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The Consitutional Challenge...Starting on Feb 23/15 information


Anyone know what the MMPR-LP's think about this new ruling???
They are okay for the next 6 months as order by the courts...but the whole MMPR program will change, since it has been declared "NO FORCE OR EFFECT".

I'm sure they will be allowed to continue in the new program in 6 months time as LP's...But who knows what there roles will be or how the changes will effect them.
The MMPR was almost a free for all for those that were lucky enough to be licensed.
They had a complete monopoly on growing and supplying all of Canada's Marijuana needs...This will definitely change.

Maybe, the "Mom & Pop" operations will be able to participate in the public supply this time around...without having to invest "Millions" of dollars, which was the "ONLY" reason none could participate in the first place.



Active member
b1 from what i read the LPs are playing nice. they think its ok to let the people grow, like tomato and peppers n shit. im sure thats not their real thoughts, but its good enough for me. and who grows their own peppers anyway! so in that respect they are right. i mean i grow my own, but im a bit odd. and i like things i cant buy in stores. but 99.9% of the population buys from the store..

will be interesting to see how this all plays out


Active member
It is definitely not Delta9's position, or at least the head growers if a "so called" best friend of his was right..... Nothing like walking into a e-cig place and having the owner who is apparently good friends with the head grower explain how I can't grow safely, my meds are poison, etc. etc. He doesn't know anything about growing etc. and doesn't indulge, but his buddy "informed" him....

Shitty that the head grower would be spreading this shit....


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

Aurora lost 9 points on Wednesday.

Their reaction seems coached by hopes of supplying a new recreational market.

As for spreading shit.

“No, no, no — quality and consistency doesn’t happen without chemicals unless you’re running a proper facility.”

The difference is the same as drinking homebrew versus a good bottle of wine, Bruce Linton, chairman and CEO of Canopy Growth Corp. (TSXV:CGC), said Thursday during a call with analysts.


Apparently we're comparable to bad home brewers. Tough talk from an entire industry that to date has yet to turn a profit. The only thing they do consistently is post losses and produce PPS quality smoke.

And refresh my memory but as I recall Tweed (now Canopy) was involved with purchasing flower from the bikers?

Fat talk about "bad guys".

I would have made the comparison of what microbrew is to InBev swill myself.

Enjoy your sunflower oil edibles.

hvac guy

Active member
Since ESA and fire code compliance will be mandatory, HC will probably charge a fee of $500 to $1000 to have local inspector(s) come by and sign off on the installation, hopefully a tax deductible expense lmao.


Well-known member
If that is it, that is not a big deal in my opinion, still can produce much cheaper than an LP and you know exactly what went into that final product. It also makes things more legit in the eyes of the public that things are being done in a safe and responsible manner.


I'm really stoked to see where cannabis & Canada are headed in the next year or 2

lotsa changes, which all seem good. Id love to grow without fear

but i never changed back in day, so none of these changes have effected me, who never changed. lol. I'm baked. maybe I'll change one day.


Ridiculous!!!...LP's shouldn't slam the home grower and label them all "Bad Home Brewers"

I know quite a few 'Home Brewers" that brew beautiful "Beer & Wine", as good or better than store bought...they have been doing it for most of there lives and have a very good grasp and command of the process...Just as most of the growers I know.
This knee jerk reaction is based on fear, fear of loosing cash and monopoly of the new Medical MJ industry. I don't understand this fear, as a whole most people are lazy and will opt to buy, over make, grow, or produce anything...This most certainly applies to growing Medicine as well. And since all the patients that really enjoy growing there own Meds, have continued growing there own Meds since the repeal of the MMAR, until now, without purchasing a single "Bud" from any LP, there present situation shouldn't change or be effected. The LP's have nothing to fear from those who want to grow, because we are very few in the grand scheme of this new emerging Billion Dollar industry...We are just a very small percentage when it comes to Medical MJ users. I have heard it said many times over, that the big brands of liquor producers, as well as the smaller brands, have survived years with "Home Brew" enthusiast, still making huge profits.

The LP's should be praising us home growers, because without the years of home growers/production, the LP's would not even exist...we changed the way Marijuana is viewed today, as a Medicine and not as an illegal drug.
If the LP's were smart, they would look at the home grower as a huge untapped resource, a resource of knowledge, experience, and a huge labor-pool of trained personnel that could be employed, with little or no cost to them. to expand there brand more quickly.

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Electrical inspections would be cool with me too.

I have no problem with inspections...As long as 3 things are corrected.

Inspections need to be reasonably priced and not inflated because of growing Marijuana(A lot of people view Marijuana growers...As Marijuana sellers).
The inspection is done once upon completion of a grow room/area, the same as any other build(they don't inspect the electrical in a home every year...Its done one time, upon completion of the build).
That it stops all insurance companies from voiding house insurance for illegal activities(they view growing Marijuana as illegal...Medical or not).

If these 3 points are corrected and guaranteed...Then I too, have no problem with inspecting the installation of my grow room/area.
But, if not...Inspections can "F**k Off".



I grow outdoors....no need for inspections here..unless they want a plant count....20 outta 34...I'm gettin better...;))

The one thing that concerns me regarding legalization is there has been very little talk at all about dispensaries and whether they will continue or not. I think this LCBO crap and Shoppers Drugmart carrying weed is absurd, and only will monopolize the market. Independent growers who want to sell for the recreational market won't be able to if its run by a large company because they will most likely have contracts with LP's to supply them. It'll be as bad as it was previously if you want to grow for profit, and those who do, will be selling to the black market if this LCBO/Shoppers plan ends up being what happens.

The worst part about LCBO running everything is that a good amount of alcholoics are now looking towards cannabis. Not to mention the fact that people will be more likely to mix the two if theyre both available at the same location. Cannabis and alcohol do not mix very well for the majority of people, and may very well lead to more DUI's. Also, has anyone thought about the people who were addicted to harder drugs that are using cannabis to help their withdrawal? I believe that if they're having to go purchase their cannabis from the LCBO (probably at ridiculous prices tbh), they may be more influenced to pick up some booze, and that could lead them down the road of alcoholism if they have an addictive personality.

IMHO we need dispensaries to seperate the two substances, and to allow people to grow on their own and supply dispensaries. If it's just LP's selling to dispensaries, or LCBO, etc, then we won't be creating more jobs in the industry. If we allow home growers/small commercial growers to supply dispensaries, they will hire more workers to deal with the demand of their product. Alsoooo because canada has quite a crappy organics market, there would most likely be an influx in organics companies moving to Canada, or being created so the demand could be met without having to ship long distance.

Just my two cents so far, will edit and add more when I get the chance


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Dispensary owner? ;)

I very much doubt any business (all dispensaries) involved in diversion will be part of any legalized system.

That'd kind of be like an LP founded by a club of motorcycle enthusiasts.


That'd kind of be like an LP founded by a club of motorcycle enthusiasts.

You gave me a good laugh my friend...good sense of humor as always...lmao!

The worst part about LCBO running everything is that a good amount of alcholoics are now looking towards cannabis.

Not trying to be an asshole or jerk...But, why is this a bad thing???

Cannabis is far less harmful than "Alcohol"...To the body, the mind, the family, society, pretty much everything when its abused(It can be a lot of fun too when not abused).
If alcoholics did look towards Cannabis...they might find it a better more enjoyable high/effect than there drug of choice "Alcohol".

Like I said..."Not trying to be an asshole or jerk"...but you should understand "Alcohol" is a drug, one of the most destructive and addictive drugs available(IMO...Above Heroine and Cocaine, simply because its legal with the easiest of access), and many people have used Cannabis to end there Alcoholism.


PS...And to be crystal clear...I am not advocating the dismantling of dispensaries, I believe absolutely in the "Free Enterprise System"...To bad our government believes the "Free Enterprise System" is them owning a complete and total "Monopoly".


Well-known member
I think you should be able to buy it medically at a drug store like you would any other medicine, but you should also have the right to chose if you buy it to buy from a dispensary as well. You should be able to sell it at a farmers market, liquor store I don't care if they did or not, but it would be better if a liquor store had a division specifically for cannabis and sold it in a separate store. I also think you should be able to buy bhang at restaurants, infused products as well. I would personally rather buy it at a farmers market from a licensed vendor or from a dispensary myself, but people should have several choices and not be forced to buy it from one single source, it quickly becomes a monopoly that no one can control.
Crap, re reading that section which was highlighted about cannabis and alcoholics, I meant to say they are now looking towards it as method of treatment and placing it in the LCBO would be horrible for them.


Posted on John Conroys Website-Dated February 26, 2016.

John Conroy Website said:
Please go to www.johnconroy.com and click on the "MMAR constitutional challenge" link on the left and then scroll down to C. 4 and go to page 43 of the reasons for judgment of Justice Manson and if your authorization to possess (ATP) was valid on March 21, 2014 and your personal production or designated grow permit (PPL/DGL) was valid on September 30, 2013 then they remain valid "until further order of the court" notwithstanding any expiry dates on the face of the documents. However, you can only continue to produce at the site specified and still cannot move and the patient is still subject to 150 g limit when out and about.

The decision of Mr. Justice Phelan of February 24th, 2016 declared the MMPR to be unconstitutional to the extent that it failed to provide for personal production or caregiver production, however, that declaration of unconstitutionality has been suspended for 6 months to enable the Defendant Federal government to fix up the MMPR to comply and make it constitutional. In the meantime his order continues the injunction until further order of the court.

We are considering what remedy to take on behalf of all of those "medically approved patients" who were negatively affected by the MMPR, but who did not fall within the injunction terms and will post an update on the webpage once we have decided what the appropriate remedy is.

Currently, the government has up to 30 days to file an appeal. I am optimistic that they will not do so because of Mr. Justice Phelan's findings of fact, undercutting the basis for any appeal on a question of law and because the current government has promised to legalize. If they do appeal that might delay the 6 month they have to fix up the MMPR.

If they do not appeal the federal government is required to amend the MMPR regulations within 6 months to include an ability on the part of the medically approved patient to produce for themselves or have a caregiver do so for them.

The limitation to "dried marihuana" in the MMAR was struck down in R v Smith in June 2015 and it is now struck down by this decision in the MMPR as well, and arguably in the NCR ( s.53 Narcotic Control Regulations) as it was amended by the MMPR in that regard.

It appears that the 150 g limit on patients when they are out and about continues to apply, but hopefully the government will return it to a 30 day supply in their amendments.

If the government doesn't appeal, we are considering a submission to them to make appropriate modifications in the short term with respect to those who fell through the cracks of the injunction and who need to move their production sites or in the alternative, we will go back to court to seek some remedy in that regard.



Posted on John Conroy's website Mar. 24, 2016

John Conroy's Website said:
While not official we are advised that the Minister of Health advised a representative of the media (the Globe and Mail) this morning that the government will not be appealing Allard and will be putting new regulations in place within a few months.


This is a expected but absolutely the greatest of out comes...lol.
Glad to see the "Harper Government" gone and hoping its forever and always.

Peace B