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The Dangers of Ripping Guerilla Weed

People really trap deer?

like this?


It seems there is no end to people's cruelty and greed.
When humans do things like THIS it truly makes my ashamed and embarrassed to call myself one.
Seeing stuff like this makes me wanna cry at how unfair we as a species can be.
Its sickening


New member
What are you talking about? The deer is obviously not in pain, and the whole point of trapping it is to relocate it. The only alternative is to shoot it, which would you prefer? And to anyone recommending poisoning your plants or telling him good job, stop growing weed now. If you honestly value a single crop over human life then you don't deserve to grow.


Active member
It seems there is no end to people's cruelty and greed.
When humans do things like THIS it truly makes my ashamed and embarrassed to call myself one.
Seeing stuff like this makes me wanna cry at how unfair we as a species can be.
Its sickening

shit man, it's in a cage trapped, not like it got destroyed by a bear trap or something equally as deadly


Well-known member
though i agree with the spirit of the vengeful posts, i did find this on this product's MSDS sheet online

INHALATION: May be irritating to respiratory system. Remove victim to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably mouth to mouth. Get professional medical attention immediately.



How can people not see that for it's better opportunities, I'd leave a card with my number and a note asking about the strains and feeding schedules, Guerrilla Growing Pen Pals.
Well I didn't know why they had a deer trapped in a cage
I did not realize this was for the safety of the animal
I'm ALL for relocating animals safely
I didn't see any captions as to why the animal was trapped


Overkill is under-rated.
What are you talking about? The deer is obviously not in pain, and the whole point of trapping it is to relocate it. The only alternative is to:comfort: shoot it, which would you prefer? And to anyone recommending poisoning your plants or telling him good job, stop growing weed now. If you honestly value a single crop over human life then you don't deserve to grow.

You would be shocked at the things I hold more valuable than the life of a thief. Like, my collection of navel lint.

Sometimes karmas hand needs a little shove in the right direction.
I just feel that if people didn't spray and use all these poisons on their plants then this type of shit wouldn't be necessary
When we have to start trapping animals to relocate because WE have messed up their wilderness and foodsource, maybe we as growers SHOULD stop growing.
There is balance in nature.
THIS isn't balanced
Respect for ALL nature should be applied
Not just a person's crop
It just seems extremely selfish

I don't personally care how many people disagree with me:wave:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I wish they would relocate some of my deer and i wish i didnt have to spray my plants with anything. Mother nature doesnt like me much and always fucks with my plants - drought, diesease- Im tellin ya, the bitch just don't like me!

Karma is dead on my ass too. "just step out of line ol buddy and an ass reaming is in the works.!"

Im not sure how i pissed either of them off.

Copper poisioning is serious shit. And generally, its not something you would notice right away. its concentration in the liver would increase with each joint. A person might smoke 10 joints but the 11th one put enough copper into the liver to matter.

Rotenone is an ass kicker too. it may be the one that alerts them to a problem. It taste nasty and will leave you puking and shiitting.


New member
You would be shocked at the things I hold more valuable than the life of a thief. Like, my collection of navel lint.

I'm pretty sure you're just high and exaggerating but if you honestly believe this then you just lost all respect I had for you.

I just feel that if people didn't spray and use all these poisons on their plants then this type of shit wouldn't be necessary
When we have to start trapping animals to relocate because WE have messed up their wilderness and foodsource, maybe we as growers SHOULD stop growing.
There is balance in nature.
THIS isn't balanced
Respect for ALL nature should be applied
Not just a person's crop
It just seems extremely selfish

I don't personally care how many people disagree with me:wave:

If they didn't use poisons then there would be no crop. If we didn't trap the deer then there would crop. If crops don't come in then people will starve. It's really easy to fix the world from behind your computer screen but in reality it's much harder.

edit: that deer was trapped because he was eating/destroying food crops, not weed. I hope a guerilla grower isn't trying to trap deer, not very stealthy.


When we have to start trapping animals to relocate because WE have messed up their wilderness and foodsource, maybe we as growers SHOULD stop growing.
There is balance in nature.
THIS isn't balanced
Respect for ALL nature should be applied
Not just a person's crop
It just seems extremely selfish

I don't personally care how many people disagree with me:wave:

well said. I think some folks forget that we are in their neighborhood and killing, etc the animals might be all good in someone else's eyes but in the long run it's gonna HURT us.


i hate rippers, pretty much the lowest life form on this planet, hence you don't really want them reproducing, just like any other pest.

on the other hand as was stated it's not worth killing over a few plants, but you can sure laugh about karma taking care of business for you. let them get sick as pigs and hopefully learn a lesson, because if they try that shit on the wrong growers they will get lead poisoning instead of copper.


i love deer, they run around my neighborhood all the time, domestication without fencing is interesting.
edit: that deer was trapped because he was eating/destroying food crops, not weed. I hope a guerilla grower isn't trying to trap deer, not very stealthy.

Exactly. The DEER don't know the difference.:dunno: A food source is a food source to them.

A human is supposed to have more intelligence than a deer
and know the difference.
We could give THEM the same benefit of doubt
Perhaps the people doing this type of thing should cage the humans around the area also.
Let them know that it is for their own good.
I'm sure they will understand also
Prepackaged for the authorities:wave:


Talk about bad luck for both, i got ripped already of most of my plants after a spider mite attack and i treated with a thing called GRENDEL, takes at least 28 days to get out of the plants and i used googles and gloves and mask to use it, smelled terrible like petro almost, 4 days ago i got raped also and i sure hope they smoke it all....

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