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Active member
Looking good bud!

Whatever that deficiency that we have been talking about the last week or two looks to be progressing. But again, without proper nutrients and with such variable environment you've got going, not to mention the pest battle you've had, I think you are KILLING IT.

Not much advice to give, but I'll be watching patiently as these ladies fill out!


ICMag Donor
I gotta give you credit Smelly, you've come a long way in this thread. I woulda scrapped it loooong time ago, lol. Imagine what you'll do with happy plants from the start.

This style of growing is very forgiving to over veg'n. It's always best to err to the side of over veg'n. It's more work, but the only way to maximize your setup. You would also benefit from bigger pots.

The urg to improve is always gonna be there. I change something every grow trying to improve on the last. I'm sure you have thought about your next round already...



Well-known member
@LSWM... brah :tiphat: thanks for checking back in... I hear what you saying and couldnt agree more, the doorway girl is the cut thats showing this/these deficiencies more than the other cut[its being affected, just not as badly] Honestly I have not looked into it, I just been mixing one drum for the feeding and giving each cut an equal amount... I know this isnt the most efficient way but it is easier... ie monocrops...? And thanks very much for the kind words, a simple compliment can really have a long lasting affect...

@Marlo... again, thanks for taking the time outa your day to read my posts... Like I said above, a simple compliment can have such far reaching affects... So your kind words are really appreciated...
I think basically Im pulling my hair out expecting greatness from very very meagre beginnings... lmfao... Im tryna do a job but I just feel Iv got the wrong tools...? [nutes/lights/genetics/enviroment] You know Iv got this idea, this picture in my head... its of a bowl of frosty slightly skunky buds that come in at a half key... And I thought, really thought that keeping that goal in mind and planning to obtain it by asking myself how I would land up at that figure in a few months, thinking that through properly and then working back from that figure understanding what id need to do/build in order for me to get where I need to go... Then I stumbled across the wow thread, when I was beginning to renovate an outbuilding into a flat... and I just thought it was the best use of space and output that I had come across... the decision was made... Its conspicuous.... small enough to not gather attention if a guest was over... that was the plan anyway... something big enough that its worth the effort... but small enough that it falls under "personal"..... if you get me...

With regards to you being in my shoes... when would you have scrapped it?? Even during the flower?? As in are the flowers even worth it in your opinion??

And as you say, next round is in pipe line already... they been out the cloner two weeks already... but Iv made fuck ups too, but I know Iv made them... the clones are getting a bit root bound, but Iv left them in the cups for four weeks before and I didnt have many "problems".
Iv gone with 4gallon fabric bags for the next run... I started mixing diy soil yesterday, only a third of the way through, need to go get more perlite and corse coco chips today... Yesterday, I mixed a 5kg brick of corse coco chips, 1kg perlite, then I used a 10l bucket for volume an measured out one bucket of ewc from the outside worm pit, one bucket of ewc from the inside worm pit, and one bucket of indigenous rockrabbit shit.. 6 shot glasses of bone meal, 3 shot glasses of magnesium sulphate and 2 shot glasses of diatomaceous earth... seaweed got washed away. But all of that shit mixed up only gave me three 4gallon fabric bags...[got pics of shit when unmixed/mixed can post?] So I got many more to do... This round Iv got 13 of the same cut thats flowering right now[I wanted to try get it better] and three blue dream clones... so theres 16 total... 16 4gallon bags is a shit load of dirt... so I was thinking to plant two clones in each bag, train an lollypop the bottoms a bit and have the bags sitting on the floor[no shelf and the canopy sitting where it is like this run... If I plant the clones straight into the bags this wknd, its a min of four weeks veg... Ill set up the other 400mh, have four bags[8clones] under each light with the mums sitting between the two sets tryna steal a bit of light.... At the moment, tryna start seeds, veg clones and keep mums all under one diy 400mh is proving very difficult... things are growing, but not exploding like I now know they can.... Im starting to realise Im not giving/creating the environment that these plants need to flourish... ie Im hindering them...
Once again thanks fro the kind words... and if you dont mind... Im gona keep bombarding you with q's...? Coz this next round, I need it to be better, and I plan on just "mimicking rain..."


Former Guest

Active member
environment is key and can really help of hurt you.

my 400W has a small foot print and I can't fit much under it either. check out the bonsai mum sticky https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31919

if you do a quick google, you can find some other threads elsewhere about keeping mums in 2 oz shot glasses?!

obviously, I've ben reading up on it for the same reasons you should take a looksee!


Well-known member
@Lady... yeah, Im starting to realise the "environment" things is of the utmost importance... Iv checked that thread out before and your right its great... Im just thinking "big is beautiful" and that I just need to step up and into the proper realm... Had a very fun surf yesterday morning, 2 hour sess... and the sand looks like its lining up nicely....
Rooms 6weeks complete as of this morning, did forget to snap pics before lights off... but Im stating to think the clones will be ready by 9, maybe not the doorway girl... but shes looking fuct anyways, so maybe only another 21days... Iv toped dressed lightly with a high phosphorus content bonemeal at the end of week 4&6 respectively... to compensate for the 3-1-6 Iv been gradually stepping up over the corse of flowering... and Iv still be keeping that 25ml of fish emulsion constant through out the flower cycle... Iv got some bat shit collected and Ill brew up a tea with it next wknd[end of week7] and apply... after that may begin the "flush" I plan on feeding plain blackstrap during week8 and then plain rain water for that last week... I know it should really be taken to 70... but with all the shit goin on and the fucking stoopid humidity levels 63 may just be good enough... the buds look a lil fluffy too, but Id rather have fluffy buds than mouldy buds everyday of the week. Which has me thinking, an indica here will be completely mouldy... maybe better to look at some haze hybrids... But Im getting really really fucking amped to get things rolling properly...... backdoor shootout starts today..... yeeehaw

Former Guest

Active member
:wave: Smelly!

You should apply that bone meal much earlier because it takes a long time to become available. Seems most organic phosphorus takes a while to become available. Isn't your fish emulsion something like 5-1-1? For flower, the beginners organic sticky has a tea recipe that uses the emulsion for veg and the fish hydrolysate fertilizers because the content is 2-4-3.


Well-known member
Howzeeeeet....:biggrin: yeah oh well, its done now lol, notes made for next time... Im not sure bout the ratio, but yes its loaded with N, its scraped off the Cape beaches... and Iv only been feeding it at half strength during flowering, to compensate if you will, or at least for some micro nutes... Im gona have to find this tea you talk about, havent read that thread.... I wanna watch surf vids bru... lol

Former Guest

Active member
Get to making fish ferts yourself :)

You would need to buy EM1 or make your own. Then get a fish. Cut it up and put in a blender. Grind it up as much as you can. Add the EM1 and do not fully cap. When it does not stink, it's finished and a great source of phosphorus and stimulates/feeds your microbes. You only need a little bit so it lasts long which is great cause it takes a month to ferment and two weeks to make EM1. I know you didn't want stinky. Since this is a fermentation perhaps you can use a lid and burp it daily.


Well-known member
How the hell am I gonna afford the directed-energy weapon from Call Of Duty...? Bit of overkill just to fry a fish don't you think......

Former Guest

Active member
Um...I have no clue about EM1 and call of duty but if you go to The Unconventional Gardener website and find the lactobacillus serum, that is EM1. :)


Well-known member
I have no clue about it either... gamings not my thing... google search... very dry/lame joke... but anyways you reckon that makes a good organic phosphorus nute...? Then as Im swaying the way of dirt I should start looking into it... blending fish... great stuff


Well-known member

Pic Drop...


All Pics at beginning of day43... All same cut, diff clones...
Its been fucking hot... as in stoopid hot... nother fun surf this am... bitch cold... jbay cold.. pitty was no supers.... meh... not even point.. but one must take what summer gives for soon itll cool down... and cold fronts will hit... yebo


Doorway shot to start things off...


This is the back fence, Iv tried to bend it a bit so theres a slight arc around the bulb... and yes, yellowing!?! wtf, htf, worst affected cut of the 9...


Bit more yellow.. early, too early...


Some buds...


Same buds as above, diff pic, moer pulled back...



Well-known member
But wait theres more...





I have no idea what the fuck is going on... lights off today temps were 27dC and 80%RH..... lights on 32dCand 74%RH.... lmfao... Im lossing the plot... Im not "sure" they'll make another 28days... 21 if Im rather fucking lucky..... Thoughts? Ideas? Advice??


Active member
Looks like they are yellowing out too soon. Definitely going to influence yield.

But your nutrient situation! The media choice! The environment! Blah blah blah...

You are looking pretty good my man. There's room for improvement but overall bravo! :tiphat:

What distance from screen to bulb are you running? I'm wondering if you had just a tiny bit more distance if the plants would be yellowing at all... I doubt it would increase yield since it doesn't seem like they are too close, but still I wonder.

I had one strain the last run get some tip burn all the way to the buds but nothing else did. I think it was a combo of nutrient strength and being too close to the bulb, therefore metabolizing more... Different than your situation for sure, but plant diagnosis is an intricate thing and I'm always wondering.


Well-known member
LSWM.... fuck dude, thanks for checking back in... yes wayyy to early! You say itll affect yield...? Drastically? Thanks for the kind words... but all I can think of is these improvements that everybody keeps telling me about... and Im pulling my hair out, lol, I know I need to make drastic changes to the way I do things in order to get the dank... I got no idea though how to go about it... Im trying, obviously not enough... like you say: "blah blah blah..." lol, which means everything is totally fuct, everything...! I need to reassess the way I go about everything? Yes? Fuck, I need to be schooled on all this shit hey..?? Im just fucking around..??

The back of the screen is 12" from the centre of the bulbs, its two plants which have that drastic yellowing thats maybe set in proper over the last 4 days, the other plants have it a lil, but nothing like that one in the above picture... Thats a very interesting point bout the distance you mention... Now Im really scratching my head... Iv encountered "bleaching" before when buds have fallen real close to the bulb over the course of the night, but Im not seeing the yellowing on the buds, mainly the older fans... Something else I must confess to, info Iv held back outa sheer embarrassment, but nows the time... drumroll plz... these 400's I got, the aint grow ligths lmfao! They fucking street lights, the closest dispensary is bout 8000miles away, the closest 'hydroshop' is a days drive away.... 450miles oneway. Two 400 ballasts from there would cost me $1000... just the ballasts, nothing else, not even leeds, oh an they arnt digital... !! Iv had to wire all my ballasts up myself... like I said in the very first post.... I doubt youll come across a more hillbilly grow around... but now I want to upgrade to 22nd century diggital hillbilly...aka african redneck...

Dude, if you where in my shoes what the fuck would you do..? Serious? Theres no sarcasm there brah, I really wanna know...
You think They'll make it to 63days..? I think 70 Im having a laugh..!!
Plant diagnosis is something I battle to understand....
And Iv got 16clones that are hungry and getting very root bound.... how would you go about doing this next round in three or four weeks, got start vegging them asap, but if you were me how would you go about this next grow, what would you do to try squeeze every last drop out the next round, bout 6 weeks time, the seasons will start to change an cool down....
Thanks brah....
And anyone else like to chip in... tell me how they would go bout things if they were me...?
Thanks in advance..


Active member
I would not say drastically hindered. Depends on how quickly it is progressing. You are pretty much growing roots and leaves in preparation for flower and in late flower the buds will coast along on roots and without any real power from the leaves. Don't ask me how they do it, but they do. 63 days shouldn't be a problem. I'd say double the amount of screen filled and you'll have close to double the yield even with the same issues.

Plant diagnosis isn't really my thing. It looks like it could be Mg, Fe, or K def to my eyes. But this problem can be compounded by improper nutrient ratios, pH, and environment. On top of it you are basically running a peat mix which is more like soil and way outta my comfort zone.

12" seems a bit close but I don't see burn. What happens with deficiencies is they tend to pop up closest to the light because that's where they are transpiring the most nutrients. I'm pretty damn sure that the grow bulbs and the street lights are the same bulbs. The spectrum may differ, but you can buy different spectrums for street lights as well. What Kelvin rating are those bulbs? I would assume it would say on there but who knows what goes on in Africa... Lmao.

Honestly man, I don't know what to tell you. You need to get some things dialed in like the environment and some proper nutrients to narrow issues down. You could always go full boar organic soil and say fuck worrying about nutrients but even then there's plenty of homework and trial and error to be had as well.

I improved my game by looking at other grows that were successful and copying them and integrating it into my own garden. One piece here, another there, and pretty much all the rest from the veterans in the Vert Forums. Multifeed DTW Coco in small pots with Head Formula (6/9), Jack's Hydro/CalNit, or Maxibloom are the only things I've used. Well documented on these forums as well.

Keep temps between 72-82*F, 10 degree drop at night, Humidity 50-70% until after stretch and <50% after. Keeping a steady environment ensures consistent and proper flowering which is something I had to wrap my head around. My yields went up 15-25% with proper dialed environment in the flower room. It definitely helps vegging as well if you are trying to keep the flower room filled.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
What lswm said about environment is good stuff. Id add if ur in peat mainly, the probs I had were when the medium dried pretty good the ph would spike up pretty high in the medium. Maybe check ur runoff and see if its coming out over 7. If so a good soaking feed with some runoff of lower 6 ph range should help. But in general id look at over/under watering and ph issues. Also get ur humidity and temps in check, and make sure u don't have fans blasting the plants directly.