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Lol trailer park boys lifestyle. I can dig it

Thank you. :tiphat:

This is done in my trailer. ...well sort of. trailer is 14'x50' I think. The room I'm growing in is an addition that was put on the back door of the unit.
The neighbor has one window across from this.

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But their window is more like a vent as in it measures 12"x8"
The bigger question being how the fuck do they open it?

She's in a wheelchair n' he's 5ft tall....dafuq????

There are blinds closed on the other side of the blacked out garbage bags.

Their not only Irish immigrants (as m' I)...I hopped the fence and beat the shit out of the two kids that were trying to steal their BBQ and other tools out of the shed this spring.

I carry on as most trailer trash does. Hot knives out on the back deck before noon. Get a fuckin' 6'er down my neck by 2pm. Pass out in a busted lawn chair or just lay on the ground by 4pm. They've seen it, they know it, ....they don't give a fuck lol

If any fucks are gonna put the dime on me, I swear it won't be them.


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ICMag Donor
hahah man great attitude, nice pictures.

good luck flipping today!

why not clone that thing you wanted too, just cup of water, one cut, easy, trailer park style, just switch the water out every few days.



Active member
The Night the Lights went out at 5th's place...

The Night the Lights went out at 5th's place...

why not clone that thing you wanted too, just cup of water, one cut, easy, trailer park style, just switch the water out every few days.



Left a tall branch to see how she fills out.


RSK#8 mom n' the cuts


I took a pic with my finger over the light...but it made the flash come on n' fucked the pic up...I'll get this photo thing figured out one day.

You may notice in the last pic, to the right of the fan are 3 LST'd clones that have been in flower for 35 days now...or you might not have noticed.

Lights go off in 20 min. :tiphat:


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ICMag Donor
How are you watering, looks like no runoff collection

Are you going ot make screen walls? Usually thats what people do with vert to train the branches not facing the light into the screen and yada yada

just curious

gettin the work done! how r ya temps man?


Active member
How are you watering, looks like no runoff collection

Submersion, stick 'em in the bath tub, add water till they stop floating.

Are you going ot make screen walls? Usually thats what people do with vert to train the branches not facing the light into the screen and yada yada

No need for screens this round luckily. Going to use bamboo stakes to space the branches out properly n' get the most out of the light. I'll have alot more wiggle room once I toss the males

just curious

gettin the work done! how r ya temps man?

Damned if I know dude... probly fuckin' cold though. Gonna buy one of them remote digi thermometers for the room tomorrow. Then I'll set the display out here beside the computer

This run is just so I have smoke for friends n' I for the winter holidaze

I've still no idea how I wanna go about this in January. 1200w doughnuts? Big SOG? ...fuk I dunno...



Active member
Well it's only been a week...so were not gonna bother to much with whats going on...


I moved the ballast so it was right under the exhaust. Also put the scrubber/exhaust on the same timer.

Now the heater won't have to work so hard to heat the backroom.

So to combat smell...I've taken the 4" fan n' scrubber I made for it out of my fish cab....


So now at lights out the 4" combo kicks on for 5 min. every 25 min. to try n' reduce the smell while the heater heats the room. I think I just said that though.....ffs...

Moving on....


4'x8' table, top fed, 3x600w, 56w per sqft. 1 clone per sqft.

All the pics are removed ...but if one went to say...google images...and typed in 'Agent-Smith grow tunnel' ...one would understand whats going on here.

Most of you already know of the thread n' whats going on with it.


Changes I was going to make were to add roll up doors like Ichabod's instead of the removable panels. (haven't the room)

Was also thinking of using alot of 12v brushless fans instead of those big window cocksuckers to push n' pull the hot air out of this rig.

K'...drinkin', high n' rambling. ....:tiphat:


Active member
Good to see ya tleaf. No veg my friend.

Everything in that pic is in flower.

The bed o' buds were in my 'cab'. I figured they should finish under the big boy lights. :tiphat:

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
ook I see now you staying vert of just witing to grab a hood , sorry if you said it already I just got home from scholl cant read too much more :biggrin:


Active member
Fuck .... I just read my own thread.

Everything is built the way it is because I have a tear down window of 2-6 hours.

Should have made this clear from the begining n' thought I did, sorry bout that.

I should be worry free after January 1st.....won't bore you with the details...

...and no not a tear down for cops....fuck cops....get a warrant next time you dumb fucks...


Active member
I don't have any hoods tleaf. :biggrin:

It's these...


...or nothing....

And I prefer nothing.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
those babies are sexy they look big ass hell , im still waiting on this vert plant to adjust to the light being in front of it , I am excited about the idea of 6 giant ass branches filled with buds:dance013:


Active member
Hell yeah man, I know just what ya mean.

Easy shit...just spread a few branches....done. "baby shit" I've heard it referred to.

Fuckn' shame Fred's gone.

A few weeks from now my shit will look alot more organized. Got all my bamboo stakes n' ties just sitting here waiting. :tiphat:

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
I did enjoy not having to duck under the screen too pluck leaves and train branches ,, I still am running the horizontal scrog also I cant wait to compare the yields ...


Active member
As you know...I've been watching. :biggrin:

(i'm probly gonna catch flak for this...) Personally I don't care for yield.

I think it's because I'm an outdoor guy. ...you just take what you get n' thats the end of it.

I understand some guys feed themselves doing this shit n' thats cool.

I just have a hard time getting that mentality down my neck...

All I ever wanted was to grow good weed for me n' my pals to smoke...
And now... I want to grow enough dope to smoke AND get the money back I spent tied up in court.

Most people would be happy not going to jail...having their "production" charges dropped and let go.

Not me.

I hold a grudge like no fuck you've ever met. Whats mine is mine. And if you make me frivolously piss it away?

Double fuck you. I want mine back.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
:cry:yea you and a couple are the only ones watching :laughing:

I wouldn't consider yield top of the list but I would like to make a pretty penny in the end I would of course have quality over quantity but ive seen guys around here pulling more with less so I need to step my shitz up!!

fuck the police , lay low bro that shit is stressful I feel your pain :ying: