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The Elbow Room; Round Infinity (Rare Dankness; Sin City; CBD strains; CMH lights)


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ICMag Donor
That g13 x cornbread looks awesome , we had some cornbread at my local club looks like good stuff....as always miles looking good


Hows the limecookieXbubba doin?
I found a hermy on the LCB, but it wasn't an attatched naner, it had fallen off of where it had grown from (still not sure 100% where it came from). It was just a lil (unopened, thank god) hermy flower cluster unattatched to anything but sitting on top of a bud 1/2 down the LCB plant. I looked HARD the entire room for hermies afterwards. I can only assume it came off the LCB or a nearby plant (Ravnus perhaps).
I found a few small naners just starting to form on the tops of the Dieselrella x OGK (oddball). All in all i removed 3 plants from the room, the Dieselrella x OGK that was showing nanners, the Lime Cookies Bubba that i found the errant unattatched hermie flower on, and the Ravnus, that was directly next to the LCB and just looks.... hermy like. The Ravnus was kinda runt-y from seed, had some issues going into flowering with lack of vigor and yellowed leaves, now it's bulking up but showing more leaves than calyx and not even many white hairs.... so i pulled it to be safe.



^^ see what i mean about all leaf no calyx & no hairs, this ravnus kinda looks "hermy-y" to me, and it was directly next to the LCB that i found the errant unnatatched hermy on it, so i removed them both to be safe.

Lime Cookies Bubba:


^^ top bud of the LCB, really disappointed that i couldn't finish this lady out all the way. will probably give these plants in quarantine in my sunroom for a week or so, do a heavy de-leafing prior to harvest. Considering doing a bubble hash run on these 3 quarantine plants (Dieselrella x ogk, LCB and Ravnus).

Let's see some more bud porn!! Lol
you got it:

^^ Top nug of a "cookies" in the kiddie pool doing what we call the "kush crown". All the cookies in the kiddie pool have this flat top bud structure that I usually associate with Bubba Kush strains.
I'm completely sold on shared rootspace after watching this grow progress. ALL plants in the kiddie pool are 2x the size of plants in regular pots. I only have the glue and cookies to compare, but the difference is undeniable, the plants in the kiddie pool have considerably larger buds. Also it should be pointed out that this "flat top" bud structure is showing ONLY on the cookies in the kiddie pool, all other cookies in containers are more pointy topped or spear shaped and not as large as cookie buds that are flatter and rounder on plant in the kiddie pool.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
early week 7 bud porn

early week 7 bud porn


Canopy in the kiddie pool ^^ nighttime setting on the camera with the green lights on.


^ same, canopy in kiddie pool
taller glues in the back, shorter cali connect "swerves cookies"(more sativa looking leaves). you can see the cookies buds doing that "flat top" structure, I'll be sure to show some in containers, same strain, same medium, same feeding regime, different shaped buds and certainly different yields.


^^ Buddha's sister, all of which have begun to turn red like this at the same time.


^^ Canna-Tsu, very greasy this round, still orange smelling, this time with the creamy smell getting much stronger and turning into a "sterile" smell, almost milky and sweet, smells incredible this round, very excited about this strain.


last but not least, the gorilla glue #4 ^^^


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Went to a local worm farm the other day, got 75 lbs of the best looking castings i've ever seen... fed a slurry of that along with lacto-bacillus and molasses mix and a lil bit of kelp. also setup an aerated tea brewing with the new earthworm castings and molasses with a drip of kelp.

Also, I'm now working on some BIG batches of lacto bacillus, gonna need alot of molasses when it's done separating.
These big batches are being made with rice (black, white, and brown), pinto beans, and pasta as the initial wash, then using large amounts of powdered milk mixed 10 parts milk to 1 part rice, beans, and pasta, wash (carb water?) . Next, I should be mixing that last liquid after separation (the "whey") 1 to 1 with molasses, which will allow it a longer shelf life without the need to refrigerate.
Once finished this lacto bacillus serum will be sprayed on all my compost piles (and those of my friends and neighbors) to accelerate and aid decomposition. I even offered to give some to the worm farm guy to try out in some of his bins, he seemed genuinely interested.

The fermented fruit extract I'm making no longer smells sweet fruity and molasses-y, now it is all fermented smelling and had decreased in volume. I separated some of the liquid off and fed it to some test plants (a pura vida and a canna-tsu) in flowering at 1 tablespoon per gallon.

In veg everything is rolling as it should, reveg is taking off, BIG mamas that ultimately will go outside just got transplanted into 40-50 gallons, mixing new soil up now for the rest of the plants... still sewing fabric pots, trying to get this damn sewing machine working...
only problem is that I'm having some trouble getting my clones to root, I'm sure it's environmental, too warm, probably too humid/wet media. I typically have problems with cloning when the seasons are changing, fall and spring when the day and nite time temps can be so far apart. Need some of these little ladies to root asap tho.... time to take more cuttings and tinker with the environment.
A pal has a HUGE (like 120 site) aero cloner I've been considering setting up to replace the rockwool trays and domes....
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Active member
That blows about the lime cookies x bubba but u gotta be safe than sorry. I would probably still run the clone and just keep a close eye on it through the grow. But anyways better to be safe than sorry in this case no sense to risk messing your room up.

How is the smell on that girl anyways? Is she more bubba-ish or does she have that cookie minty kush smell? She looks like she was shaping up nicely. I think her bud structure reminds me of the new seed pheno of lime cookies the last pheno from seed that I ran but more bulky.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
yhea, gotta be safe, protect the harvest...
the LCB smells JUST LIKE sour grapes. so incredible. we greased a glue joint on the LCB lower branches, added a nice kick and some different flavors to the mix for sure. I can't say which direction the smell is leaning, bubba-y or cookies-y. or lime-y maybe. smell is incredible that's for sure. I've smelled "grape-y" strains but this one is super-realistic and smells true to a fresh grape with that bitter/sour flavor of the grape skin. This LCB is def NOT lanky at all, very compact and upright structure that i associate with bubba kush strains.
DEF Im still gonna run the clone of the LCB; give her another try, certainly worth it.

got some DJ short F2 gear yesterday; vanilluna, f13, cocoa kush, bluberry.

:thank you: :thank you:


Active member
Nice that sounds very very appealing those smells. Maybe that is what humboldt seeds used to outcross there bubba to so they could make there bubba kush in a regular seed form. When I made the F2's and ran them and found that freak of a male it was a no brainer to use him. He stacked nuts just like a female would stack buds tight also. If I would of took a picture from a distance of this male people would of though it was a female. He definitely had bubba structure but more of a stack than I am use to seeing with bubba strains. Either way I think I need to veg some up.

Nice on the dj short gear cannot wait to see u run a bunch of those bad boys.


Active member
I lost the bubba male before I moved from my old house when I tossed everything because of the bug issues.

I still have a bunch of the bubba F2 beans to look through maybe to find another male. I think I might of passed those bubba F2's around also hint hint. Lol look through some of them because that's where he was found.

They should be the beans just labeled bubba F2.


Pagan Extremist
I was askin cause you said he was such a standout... not many folk use males... even less seem to keep cuts... My FloScout is gonna stay with me for a real long time... with 5 male cuts and 4 that have not yet fully been proven as winners, I got my hands full with male plants.


Active member
Tha is right on seafour I always try to save males because I have plenty of females to play with it's hard to find good males that standout and that's what I am searching for now not females No homo. Lol

I actually just popped some yeti F2's to hopefully find something special in the male department.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
speaking of "keeper males"....
i just met a guy that grows primarily outdoors.... BUT he loves to breed and has some indoor grow gear also. His garage is constantly flowering out males to collect pollen.
hopefully he will flower out a g-13 x cornbread for me and return pollen, and perhaps an OX male also.


Pagan Extremist
Nice... I think I decided on my next boys as well... I'm gonna stick Agent Orange on top of my fridge in the clone area, Ashratu will go in the windowsill, and Blue Moon Rocks will flower fully in the chamber... I'm gonna try to run 3 boys at once... I'm just gonna kill 2 early and do the branches in the windowsill thing.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor

glues in the kiddie pool ^^^


^^^ glue bottom nug


^^ G13 x Cornbread (rare dankness) lower nugs


^^ Kiddie pool cookies


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor

^^^ DIY "smart beds"
35 inch square, 20 inches or so tall. planning one per light 2 - 10 plants per


^^ my next calcium source,
rinse, crush, ferment


same thing, calcium source probably will ferment and extract using vinegar as well.

this current batch of LAB (the BIG batch) smells so sweet like berry yogurt smoothie right now, it's about 5 days since mixing the "rice wash" (Carbohydrate water) with the milk.

damn gnats and flying bugs are getting to me, i might have to go the SNS 203 route on veg plants... was hoping the microbe lift BMC would make a bigger impact... I'm considering just covering my mulched soil with more of this smart pot material to really screw over the lil fucks.
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Alchemical Botanist
Very nice journal Avinash. Really into that DIY bed and using those natural sources for chitin and calcium. I love the way lacto cultures smell. :)


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Very nice journal Avinash. Really into that DIY bed and using those natural sources for chitin and calcium. I love the way lacto cultures smell. :)

thanks 3rdEye, I'm really digging the lacto vibes also. Separated the curds from the serum last night, and after transplanted i top coated each plant with a good dose of the curds.


^^top-coat after transplant. I watered the soil well then mulched with a thick layer of alfalfa & hay mix.

My curds were lavender colored this round and the lacto serum looks like pink lemonade. The color came from the black rice wash.


^^ Separation


^^ pink lacto bacillus serum, looks just like pink lemonade.

My fermented fruit juice has stopped bubbling and I've been using it at 3-5 tablespoons per 5 gallons. It smells only slightly alcoholic now (smelled much more alcoholic/ferment-y just before finishing, when a foam of white bubbles covered the enitire top).


^^ transplant roots

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