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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im a coffee snob. I have been drinking Blue Mtn for a few years now. I have my own roaster :) One mans/women's garbage is another's gold.. Many dont taste things the same way.


<---Certified Coffee Addict

I like mine best iced, milk only :D

If I drink hot coffee, I like a nice quality organic. I drink about a pot a day to myself lol

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Anyone ever tried Kopi Luwak??
Civet cat poo coffee, availiable in a nice gift box, complete with lucite encased civet cat poo,
It must be awesome- It'd have to be right?


Active member
Baratza virtuoso grinder,
hario v60 pour over dripper,
unbleached filters,
barefoot coffee(not cheap but so good) and hand pour is how I get down
Oh yeah clean, unchlorinated water
I'm partial to beans form guatemala myself.
Blue bottle is good beans too, Philz is overrated from my experience.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

whatever coffee you prefer it's hard to beat preparing it in a traditional Italian espresso maker. Bialetti is the most popular maker lately, I have an older Morenita model that brews about 20oz per batch. Because I pack the coffee hopper full it's quite stout and so I usually prepare it 'Americano' style by adding water, a 50/50 mix.

Served straight up @ the table in the maker most Italian restaurants used to consider this their espresso offering leaving the pot for the patrons to pour from, each maker's constructed of thick aluminum (some newer stainless models available too) and would hold their heat for 2nd/3rd pourings.

Now of course you get a single cup after supper prepped with a.......


Im a coffee snob. I have been drinking Blue Mtn for a few years now. I have my own roaster One mans/women's garbage is another's gold.. Many dont taste things the same way.
This is absolutely true. Real life examples are root beer and black licorice--I can't stand either. I love cilantro. Yet my sisters both love root beer and black licorice, and one of them can't stand cilantro.

What other beans have you tried, and what is it about the Blue Mountain flavor profile that you like? What roast do you take it to?

I'm very particular, I can't stand any kind of ashy taste (hello Starbucks!), our any kind of fruity or sour taste in my coffee. As you also know, the roast can make a huge difference, we had a batch of Guatemalan beans that at a medium roast were nutty, caramelish, and rich, but at a darker roast (unusual) became flowery to the point of tasting like a tea, and had a distinct sour flavor along with the flowery/fruity flavors.


Plant Whisperer
I use a french press and just bought a bunn coffee maker :)

I have been drinking starbucks blonde willow blend lately :huggg:

I dont like the coffee makers starbucks uses, I dont like burnt coffee :ying:


Bunn Coffee Makers are proudly made in the USA. As the leading brand of coffee makers for high volume restaurants, and the top choice for coffee makers for the home - Bunn has built a reputation of quality and dependability.

If you are tired of the cheap coffee makers that break often, and never deliver the quality of coffee that you are looking for, buy a BUNN coffee maker and brew coffee the way it was intended.

Good thread :tiphat: