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The Dangers of Ripping Guerilla Weed

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
A few days ago, a buddy that has 4 patches with 10-15 plants per patch, asked me if i would treat 1 of his patches for blight as it was too much work for him to do them all. I agreed - it took 5 hours,
8 gallons of water, a step ladder and a sprayer, but i sprayed 11, 8-10'plants with a mixture of Liquid Copper fungicide and Rotenone/pyrethrins concentrate. It took 2 trips to carry jugs,ladder and all back to the truck and it was late when i finished, so i said "screw it, I'll come back tommorow and get the rest.

The next day when i went back to get my step ladder and sprayer, 5 of the 11 plants had been taken. Buds stripped off and the skeleton stem left. The plants were big and im sure it took them a couple of hours to take what they did and they jusst couldnt get it all.

The insecticide and the fungicide hadnt even dried good on the plants when they took them. Both chemicals are dangerous if mishandled and i would hate to be the folks smoking that weed. It has to be poison as hell. I wouldnt have touched the stuff until after 30 days and a couple of good rainfalls.

Guest 150314

Haha, hope they smoke it all themselves and don't sell any of it.
A few days ago, a buddy that has 4 patches with 10-15 plants per patch, asked me if i would treat 1 of his patches for blight as it was too much work for him to do them all. I agreed - it took 5 hours,
8 gallons of water, a step ladder and a sprayer, but i sprayed 11, 8-10'plants with a mixture of Liquid Copper fungicide and Rotenone/pyrethrins concentrate. It took 2 trips to carry jugs,ladder and all back to the truck and it was late when i finished, so i said "screw it, I'll come back tommorow and get the rest.

The next day when i went back to get my step ladder and sprayer, 5 of the 11 plants had been taken. Buds stripped off and the skeleton stem left. The plants were big and im sure it took them a couple of hours to take what they did and they jusst couldnt get it all.

The insecticide and the fungicide hadnt even dried good on the plants when they took them. Both chemicals are dangerous if mishandled and i would hate to be the folks smoking that weed. It has to be poison as hell. I wouldnt have touched the stuff until after 30 days and a couple of good rainfalls.
Wow. How sad is that?
Rippers deserve to get sick as far as I am concerened.
I am a compassion understanding human BUT I do not take kindly to dishonest people who steal.
Let 'em choke and cough and puke their guts out.
I have zero sympathy for any schmuck that can do this type of thing

Hope they get lung cancer:moon:
serves them right;)...lol


sorry, for your loss.
Hope the rippers get so sick and have to call an ambulance, get busted and the weed gets destroyed.
nobody deserves to go to jail for pot, but there's always an exception to a rule.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
My buddy thinks he knows who it was. He was worried about some guys riding Atv'
and setting deer stands and thought they might have found it. He's worried about it and is contemplating going to them and telling them. I told him i wouldnt do that, wonder if theyre not the ones that got it?


Active member
Better keep your mouth zipped.
As long as you do they won't know who you are - as soon as you open your moth they will.

If it is them then they're rippers and you won't gain anything talking to them.
It it isn't them then you have just told someone totally unrelated that you grow.
Don't know what happened to my post.
I agree with Blackone.
No sense divulging info you don't need to, even though it is tempting.
I got ripped off last year with an outdoor grow.
The rippers took it and it wasn't even ready.
I'd considered writing a note where they were taken but decided against it.
The good thing is I had contemplated this rip off so dug up my biggest healthiest plants.
Rippers are such dumbasses.
THEIR health would be the LAST concern going through my mind.
D.S. has such a calm desposition.
I'd be right pissed

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
He's afraid it could kill the stupid fuckers. I told him just what straintester/blackone suggested - They may be the guys that did it but if theyre not then youve really screwed yourself.

I told him that i thought when they fired up the stuff they would know there was something wrong with it and if smoked, it probably wouldnt do any more than give them a good case of the hot and runny shits. He thinks an experienced grower/smoker might know it, but he''s not so sure about others..

Classic Seeds

good lord i hate to hear someone got all that time and work stolen and i can pretty much guarrantee the roteones are going to make someone very sick the phyrithins are gone in days unless it was sinthetic ones .i would put a sign at the plot encase they came back that you ripped poison just sprayed weed .stealing is not right but if you can live with the results of not warning them more power to you i used to put lethal traps out and would not do it now but maybe i just appreciate life more as i have grown older and everyday is less of the time i have left .hope the rest is safe i used to hate hunting season what a bummer for you that is why i do not grow outdoors in the woods anymore just to many people wondering about now days


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Most likely it will be sold and other people will get sick possibly, so not good.

I really hope they don't make edibles copper poisoning is pretty dangerous.


well i fucken hate rippers, so good riddance to bad rubbish if they get sick as hell. and if they sell that poison to others they will get their fucken asses kicked so bad and probably even end up getting busted, as the cops will take it seriously if people start getting hospitalized after smoking cannabis. they will want to know where it's from. which is where i'd start worrying, what f the rippers lead the pigs to the plot to show where they got the poison weed? not a good situation, in the end you have to hope it's not too poisonous.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Unless they are really ultra mega super stupid they must have realized the plant was treated with something. (I hope)

Morbid Duck

New member
I only got ripped once outdoors, ever since then I've invested in deer traps, they've served me well. ( Against lowlife rippers )


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
People really trap deer?

like this?



I feel ya. My whole patch was ripped about 2 weeks ago. Sad fact was it was only about 3-4 weeks into flowering and had a good 6-8 weeks to go.


Everything is all good man. I mean they took basically worthless plants they wont be able to sell or smoke. If anything they wasted time and energy doing this. If they try to smoke it it will obviously be shit and if they try to sell it they are going to have some pissed off customers. Nice job on the poison.

There might be two coins on a thieves eyes pretty soon.


Overkill is under-rated.
Man, makes ya wish you had sprayed them with PCP or cyanide or something evil. Hell, some strong nicotine sprays would make the plants VERY toxic for a while (1 drop of nicotine is enough to kill about 4 people) and works well against bugs too.

Not to guerilla growers, spray your plants with nicotine often up til about week 7! :)

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