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The continuing story of a quack who's gone to the dogs

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

No worries bro, I dont think any of us made it. Best of luck with the cropping.

Yo Zee

Well I think you told me where you were and that would get close to the same growing conditions as me, I checked out your plants man, most impressive! No worries about teh mold, got a alot of bud, would have been nice to have that fat cola, but I will get it next year.

There seem to be 2 phenos of the pc, one with purp tendencies and one without. Br is choppin his tonight, so will be interesting to hear what he thinks, since I left him with some of my pc a few months back. Take care bro

Hey thanks for the visit, not bad eh! I am happy with her, cant wait to smoke her


Snow Grower ~OGA~
A mighty fine specimen you have there...both you and Core should be proud of the fine united growing that allows us to view such a beauty plant :canabis:

What a trooper, posting pics tired :smile: That's dedication.

I'll try and bump into you tommorrow...don't forget that envelope in your van :wink:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
LOL yeah that envelope

Thanks bro, you know you will have some killer pics yourself man, in due time

So far I have 2 cnfrmd PC females and 1 P3 female. Everything else is doin great, getting huge, probably going to top them soon, and repot them into 3 gal or more containers

One week ago

5 mins ago

This is a new addition to my set up, this thing will control either heating or cooling, of course it is set to heating right now, keeps my temps around 18 during lights off, not really needed right now since it is like 25 outside, but will come in handy very soon

I had forgotten for the most part about my plant out back, well it is still alive, I figure I am goin to let her run out there for a bit, see what happens to her, will get some pics soon.


Next round is looking great man!

Congratz on the female finds.

You plan on keeping everything in this thread or starting another for the new plants?

Keep up the good work!

-Q :rasta:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Quazi

I will be keeping this thread for a while, I tend to keep them for about a year or so, or about 1000 posts, then it becomes too big. I will however be starting new thread when the OGA starts pumping out the seeds, need to show the wares.
The rest of the plants are showing something in the way of preflowers, but still too early to tell.

Thanks for stoppin by bro

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Dr D :wave:
Woof woof buddy! Props on your garden :yes: - you out frosted yourself this last batch :rasta: next up looking tasty too - mmm mmm good!

Whoops on my last post - it was meant as a PM to MP... that's what I get for posting at high altitudes :muahaha:

Cya :wave: -MGJ

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey MrGJ

Thanks man, they are ina growth spurt right now, getting tall, I have had to raise the light 2 times this week, but the cooler temps are helpin out with distance to the canopy. My 400 is not air cooled, so it is something I have to watch. Another week or so, I should have exact number of female to male, and I can start flowering, but no real rush on that, I have lots of stash right now.

I am just happy to have the P3 female and another PC, should have some primo flowers very soon. I have been thinking of methods for growth and I am thinking maybe a scrog this run, but my lazy ass, will never get a screen made in time. Not sure how much I want for clones yet either, as I am assuming I will be running some test beans very soon, I will need to make room for those.

Thanks for droppin in brother


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
must spread rep around...bla bla bla

nice bro,they are blowin up fasho.
already some fee-fees too,excellant.
cant wait to see what they do after you transplant them doc,cause they really are blowin up fast.nice and tight too.
im assuming that you already took cuts,are you gonna just flower them out from here and veg the cuts a lil longer?just curious bro.i only have a couple seed grows under my belt and i like to know the best way to do it.
anyways lookin the bomb in here as usual my man.peace


Active member
Heya dog! :wave:
Have to join in the collective praise on your last haul man!!! That stuff had a blizzard of trichs! great job man!

News at 11: Another frost advisory is expected soon! STAND BY

hehehe :muahaha:
Oh and I just want to tell ya that I think your photography skills are getting quite skillful as well! :yes: :yes:

Peace and kindness


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh thx for pointing them out Dr....there quite nice in style i see....you are the first to play with these bro...but you know what i said about the parentage ey...so be carefull....but if there anythng lke the mom....then mate... you are in for some great yield....and you should have that grapelike smell....i'm quite positive !
but i hope to hear that from you...is a bit of important info for me...crossing plants wise that is...nway i'm tuned bro !!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Yo bro, I am kind of stuck what to do with them right now, in about 3 to 4 weeks, the first OGA testers should be showing up, so I have some work to do growing those out. But I am super tempted to get a cut r two of the P3, going to be a big yielder, judging by how she is growing so far, thick stems, dense growth. If I do get a cut or two it will be done in the next week or so. I would normally give a clone about 3 weeks of veg after she roots to have her at a sensible size when she flowers. Seeds are fun man, if you are not in a hurry.


Hey thanks brother, I am happy with what I got, I figure my pc should be dry enough for jars in a another couple days. I should have a weight on her then, wont be the 74 grams i got from her mom, but will still do ok. Yeah I do get some frosty looking plants, at least the pics are anyways


Well here is some more p3 shots

This is the female so far, crazy thick girl, I think she is gonna be a stretcher too, but judging by her look, she looks like she will have some big buds, I can see a 5 gal flower for her


Hey welcome to my grow man, take any free seat, it tends to interesting come flower time. We can always use another bong

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Ok, I jarred up the outdoor pc

I did not get the purple color of my last run, this purple was all cold night temp related but still pretty! I had them hanging for well over a week, and was perfectly dried, stems were a' snappin! I got 48 grams or 1.7 ounces of great smelling smoke. I tried a small tester of the bud that snapped off a few weeks early, it is great.
I can only imagine what I will get from the more mature plant. I will get some bud shots tonight of her.

Take care bros, have a great day


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh thx for them pics Dr... i remember that the mom had very thick stems and branches....and when i cut the stems they where so hollow that i could insert 2 thoothpics atleast...
and the structure seems nice and dense....gonne be fun for me :smile:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
That purp is a looker. Take some clones from that girl, she looks special already bro. Has thick stems like bo-bo here. Great for holding up all that weight... fingers crossed on her... think she's going to the looker of the garden.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey B

I was thinking that same thing, I believe I have two female p3, what looks like hairs are showing, will know more soon

Hey Core

Yeah man, she has the thick ones, I will call them cankles. Probably going to repot a few of them tonight at lights on, I have had to raise the light pretty much everyday, time to slow the vertical growth a bit, def a toppin coming soon, just one, ala your tipping style.

Ok I braved the chilly morning temps here and got some pics of my last plant outside, Br's Mumbles I think.

I will have some vegging plants update as I make changes to them.


Registered Pothead
Damn dog the line up is looking great as usual. Glad to see all my buds were doing the damn thing while i was gone. Will be rolling through a hell of a lot more often.


Wow, great outdoor grow. Always good so see plants growing in their natural enviornment. That main cola looks ridiculous.....

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
room mod

room mod

Hey High

Yeah the mumbles is a bit of surprise. But she is starting to pack it on, I am not sure how much longer I will be able to keep her out there, going to be seeing some serious frost very soon.

Hey Chubby

Thanks for stoppin in man, Yeah, I should have some real nice buds very soon, Gotta get some clones so I can run perpetual for a while, at least one of the P3 and 1 of the PC. Good to see ya in here


Welcome to my grow
Thanks dude. Make sure you stop in, in about 3 weeks or so, should be getting to be interesting in here then.

Ok, I have been in my room, the last few hours, doin up some modifications
1. You will not be seeing anymore of my carpet in my shots anymore, I layered the floor with Panda film.

2. I put in the 600 HPS, cool tubed

3. I turned around vortex, to push air past the bulb, and in turn I am venting the hot air into a part of my house, that gets fairly cold come winter time, heck fall even. I got this idea watching a video of Michelle Rainey's grow set up, why waste the heat? I can use it elsewhere.

4. I closed over fanned intake, that was just above ground, I dont really need arctic air coming in, the surrounding area will provide enough cool air.

5. I repotted my 2 for sure females, the P3 and the PC, I am hoping that I can get a clone or two of each in the next week or so.

Then flowering will begin

Here is the cool tube, going into the existing ductwork for this room

My plants, the P3 and PC girls are in the 5 gallon pots. A little bit of a jumble right now, but I will have everything figured out once sex is more prominent on these non decided ones

So anyways, that is what I have been up too, I should have another few updates over the weekend, more repotting going to be happening.

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