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The first 48


Active member
but have you seen dea on spike tv where everybody snitches 5min after getting caught..and the episode where they caught a guy growing in every room in the house in the hood..lol


Active member
the first 48 will let you know for a fact yo ass will get caught
I disagree, the first 48 shows you that if not for people phoning in tips, and morons confessing, 95% of these people would get away with it.
And a lot do.


Active member
I disagree, the first 48 shows you that if not for people phoning in tips, and morons confessing, 95% of these people would get away with it.
And a lot do.

thats what im trying to saying you will get caught from people telling thats how they come up with these episodes..it would not be show if they didnt know for sure they had a case to crack..they only show the cases they cracked


first 48 has had a few un-cracked cases. but most episodes are the cops getting all the evidence they need from the suspect or a witness.they hardly do any work besides follow-up on calls,tips, and following a handbook.i detest watching a person cave-in to false pretences the cops feed them.i wish they aired more unsolved muders to help the families gain more attetion to thier cause.


Active member
thats what im trying to saying you will get caught from people telling thats how they come up with these episodes..it would not be show if they didnt know for sure they had a case to crack..they only show the cases they cracked
I see what your saying.
They do show unsolved ones as well sometimes.
The moral of the show is that if your going to do something wrong, from murder on down to shoplifting, don't let anyone see you, and don't tell anyone. If you can do those 2 things, based on what I've seen on the show, chances are good you will get away with it.


Active member
ppl always bury they self when they open their mouth.

(same goes for growing...same goes for murder)

...i can't count the times ive heard on that show "we can't hold him without a confession"

ive already told you guys in other threads how much i watch this shit...i watch show like first 48 and cops and all court shows and forensic files and just real crime shit...i love it like nothing else.

...esp. judge judy (thats my bitch)....amazing what the fuck u can learn from all that tho.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
lol i watch it so much i have favorite and most hated detectives. sargent shelasy from miami, i like. he is usually working the pork and beans. detective eunice cooper i dont like. she is man ugly and just annoying.


Active member
the one that pissed me off was when a kid in miami killed his dads long time friend that was an electrician for a few hundred dollars...


Active member
lol i watch it so much i have favorite and most hated detectives. sargent shelasy from miami, i like. he is usually working the pork and beans. detective eunice cooper i dont like. she is man ugly and just annoying.
Greasy Shelasy we call him, lol, you see that hair? I don't know what he slicks it back with, but he uses a lot, I like him too.
Eunice Cooper looks like a big bullfrog, she's funny though.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
I watch First 48, too, but let me tell you what I don't like about it.............
99.9% of the time, it's black on black crime, black on brown, brown on brown, OR it's black on white crime. What kind of shit is that? Can you imagine the images that this leaves on people of color? There's something to be said about the people who put this show together. You have to look at shows like this with a "third" eye. My :2cents:


Active member
I watch First 48, too, but let me tell you what I don't like about it.............
99.9% of the time, it's black on black crime, black on brown, brown on brown, OR it's black on white crime. What kind of shit is that? Can you imagine the images that this leaves on people of color? There's something to be said about the people who put this show together. You have to look at shows like this with a "third" eye. My :2cents:

So you think they are deliberately not showing white on white cases?
Or just less of them then there really are?

The guy who killed his nephew and his wife who lived next door to him, and then hid them in the crawlspace.
The two tweekers who shot 3 people at that townhouse.
That's 2 off the top of my head, but there have been several other episodes with white on white murder.
I think what we see is pretty close to how it is.



plus they probably choose to do shows in violent areas, which goes with poverty.



I have been watching this show for years....got the season pass on my Tiv0 long ago.
I learned my lesson long ago..
Obvious shit like traffic...but if they ever need to "question" me?


Active member
I have been watching this show for years....got the season pass on my Tiv0 long ago.
I learned my lesson long ago..
Obvious shit like traffic...but if they ever need to "question" me?
You got it right Brother.
I tell everyone to watch this show in the hopes that they will learn the lesson you have from it about never talking to the police.
How many times in the show has someone talking made the difference in them going to prison for life, instead of walking back out the door free.
All the time they trick people who they don't have SHIT on into confessing and hanging themselves.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I'am a HIGH AS FUCK Homicide detective, wish I could do that for a job without being a cop and smoking down as I hunt down murda, pookie, lil' pookie , gotta love those ghetto names!

been a big fan of the show for years, and yes it is very obvious that you should'nt talk to the police at all.

Who are your favorite det.? , mine are sgt. mason, and shalacie also like tony mullins, too.
This is an outstanding show in a world of wake ones.
peace TS

Green lung

Active member
love the show and seen every episode.

One thing is that alot these murders have in common is bad situations don't put yourself in bad situations and don't hang out with scumbags.

Green lung

Active member
You guys see that self dedense one where that guy apartment was getting shot up and he had to return fire with a pistol and ended up nailing the dude like 100 yards away tring to run.lol

Dam lucky shot lol but it was pretty badass

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