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The BroomRoom...

Former Guest

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I would just watch it and check out the trichs. Mine finished two weeks early because of what happened but the others are finishing on time.

Lots if people shut down indoors when growing for personal reasons because of bugs and heat issues.

You should also consider breeding some plants for free seeds plus security because of laws. Check out seafour's isolation chamber album to put your males in where you can either put in a female with it or collect pollen and brush on a cola.

Former Guest

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And thank you! I'm going to spend my pay check there but since it's a regular garden store, I think it would be suspicious to buy stuff in the off season so I'm pretty stoked spring is near.

Opportunity will knock more than once and sometimes what you thought was opportunity is not all it appears.


Well-known member
Been up an hour, first light is just starting... I can feel the cold... first lil offshore breeze of the year.... I can here the swell... its all spelling out: surf time..!! `maybe a lil dab first....

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I see the fans ur using on the floor are rather large. Ive tried a lot of different fan sizes and speeds. The best scenario is if u can exhaust from the ceiling above the lights. then gently push air straight up at the lights with a small fan on low setting. the cheap honewell 9" fans on low setting are perfect. Or some other equivalent. I know when u have higher temps, its common to think that more air circulation is the answer. But what ur actually doing is pushing more air up than can be exhausted at once. So ur just blowing the heated air from the bulbs all through ur plants. The small fans on low speed allow the ceiling exhaust to suck out all the heat from the lights without blowing it all around ur grow area.

Do u have any fungus gnats by chance? Tap ur pot and watch the surface of the soil for them to fly away.

Enjoy the water!


Well-known member
@Mirac.... shot for checking back in :tiphat: sure Im 100% with you on the perfect air removal... and tryna gently blow all hot air up towards the ceiling[or exhaust] and then straight out... but like Iv said, I got just a normal ceiling fan[I cant quite remember the cfm, but its shit loads, I threw the box away, but I think it was like 750 or something, basically complete over kill, but I got the "overkill" version so it would still pull when I built the scrubber....] and the scrubber works, I can feel the air being pulled to that corner, and if I put me hand on the filter I can feel it sucking.... when I close the door at lights off I can feel cool air being pulled thru the vents... and with it being summer and the door being wide open lights on, I assume that quite a bit of that air is getting pushed out the door, where the cool air should be pulled in..... I need to get myself proper shit, proper scrubber, proper inline fan.... one day...

Why do you mention fungus gnats?? Yeah Iv seen a flyer or two, not sure what they are? But Iv been swotted the fuck out the one I seen, mostly landing on the rim of the pots.... Its them hey?? fuckers! What should I know bout these things..? I know youll give a great lil explanation in only a few lines...?? :bow:
I got a few praying mantis about...?? They chow fuckers thick hey??

Surf was pretty miffed, washy, stormy, not so lekker.... maybe the swell will clean up by 2mrw.... actually may just have to check it out again....

Former Guest

Active member
fungus gnats are from overwatering so just let your soil dry out completely and then water. since you're near a beach, you can put sand on top of the dirt like a mulch and I THINK that will help deter them from going into your soil and feeding on your roots. when you see flyers, that means there are more in the soil growing into the life stage where they fly. they also carry disease and pests with them and that is how broad mites are spread for example.


Well-known member
that is how broad mites are spread for example.

....Great stuff... :woohoo:

Iv read the sand thingy before... and seeing as my next round is soil Im defo looking into it... Im just not keen on the beach sand mixing with my soil, as if things turn out well, Id like to amend the soil and reuse... dont want shitty beach sand in my soil... fucking sands everywhere as it is... :dunno: maybe a layer of mulch, then like an inch of sand ontop of that...?? thoughts? :shucks:

Oh and that scoping you advised.... I used my scope[30loope] but fuck this is sativa leaning and the heads are fooking tiny... htf did you do your scoping...?? Hacking into the room wiff digi scope an mac seems like a bitch of a mission....

Former Guest

Active member
I used a growers edge 60x scope with my iphone and then I zoomed in. your 30x is pretty tiny. I bought a 40x and it was okay but I returned it same day and got this one, and the difference was dramatic. the 40 only showed maybe one amber while the 60 showed at least 10% amber which is when I think some people harvest for sativa but really I could be wrong. it's a rather personal choice I hear. you could try harvesting at different times, keep track of which one is which, then when it's done curing, you can smoke each one to find the high you want. you have some really experienced people on your thread. I'm sure they have much better advice for trichs. but that's what I use and why I use it.

mulch on soil then sand. the point of the mulch is not only to retain water but also keep the topsoil wet which is where you scratch in the top dressings and the microbes eat it up. from what I am understanding, the most microbe activity is in the first few inches of the soil. this was being discussed in the thread: Mulch. Just do it. it has awesome info and if you could just read the first 15 pages, you get the bulk of the thread. it's like gem after gem after gem of just awesome stuff by some good people.


Well-known member
@Lady... you have a scope on your iphone? fuck thats badass..!!
I guess I got some reading to do... and Im gonna have to hack into the room with the mac... oh goody... I got such hectic praying mantis' here, all colours, all shapes and sizes... Iv seen ones thats actually look like tiny spiders.... just crazy jungle shit...

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
If your doubting your soil then I would toss it after this run , trust me you'll be glad you did.Get new dirt for the next run and add mosquito dunks or DE or whatever prevention you use... I hate pest

Former Guest

Active member
You should put a garden spider and let him spin his gnat trap. I don't think he is going to get his hands on dunks. Maybe neem oil?


Well-known member
Howzit fellow icmag brethren.... got a mixed matched photo drop for y'all....


These are the next set of clones.... chiesel... they been in those cups for like 30 days... yeah thats fuck long.... I know... but root balls delux... I up potted these after the pic into the 4g fabric bags with smelly's african soil mix.... booooyah


Then my outdoor bitches... the line to the left were put out around the 17th dec.. next line on the 30th of november... day I flipped inside...
I know its overcast but Im pretty pleased with this lot... same cuts as Im running inside...

Oh an then last two mornings theres been smoke in the air bout 5am... and its not cain season so there really shouldnt be any morning fires, unless theres something fishy going on... so I went for a good scout in the arvo in the indigenous forest around the porzie, didnt find any squaters... but some nice single plant outdoor spots.... And most importantly I found another hive... I only found it coz I could hear em swamming... so I crawled real close to try suss shit out... and bang... stung on the elbow... its cool.. I know which tree they in, and when "shits" out the door, Im getting a suit an a proper mask an smoker and Im getting that hive. They were swamming, but me thinks they sent out a swam, coz they were still hanging around afterwards. Fuck the trees basically a stump... but its bout 4 meters high at least... oh and another hive in an abandoned house across the road... but its in the ceiling, worst place ever to get in an out "cleanly"...

This is a super... its basically an add on your place on the hive to let the hive grow in size an numbers...

And its where one harvest the honey from... you can add a number of supers onto the hive as the hive grows and progress' over the years...

And I almost filled up ol jimbo again... 42 cuts in the aero cloner...


Well-known member



Waste not want not... Im really gona try Zapp these clone off cuts...


And under the lid.... so 42 cuts on the 20th of jan...


Full room shot.. before lights on so they at 50days complete here....


@jd... defo not fat.. defo not greasy... but fuck, I am trying, I swear...


Well-known member


Left fence...


Middle fence


Left fence..


Left fence in close...


Right fence as lights went on...

Yeah its pretty fuct... Im gona get in there after dinner and clean a lot of the dead minging shit off.... Please tell me what all you guys think...
Let smelly have it.... not like hes getting it else where anyways.... peace


Well-known member
Fuck! :blackeye: Just noticed some spider mite spots on some of my outdoor ladies... no webs yet... but there are a few fans affected.... fucking hell whoever starting spreading the rumour that growing this "weed" is easy... needs a running fuck slap... Thinking off moving em into the outdoor shower... giving em a lil wash off...?? Jesus shit never fucking stops..... :wallbash: