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The first "Nice day" of the year....day, today? anyone else ditch work and get high?


Active member
I hope you die a slow painful death. People who skip work to get high are fucking losers who don't deserve a job. Fucking burn out.

FINALLY this douchebag gets banned, what a bitter ass troll loser...

Skipping work, getting high and fuckin the GF in nature, that sounds fun as hell. too bad i dont got a girly right now and im stuck indoors all day taking an online traffic school course....FUCK SPEEDING TICKETS!

Cookie monster

12C blue skys and sunshine all day so i gave myself the day off.

Woke up had a coffee and a cigg checked on the few plants i have under lights.
Drove to the nearest town and bought a few 100 flower bulbs and 20 or so packs of seeds, came back home and collected the pups for a swim and a run around the forest.

Spent the rest of the day planting bulbs n seeds and transplanting all my veggies into seperate pots with a spliff hanging out of my mouth and a big stupid grin on my face.

And now i'm surfing ic with a few more spliffs and a few beers....life is good

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Well I just picked up a young avacado tree, some new pots and soil. Im gonna smoke this here bowl and do some gardening outside!

Thanks for lightening up the thread DG!

Mitch Connor

Got my tax return today, and it just so happens to be the first nice day out as well!!! Gunna go pick up a fat sack of kush from buddy down at the pizza shop and call this girl who I biked with last year. Nothin better than gettin high with a chick and goin bike riding.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
it was a gorgeous day today, no woods around here would have been passable at least not without losing some shoes on the way

But a nice day nonetheless. supposed to be heavy this way too dany, that is just what we need is more water on the ground

But I hope you had a good day. Mine was ok, starting to feel a bit better


Garden Nymph
I was so pissed today, even though it was warmer than usual, I couldn't really enjoy it. I had to drive a couple of hours and the drivers around here just piss me off! At any rate I'm excited that spring looks like it's right around the corner. After all this rain and flooding, of course.

Mitch Connor

^is bike riding some kind of slang for making her ride the D?

LOL you're pretty good at reading in between the lines, props ;). I don't make her do anythin, she's always down to hop on the bike haha. She's the only chick I know who's close to 5 feet tall... I Like em like that, gunna keep this one on lockdown.

FUCK it was so nice yesterday. After the ride I went over to a friends new place, had 3 vapes and 2 water pipes going and played fifa 10. They have a fucking hot tub on their balcony.. A HOT TUB ON THEIR BALCONY FOR F*CK SAKES... This is now my new spot to seduce slightly intoxicated females every weekend..

On top of that, I got a job interview at a very reputable company in my city. Top 50 employers in Canada. Gunna be working right beside a life long friend of mine. We've been through grows and all that, got plans for the summer. I've been banking some scratch through online poker, now I can stack some real money before summer.

Hope all is well with everyone else. GET OUTSIDE AND SOAK UP THAT SUNLIGHT. It's a much needed refresher to the depressing winter.

danny karey

Right on man^^..............Top 50 employers in canada, thats cool man, hope it works out for ya!!

Hey Dr D, hope ya had a good one, and glad to hear your feeling better!!



There are FOUR lights!
Yesterday was beautiful, today it's raining, but what the hell.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring "Hello?" , "Um, hi me. I'm taking another day off. Rain Day..",
"Well sure! Your the Boss!", "Don't you forget it, Me!"

danny karey

^^^ LOL....Right on!! I don't think I could get away with 2 days off.....But congrats to you if yourself gave you the day off, you must be a valued employee :)

This weekend is nothing but rain, but tuesday on says 11-13 deg, and sunny.......Until the weekend and it's rain again.....But hey, springs here!!!! Summer soon!!!!

Can't wait to start get'n some holes dug and preped!!

Have a good one everybody........>Somwhere, the sun has gotta be shining right?



Turkey Vultures and Robins. Next we will hear the Tree Peepers. Been a long winter!