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Soap and water every 3 days for two weeks. Do not miss a day. Separate those plants effected immediately and keep the ones with bugs away from the plants who haven't gotten it yet so it doesn't spread. Keep them away from intake fans if ya got them blowing fresh outdoor air. They'll crawl right through. Dunk the plants you can as it's the best way to get complete coverage. SNS makes a spider mite spray you can easily make using clove and rosemary oil, potassium silicate if at can get it to emulsify and boost immunity with water. Lady bugs can be released outdoors during the night if you spray leaves to make them wet. They won't fly at night and then in the morning they become active and see food and water and eat the mites. Garden spiders will pick em up and eat them. I had a clone last summer that had mites and I left him outside away from my plants. Came back and a spider feasted away and the plant was fine afterwards! It was pretty cool watching him.


Well-known member
@Lady... hey babe, shot for all the info... what soap? dish washing soap? You got a link or thread title for that rosemary clove spray? What spiders should I being looking out for? When will the questions end? lol...
I cant really move the plants, only stealthy place about... where I can tend to them... the buds are only just starting to set... I know I have to do something in order to combat them... I once again, really need these outdoor ladies... even if they all go through the tube or bags... But I NEED them...

I am beginning to realise I need to learn about insects...

Oh an I got stung again today... this time in the back of the head... any idea how fucking hard it is to take a sting out the back of your head...?? They getting crazy aggressive...


Ok mate... Get ludwigs insect+ and use 30ml/l of water, dont 4get undersides and do it evening time so ur pyrethrium wont vaporise. Then u wait 2wks and spray with neem oil, 10ml/l. The reason for gap is that both are bio oils and will block ur ladys stomatas so ur ladys wont b able to breath.
Now u need both products as spidermites become resistant for pyrethrium only really quick. Neem oil alone is not fast enough, it breaks the lifecycle so takes few days/week before anything happens.
I tried everything about a year ago but this really works for me. I also give neem oil as a soil drench so the plant sucks it in aswell.
Hope this helps!
Also pyrethrium bombs between grows, DE in soil, sticky traps, changing clothes and overall cleaning plays a role. Rising humidity indoors helps for mites as they love dry air.
Get into routine with pesticides and ure golden;)



Well-known member
@Rooi....... what up china plate.... check the wannabe mites are on some of my outdoor ladies[none inside as of yet] and in the past when Iv had em Iv used Rose Care 3 and its killed them fuct... but they were in veg and inside... seriously, after the broads/cyclamen/russet thingamabobs these are straight up posers... they not even mites lol...
Not one nursery here stocks neem... fuck I havent found one lil old granny behind a desk who even knows what neem oil is....
Some plants have started stacking already while the seed batch are only showing sex... I here you on the humidity, I have also read they dont smaak rain... an its been pissing on an off due to the cyclones...
Honestly I fucking hate pesticides, growing up in a farming community I have seen first hand the amount of that shit some people chuck on stuff... but heat, yes, yes yes yes... after every round now Im baking my room, and what I really cant bake will get the hot water dip... yes Iv been spraying floor for fleas and shit as theres only so much I feel I can do...

Shot brah for taking the time out of your day to read a bit of my thread and replying in the way you have.... much appreciated...

Fuck I think I need to get some proper pics of the outdoor patch up for you all to see... got a bunch of waist high clones, a few tits high ones and then a few creates with kosher tangie bag seeds spaced into the corners, they like knee height.... I dont mind a few pests.... I see it as a way of life where I am[living in a sub tropical coastal rain forest :wallbash:] I just dont want an infestation... Im beginning to see that the best way for me to do things is crop by crop.... start one crop, get shit done properly, clean, prep, and bang out another...

I gotta go pick up saw dust for chickens now....


Former Guest

Active member
@Lady... hey babe, shot for all the info... what soap? dish washing soap? You got a link or thread title for that rosemary clove spray? What spiders should I being looking out for? When will the questions end? lol...
I cant really move the plants, only stealthy place about... where I can tend to them... the buds are only just starting to set... I know I have to do something in order to combat them... I once again, really need these outdoor ladies... even if they all go through the tube or bags... But I NEED them...

I am beginning to realise I need to learn about insects...

Oh an I got stung again today... this time in the back of the head... any idea how fucking hard it is to take a sting out the back of your head...?? They getting crazy aggressive...

Crazy bees? China has bees that are a few inches long and the stinger leaves a big gash in the skin.

You can use dish soap or Castile soap like Dr bronners. The spray is SNs 217 https://www.sierranaturalscience.com/natural-pesticides/sns-217/

It's just rosemary and soap. Make sure you get the dose right or else Rosemary will act like a herbacide and kill your plants too. You could probably add a crushed aspirin too.

Any spider that spins a web. You could probably find one in your garden or property.


Just quickly on the road;)
Neem oil, soil amendements, etc all u need bru;)
Then suppouse we need to find a way to get u decent genetics...

Just bite the bullet on organic pesticides; they good to harvest edible crops after 24-48hrs after application. Get the crops finished, make sum mulah and u can upgrade urs setup according ur conditions; THEN start leaving off unwanted stuff. Ive gone that route as tried to invent wheel again;)



Well-known member
@Red..... omg omg omg omg.... thanks heaps for the link... lol, so this shit actually is in africa lmfao... I checked in your pics, theres a pic of a DE packet with a shops name on it... and I googled the shop... turns out theres a branch kinda close, its where a lot of peeps around me go to... but fuck Im a bit para to vaai there... like Im sure its watched, or theyll tip off if they get "squeezed"...? Even in the town where I am, I crap off for buying bulbs an shit.... coz if the clerk has any grey matter he'll no what 400 bulbs are for d'oh... so I try to make a mission to like the stoopidist shops lol.... you know which ones Im talking about hey? Also another thing I worry about is the paper trail... dude from my understanding your in a plek where the DA is in "charge" and shits really different... almost like its another country... here its a fuckfest free for all banana republic.... anything goes, just dont get caught lol...
I just worry that like hey, pigs arnt lank dumb, theres only one "kind" of people who visit those shops, and only one thing in "mind"... so I believe the bacon just hone onto those spots, an watch them 24/7... who goes who comes, who spends what, how much are they spending etc... NO??? If I was bacon thats what I would do forsure, just makes sense....??? I know I really need to get a proper metal inline fan[just under 2klips ryt?] and a proper scrubber... and carbon... all thats like bout 5klips added up... fuck thats a custom eps epoxy 5 11 with futures d'oh.... lmfao, I got a board addiction of note.... at the mo my ceiling fan[lmfao] cost 400bucks, carbon bout 600bucks, some stockings 100bucks and picked up all the wire netting from the old aviary... lol simple, easyyyy, 1klip[R1000] lol..... and the satisfaction of building something that "kinda" works....

An then theres the nutes that I really really need... The shop with the branch sorta close dont stock any off the biobizz nutes...[the one by you does...] and I feel thats the way to go... fuck hydro where I stay... you can keep it in that lovely cool weather you got down here.... dude I sweat just parking on the couch watching tele... thats how humid and hot it gets here dec/jan/feb... So yeah, just want a diy soil, Im not buying potting soil, I can grow killler soil with all the amendments I got on hand... and its "farming" lol... I wana farm... and genetics you say... not to stressed, got a pack of those dogshits[CSG] and superlemonhaze fems waiting.... just want the seasons to start changing... also got some bluedream and got a cut of cheese, from that city on the tip... apparently these two types of kaas floating around down there, the bigbudha, an then the other[exodus?] I got the later.... or so I was told... and it fucking reeks, reeks, one stem rub an its crazy just in veg... that siek burnt rubber reek.... ?? No any info out that shit?? And coco? I can get the chips, but not coir, its always a coco peat mix... thats not the same as coco coir is it...?? if it was it would have the same name d'oh...?? Dude I check your join date, why sooo few posts?? lol...... icmag is an addiction... lol


Well-known member
@Lady... thanks again for the tips babe... much appreciated...

Jesus those sound hectic, as far as honey bees go though, these are like the worst kind, apiarists in general, world wide dont enjoy working with african bees, the are highly aggressive... you just look at them wrong and thell fuck you... when they defending a hive theyll send 30% of the hive out to defend it... A big healthy hive[large] can be 70 000 strong... just picture that... and they'll chase you for up to 2kms... you cant hind from them as they just follow the pheromones... best place is get in the car, windows up and just drive... the bees were introduced into the states, long story short, a junior apiarist not knowing what he was doing removed the queen excluders from like only ten hives and they were free... they moved north and hybridized with with the docile native bees, creating super bees[africanized bees]... they fucking good workers, but they also super aggressive... but I dont think they nearly as aggressive as the indigenous african bees... they slowing moving north through the states, they dont like cold though, so they no where near you lol :hide:... a few years back our next door neighbour disturbed a natural hive, think he was cutting grass on a tractor, he got over 100 stings.... I cant believe that old bastard actually lived... hes lucky, many people die here from bee swarms... they only aggressive though when they've got something to protect... if they "swarming"[looking for a new hive they arent aggressive at all... its fucking funny, when I got this hive on halloween the apiarist who "caught" them for me, he didnt even have a mask on, he put his bear fingers in the brood, an just pushed the bees aside till he found the queen and pointed here out to me... I could believe it.... then when he left I just kept picking the bees up with a foot long stick[they form balls] and clump onto the stick and I would shake them off into the hive, I couldnt believe the way they would let me handle them... but within three weeks in their new hive they become aggressive, the queens has laid, new bees are active, theres honey, theres shit to protect... pasop as they say in afrikaans.... workers bees only live for bout 6 weeks, then they die from exhaustion... while the queen just lays and gets feed.... some trivia for you as my filter coffee kicks in... lol.... both you an I can really rap... lol


Yeah dude walking into hydroshop is the weirdest feeling ever but then again with modern tech They know already if They really want to.. Now if u wanna b careful send someone else with shopping list? Or if u order online get someone else to do it? And bulbs u can get cheaper from ur local electrical supplier as well as ballasts... Radiant floodlight fixture 400w is just under 1000bucks and just rip the ballast out...
Lol yaa I tried to make vert 3 shelf setup on dr.Buds method by usin 1/2 l soda bottles but soon found out that before trying to fit in hundreds small plants should have 1st do my homework and figure the starting heights and optimize the feeding... Ended up with stunning smelling and tasting tiny lil buds so wasnt worth my effort on my level. But nice thing is that my cloning is solid! Haha I rooted 100+ clones at once; they were everywhere lol... Such is learning, now settled on 17l pots and vegging big plants; just as everyone told me to do:biggrin:
I hear u on forking out 5'11 worth on fan and filter! U deff need decent fan but couldnt u use ur existing diy filter? If smells are big factor ditch that uk cheese, its a liability! Got the same cut and it really stinks up the place! Ez one to grow and really dank but theres better yielders and more potent stuff around with lot less smell. Other thing is will ur neighbourhood lovely skollie recognize it as its slightly different to bush grown swazi...;)
I fully agree on gathering and making ur own soil! Im just too busy and lazy to fully do it but its deffinately worth while! Got my own worm bin though:) Look for good decaying leaf matter, river sand etc and seaweed! We got kelp everywhere and Im planning on getting a dayworker to collect a shitload of it when get beach full with right tide. Also c if u got nettles growing wild anywhere; soil is good where nettle grows and can make powerfull fertilizer of nettles aswell. Also get alfalfa in any form. Really good N fixer and contains triacontanol. Loads of good stuff around u for sure!
Some stuff u can find from spar, like molasses as an example. Petshops or farm suppliers stock alfalfa. Local nurseries stock bonemeal and fishmix here. Theres ways around and u wont need biobizz if ur soil contains all nutes... Some cheap stuff like epsoms and calmag u can get for foliars. Also try to get myko fungi... That can also be sourced where theres decaying matter and humidity, normally u can c white fungus breaking down the leaf matter...
More biodiversity is healthier plants which are more pest resistant as well...
Yeah genetics... Got purple killing fields and kolossus which would work gr8 for u as less smell and high yield... Maybe when I got my posts uo for pms;)



Sorry man been reading ur thread bit more and you already got fishmix, teas etc going!
Did u mentioned Fat Mike??? Knew one, once upon time who was a big toker but he aint with us no more, R.I.P.


Well-known member
@Red... yeah Im really not keen on doing the shop run... and dont know anyone well enough to ask them to run that errand for me... but we'll see... something might be in the pipe line...
They could.... But I wouldnt be giving them to much credit... with regards to my past experiences...
Stinks not a concern of mine, I mean I want the filter an fan and the bells and whistles, I just dont have "noisy" neighbours, for now... Oh and I defo want that funk.... So you reckon that the "cut" is floating around that side..? and its 'the real makoya'...??


Yaa got my exodus cheese from very old school dude. Get a cooler box and camp led lantern and u'll make the drive;) might have a 6"cooltube for yas as well etc.... Now those Honeywell fans; can get them ceepo from Clicks mate, think 250($25)for smallest one. And 7/11 has old school sticky traps; eazee way to keep ur fungus gnats on check as a measure not cure. Neem oil drench will keep the root eating larvae at bay. DE also works for larvae. Adds some silicone as well if not mistaken? Bigger pots as well is a must; u getting rootbound..



Well-known member
@Red... yeah mine too, guys in his fifties, unfortunately not to much progression for him, guess some peeps are just that way inclined... Yeah Ill grab another of those smaller fans when I can, jeez I dont even have two klips to my name right now thou lol... Also theres no longer a 7/11 anywhere near me... Gona look into some bigger pots too... Im getting keen for a mono of exodus... giggidy

So we're nearing end of week8... temps have risen a bit today, an the next few days are predicted to be super warm... they are starting to swell a bit, but also Im getting some rather bad bleaching... moving the net back is a real bitch with those plants fixed to it... so maybe Ill take em next week, I think anymore and they'll just get damaged...
Ill try take some pics in the am when I wake just as lights flip off....

:smoke out:


Well-known member
Yo tleaf... :wave: sup...

Pic update....

All pics from this am as lights went off... 56Days complete...
Last night was real fucking warm... flat was 28dC... room was 31dC...


Room shot...


Right fence...


Back fence...


Left fence...


Well-known member



Next set of clones... hopefully shooting warts any day now...

And then some of those outdoor pics I mentioned...




Sorry bout the landscape pic/head tilt... these last three pics are the same cut as the doorway girl in the broomroom... put outside on the 30thNov...