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The Consitutional Challenge...Starting on Feb 23/15 information


Active member
Kirks Tweet:
#MMPR invalid. 6 month suspension. Back to LPC and PM to fix it. Injunction continues though unfortunately not expanded. More to come.

Good news, no doubt, but still a winding road.


Active member
its important to remember, this is probably gonna be a new world from the old MMAR system.

So don't go buying a farm with a business plan of paying it off from 50 lights in the barn just yet...:peacock::peacock:


Wow!!...Just heard with a call from a friend about the decision in the courts...Congratulations people!!

I immediately went to the all news TV station to get the information on the decision. All they had to say was..."A judge has ruled that Medical Marijuana patients are constitutionally allowed to grow there own Medical Marijuana"...That was it, nothing else.
I guess(which is really a good thing), Medical MJ is not as news worthy as it was a year or 2 ago.

Apparently "Conroy" is updating his web site today, this should give us a few of the particulars.
IMO...Most likely the MMAR will be re-instate with a tweak to the regulations...Since they(the government) only have only 6 months to comply with the courts.

This would have been a sweeter victory if the Conservatives were still in office...But, I'm really glad they are gone...lol.



Please post any and all information that you come across...we all need to know whats happening.



Here you go people...

Via John Conroy's website:

Two extremely long documents, the T-2030 13 Final and the Judgement-Final.
Lets get it figured out...lol.


PS...Sorry people, the second document "Judgement-Final" is only 2 pages and straight to the point and is the one that counts. 4 short statements that state we are good, MMPR is in no effect or force, and injunction stands until ordered stopped by the courts. A great day...A great day.


Well-known member
So this is indeed great news but does it just mean that people that were permitted to produce under the MMAR can continue to do so? What about new people being allowed to produce their own legally?
Damn. If only it had been aligned perfectly with the outdoor season so some people could put out some massive plants legally this year
So this is indeed great news but does it just mean that people that were permitted to produce under the MMAR can continue to do so? What about new people being allowed to produce their own legally?

No. This is changing the MMPR to allow people covered by it to grow their own. Does not impact people under MMAR to my knowledge.


Genetic Resource Management
The ruling covers all those covered in the original injunction- if you were allowed to continue growing due to your active license when the court case began, you retain the right to cultivate.

The government must now construct a new system that doesn't violate the charter rights of patients like the MMPR did, thus it will be amended or replaced by something the current government sees as suitable.

They could well try to restrict home cultivation to a specific square footage, or some other quirky thing as they always do. However, until the new laws are written and passed, the injunction stands.

If you weren't licensed to grow when the case began, you wont be able to grow until the new system is created. Again, the judge gave the government 6 months to do so.

-150 gram limit for public possession stands, for now.

- No new patients are able to gain licenses to cultivate, for now.

- No grow address changes, for now.

Same as it was yesterday, with the knowledge that the courts ruled in the favour of the patients.

A good day indeed. If you see Kirk Tousaw or John Conroy during your day to day travels, make sure you say thanks and let them know you appreciate them and their work. Buy Kirk or John a beer, hook them up with some flowers, a meal or something to show your appreciation. They, and their teams, deserve so much more for their efforts on our collective behalves; they have done a great thing for Canadians in setting right this injustice imposed by the Harper Conservatives.

Nice to see that the public is fairly on the side of cannabis and patient's rights, how things have changed in the last decade...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
This made my day. Address changes would make the year.

No shortage of low life DG's coupled with no option to change production addresses or any method of recourse (short of violence or becoming a rat) has fucked many.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
im just hoping this will loosen the pursestrings on clone sharing. i cant believe genetics hoarding is still a thing. even i you were hypothetically a 1000 light cash cropper. do you really think if you share a copy of you product are you really that worried a better grower will outgrow you and sponge your entire market??? doubtful. sharing is caring.