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The Crazy Movie Thread


Active member
What is that movie called....its about a father who is on his way home with his son from a hockey game. The kid goes inside a store and gets murdered while a gang comes in and robs the store. It was a gang initiation and blah bllah blah. The person who shoots him ends up going to trial when the husband doesn't want to press chrages or anything. Then the guy takes matters in his own hands and fucks with the gang. the gang gets pissed and fucked with him family and its just action packed from there. It reminds me of running scared or taxi driver. It is fairly new. I can't remember the name for nothing. AAnyone help?

with kevin bacon right?


Pull my finger
Death sentence was pretty cool too. Forgot bout that one.

Bully was OK. Werent they all on acid in that movie? It's been awhile since I watched it.

Stanley Kubricks Clockwork Orange.


Killer clowns from outer space.


Anyone seen "Falling Down," with Michael Douglas?

Dude! That movie is awesome. I saw it once when I was younger, always remembered parts of the movie but not the name. Eventually a friend brought it up in conversation once and made me remember.

"Now you're gonna die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?" Haha.


Dude! That movie is awesome. I saw it once when I was younger, always remembered parts of the movie but not the name. Eventually a friend brought it up in conversation once and made me remember.

"Now you're gonna die, wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?" Haha.

For sure, Ole Douglas is a badass on a warpath in that movie.


If you're into Waking Life I'd highly recommend A Scanner Darkly. Another visual stunner of a movie by the same director, Richard Linklater.

El Vexilix

Kids was pretty good too. Have you seen Bully Swampdank? Not as good as kids was, but still pretty good.

The latest of the young teens doing crazy shit is Little Athens by Think Films - music is tight to that , 'City of God' and 'City of Men' - two Brazilian movies you should see ( freakin epic how the director filmed the cast through out their lives ) , and also Alpha Dog - but I think we all now that one .



Theres a few more but I have to remember .


Here are two amazing but, IMHO, quite freaky deaky films:

Requiem For a Dream. Is quite slow to start off with but leaves you feeling quite perturbed by the end of it.

Fire In The Sky. Nothing better than a good ole naughty Alien movie. Aliens that experiment brutally on humans. What more could ya want.



Pull my finger
Requiem for a dream was fucking insane. Homeboy pawned his mommas TV everyday to get dope and she had to go get it out to watch her weightloss show she was addicted to.

In that tradition, I really liked PI I believe it was written and directed by the same cat. That shit was pretty cool too if you are in to mathmatics.

El Vexilix

Brazil.Fucked up movie.Watched it ripped on shrooms for the first time when i was a teen.Crazy.All i gotta say.

Love that movie , do you rember the Mastercard or VISA commercial with the Brazil score or title song to it ......freaking scary...wonder if anybody else catch that ( movie is about totalitarism )

One of Terry Gilliam latest work that put me in shock was Tideland - a Think Film , the movie starts with a really young daughter preparing some heroin so her father can get his fix . simply shocking , must see

Another movie that sorta starts out the same ( with kids handling sketchy drugs ) is The Heart is Deceitful - with Asia Argento , f'up movie ...... f'up .

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