold in the house in getting in the water...needless to say im pretty pissed...happy my breeding room is not like this...

now since im broke, and cant afford to go get even a 20$ product...i need to find a way to halt this quick...any suggestions? i heard you can use bleach...any truth to this without hurting your plants? if i had money i would just go get some aquashield and roots excel...but i dont got any cach....need some advice...


And thats why I love organics .. You cant over feed them lol

Is it just occuring on the lower? Perhaps N is getting blocked or lacking in might seem

Joe, they're always throwing a brand new curve ball aren't they? I'm curious what you feed with. I've seen your compost thread and other organic info and just assumed you were organic.

joe fresh

Active member
i use a light soil mix..

1 bale pro mix(107L)
1 bag sea compost(30L)
1 bag ewc(18L)
and dolo lime

that was my original mix, but when repotting to m=bigger containers i had to go cheap and went with just promix....

ive been feeding with chem ferts...but in the future i will either be going full organic with a water only mix and use blumats...or going to hydro...but i think after this harves i will be moving, i was undecided on weather or not to do another one but right now im really on the fence...if i can clear my debts and have enough to start else where then ill do it..if i dont get enough then i got no choice to do another run...
Ha dank yeah I'm sure with enough N you can lock out P and micros and too much micros you can lock out N and/or P

But you'd have to just be throwing lots of it at them for sure.

Ummm well Joe I wouldn't chance the bleach as when I've heard of people using it they would be putting a few drops into 1000 gallons or something like that but what I'd say is if your looking to clense/kill what's in your soil try looking into hydrogen peroxide. It will have a two-sided effect; 1) it will sterize/kill good and bad microbes; 2) when h2o2 comes in contact with them it will release it's radical o2 atom and help oxygenate the soil.
Something else to think about would be to place 2bricks on their sides under each pot so it raises the containers up to help drainage and so the containers don't sit in their run off and keep soaking it up until the run off evaporates.


Cannabis 101
joe do you have hard water??? from the looks yes... Id recommend flushing ones every 2 weeks minimum or every friday like I used to... the whole grow veg flower mothers you name it. I been super busy and everything is looking good in my side of the fence.
I will post pics today hope life is treating you well my friend.


Weed Cannasaur
Might be from the time theres a lot of water and no air in the soil. I'd just drill a few holes near the bottom. Couldn't hurt.

Also I'd use enzyme products that should clear away the dead matter.

Don't bleach your plants at this stage but you could use H2O2 with your rez and let them evaporate and you could (and probably should) spray your grow room with 10% bleach solution.
It might even save you from possible bud mold if there's so much mold in the walls.
Just get the plants out, spray everything with bleach (wear a facemask of course) and get them back in.

Good luck.

joe fresh

Active member
3 weeks ago i used a drill with a 1/2" bit and drilled about 25 holes in the bottom of each pot for drainage...the immediate effect was great, but i think with soil compaction over the last few weeks my soil now has more probs draining....

i just went to the store and they had some new products and the guy there was really telling me to use "wilt guard" from http://www.cxhydroponics.com/products/wilt-guard and on the label its self this is what it reads

Wilting plants are in trouble, and if left untreated they will probably die. there are several cause for wilting, including heat and disease. wilt guard protects your plants by eliminating pythium and increases plant cell wall strength enabling it to retain vital water during times of stress.

Directions: use 1 ml per liter in your nutrient solution throughout the growing cycle. wilt guard may be used in any system but is best suited for cocopeat or soil based media if used alone. for broader spectrum of protection use in conjunction with regen-a-root.

i plan to get some regen a root as soon as i can...the dilution rate is good at 1 ml per L and at only 25$ a liter its amazing...hoppe it works...i did notice on the site they said nothing bout pythium but its right on the label on the bottle....


Active member
Joe if that hydro store product isn't working for you look up krunchbubble. He uses bleach in his res at a rate of I think 1-3 drops per gal. I'm not 100% on the rates so pm him and ask. I think lazyman may have experience with bleach also. If you need to go super cheap hyrdogen peroxide will cure your issue also. I have personally used up to 5ml per gal. of 35% food grade peroxide with zero ill effects to the plants. In fact they seemed to enjoy the extra oxygen and continued to use it for about a year before I went organic. I have also used 3% peroxide up to 15ml per gal. with the same effect. Peroxide works for you in two ways. 1. it will oxidize the dead roots (essentially eating them) 2. it will oxidize the good and bad bacteria in your soil. This allows you a fresh start. provided you water properly and decent oxygen levels are maintained good bacteria will repopulate you media. You could also incoculate your media if desired, but being you grow with chem nutes there's no real reason to concern yourself with bacteria. I would continue to add 3% peroxide at 5-10ml per gal with every watering. This will keep bad bacteria at bay until you can finish this run and get better draining soil. You could continue to use it for preventative measures in the future also. Hope that helps :wave:. I'll be watching either way

joe fresh

Active member
ya i think im gonna go the peroxide route, that way ill know for sure the pythium will be dead, i think the wilt guard stuff is more for preventative messures, but i will see how it goes....

the peroxide i can get in my area is 29%, what would be a good dilution rate on this?..remember im in soil...