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The BroomRoom...


Active member
Pics are fine! All 12 look great for what they have been through . I am amazed how well the heat treatments are working on knocking the broad mites out . I have have not had to battle with them yet but definitely gonna keep this in mind should they or any of their kin decide to appear. Did the bees settle into the hive in the yard? Or did they move on?


Well-known member
@atk7.... Watsup brah, thanks fro stopping back in.... half way through the send run of round three of the heat treatment.... fist run went well, tops have wilted again, but no frying, the 2nd run Im batteling to get over 117 d F.... lowest its been was 114,3 or something.... Im doing 90min heats this round....
Bees are so so... they still in the hive... not to much activity... they fling in an out, but not like my old mans... those ones have to wait just to get in or out the hive coz theres so many..... Iv starting feeding my hive as of friday... to help em along... but Im not lifting the lid till I get a mask... fuck that.... shot for asking brah....
Ill update bout the heat treatment once its all done, still got some farm chores to finish up before sunset.....

check you in a bit


Well-known member

Got the farm chores done[watering tissue culture] and now its beer oclock, seriously, what a day, I havnt stopped, heated and sprayed everything grow related....


So these were taken 5mins after the 90min "heatment" yeah thats right..... Im claiming that term... lol....
yeah they pretty fuct again right, funny thing is these where the 2nd lot, the first were run were a bit hotter and were smaller plants, but they not nearly as bad as the 12 good ones pictured.....
I will however right now, infront of all of you declare that I Smelly, bet senior testicle that the mites are fooking dead....
Im not even really bumed, its been ten days since the last heatment[giggidy] an the plants had a bit of wilt/burn an when I topped those miff pieces off the plants complete bounced back.... so Im thinking put the razor on em later tonight, and within two weeks should be back to where I was earlier this morning..... with no fucking mites biaaatch....
Jeebus my backs killing me.... beer time and bongs.... yes, plural...
Please let me know what you guys think about all which has transpired, all thoughts comments and opinions are welcome.... In fact Im asking..... please chime in.....

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Jeeeeeebus wtf is up with my fooking pictures... there is no consistency.......:wallbash:

At least I don't have to turn my head sideways anymore. lol

Im looking forward to seeing u get through a full cycle with no bug damage. Im so excited to be able to use heat instead of some harsh chems to kill these little devils. After seeing the wilting on urs though, im skeptical about trying this with a plant that's past 25 days in flower. If that wilting happened when flowers were on there Id say game over. Ive heard of success's with late flower treatments but haven't seen them documented myself, so if I tried it, it would be on a small scale to make sure ive dialed my treatment and wouldn't damage the flowers.

Good work and effort on these treatments bro. Have u scoped for bugs and movement yet. Are u gonna wait for a week and scope again to make sure it looks good?

And what the hell are u doing over in Africa, is it? Doing farm chores in Africa or where ever u are doesn't seem like it would pay anything. Id like to hear more of this story of what ur doing if u can share public. If not pm me im curious what ur up to.


Well-known member
@Mirac.... thanks for replying to me the whole time, I really appreciate it.... yeah lol on the head tilts....jeez dude fuck me too, all I wana do is get things on a roll here, and be able to flip, with help from friends like you, I can only see the next few months as very rewarding, hopefully not just in education... yeah fuck Im not keen to pull this shit in flower what so ever... I also think its coz my rooms so small that the wilting or watseverucall it[maybe retro can chime in here] is, is coming into play. I havnt looked for bugs yet, Im really fucking nervous too, but it has to be done and that day will come.... but Im hoping that this third heatment[giggidy] will be the last and that I have a minimum of 9 healthy bushy pest free plants be 1st dec.... heres hoping... I do feel that Iv been doin all in my knowlege power and time to kill whatever the fuck has been tryna kill me... So hopefully by 1st dec, three weeks away I can flip.....
Dude fuckall else is happening in this thread at the mo, best like four ppl popping in so fire away.... I was born here, an honestly all I wana do is go to the beach an get barrelled.... Had a good winter, but since the start of the mites and a few broken boards things just spun downwards. Then I decided lurking wasnt enough, made a choice to hook up internet so I could try learn more[without you guys Id be beyond fuct] Im tryna get work here with the tertiary education Iv got, but being in the rainbow nation is, um.... rather challenging.... My colours not in the rainbow.... and Im defo not fucking off to the cities to hate life, having more of a chance of getting robbed, raped or tortured... although that happening to farm owners is almost a national past time that our national leaders sign about during political rallies.... fuck brah my family lives here, every thing I know an love is here... If I have put up with a couple hundred thousand boneheads to play with plants, try design houses, and go get really barrelled mostly by myself in a place thats so wild and raw and beautiful so be it...... It could be alot worse hey.... but put it this way, if I find anyone on the wrong side of my 9000v fence..... well..... they gona taste lead.....
Tune if you got any other q's... Like I said, All my mates live overseas now, I just hang by myself, I got enough on my plate with tryna make a living from my education, learning bout the farm from my old man, learn bout plants from guys like you and barrel riding so I got zero time to socialise and Im not really interested by the people around me, and it not a place you wana do time trust... so better safe than sorry I say.. I got a simple life.... just gotta make the most of it.... thank fuck for the internet too...


Well-known member
Cleaned the 12 clones up after dinner.... took care in cutting into fresh healthy stems and was quite strict with leaving no shit behind.... the other ten or so laggers, can wait till 2mrw.... this wknds flown by for me....



Same six, difo angle


Other six


Room Shot with 400's just turned back on... plants had bout 3 hours of dark time to recover... temp is 26dC an 56%Rh....
Drop some thoughts.....


Well-known member
Plants still looking good this morning when I woke, temps bit high already 27 at 6am, RH is 60%..... theres a lil wilting on the twelve I kinda missed.... minimal though.... the pots are still kinda heavy, and I didnt water them after the heatment, but I think this evening I will, Its new coco, its german, it coast a bit too.... should be the good stuff, gona make a 20l tea, bang in three crushed asprin, two table spoons of black strap mollasses, and 25ml of high Nitrogen fish emulsion... Il feed each plant 1l of that mix..... I picked up a tip by stoney I think, bout only watering around the edges of the pots[coco] to try encourage root growth.... hopefully they recover quickly....


Active member
They look way better than yesterday. It looks like you go this brotha! Just hold out a couple weeks until 12/12, so they can recover, and you'll be in business. (Assuming there's not mites left.)

EDIT: On second look, you may be able to flip even sooner, really is strain dependent though.
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Well-known member
@LSWM.... thanks for stopping back in.... thanks, but those last four pics where from yesterday[lol] about 5 hours after their 90min heatment[giggidy], the pics of them trimmed down. I feel they look even better today[Ill post pics in the evening.... they need a water, but like everything Im learning, so Im just tryna find a happy medium that works for me, hopefully its not complex and I can stick to it and refine it..... I notice guys water their coco minimum once a day, and they water till they get run off.... if I do that I dont need to water for a week!?? So I just give that 1l feed every other day or when I feel its necessary.... But please I really need all the advice I can get so If you feel I could be doing something different please let me know....
Im feeling confident that Im heading in the right direction.... This clone is super viney and stretches at least 70-80%.... Heres hoping....
Thanks again....


Well-known member
@Mirac... sorry brah, Im pretty sure I havnt mentioned that yet.... :wallbash:they in 7L pots, so whats that, just shy of 2gallons?


Well-known member
:whistling:............ Just fed the clones relieving, sweet fishy goodness, 1L each.... hope they dig..... Hey any one know when freds is gona be back.....? I need that guy..... :spank:....:scripture:..... legend.....
Im gonna have dinner then take pics of the girls and post...
They still wilting a bit, but hopefully they perk up real soon after their feed....
Drop some thoughts...


Active member
@Mirac... sorry brah, Im pretty sure I havnt mentioned that yet.... :wallbash:they in 7L pots, so whats that, just shy of 2gallons?

I call bull shit. Those pots look way bigger than that. They look like 3-5 gal to me, but I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. I could be completely off base here, and I'm not trying to be a dick, just stating what it looks like to me, and sometimes that can be very hard to see based upon pictures.

I don't water everyday AT LEAST until you can see roots at the bottom of the pot. Normally the plants are a couple feet tall at this point in 1 or 2 gallon pots.

Once the plants reach such size, you can then begin watering daily. If you start daily watering before this point you will oversaturate the root zone and get stunted growth/root development and possibly even root rot.

Your plants don't look nearly large enough for that, but this is very dependent on the environment. After early transplant I will water every few days and when I do I tend to water just before runoff. If you water until runoff the coco is slightly over saturated and root growth is hindered until it dries up a bit.

This is a guideline, and I wouldn't suggest you change anything too dramatically just yet, as your plants are looking pretty healthy. If it were me, I'd try watering every other day, or possibly even waiting 3 days and feeling the weight of the pots and digging in the top of the coco. Report back here with all that info, and I'm sure you'll be able to get some better advice on your specific situation.

IMHO daily watering is too often for plants those size in relation to the pot they are in.
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I call bull shit. Those pots look way bigger than that. They look like 3-5 gal to me, but I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

I don't water everyday AT LEAST until you can see roots at the bottom of the pot. Normally the plants are a couple feet tall at this point in 1 or 2 gallon pots.

Once the plants reach such size, you can then begin watering daily. If you start daily watering before this point you will oversaturate the root zone and get stunted growth/root development and possibly even root rot.

Your plants don't look nearly large enough for that, but this is very dependent on the environment. After early transplant I will water every few days and when I do I tend to water just before runoff. If you water until runoff the coco is slightly over saturated and root growth is hindered until it dries up a bit.

This is a guideline, and I wouldn't suggest you change anything too dramatically just yet, as your plants are looking pretty healthy. If it were me, I'd try watering every other day, or possibly even waiting 3 days and feeling the weight of the pots and digging in the top of the coco. Report back here with all that info, and I'm sure you'll be able to get some better advice on your specific situation.

IMHO daily watering is too often for plants those size, in those pots.

couldnt agree more !!!

Hey smelly bro

I SMELL bluff ahaha those cant be 2 gal !!!

MY 2 gal. smart pot or hemp bucket looks half the size of that.

PS: Heat treatment in flower is awesome. remember its not about the light ! its about getting temps up so raise those lights and put the ladies in the shade. Thats why space heaters are crucial to warm up the air temp. EVERYTHING GOES OFF INCLUDING FANS.



Active member
Hey Smelly, the smallest square pot in this picture, to the far right, appears to be 3L. The ones in the top right appear to be 7L. The largest ones in the center and lower left would probably be at least twice that size. 15L?

Also the coco mix you have looks much more like soil than pure coco. There are many bagged soil mixes that have a great % of coco, but in my experience they should be treated much more like soil. They hold much more water, compact more easily, and can go longer between waterings.

What brand did you use? I'm sure it's different than anything we have in the states, but if you have any of the bags leftover, I'd take a look at the ingredients and report back here. Again, pretty hard to tell from pictures, but it doesn't look like straight coco to me. (Obviously I see the perlite.)



Well-known member
Pics with regards to volume....


The white drum is 20L, the grey bucket is 12L and so on...



Thats 7L of water in there, the green pot just fitted in their so I filled up and removed the pot, then took the reading.....


Active member
:whistling:............ Just fed the clones relieving, sweet fishy goodness, 1L each.... hope they dig..... Hey any one know when freds is gona be back.....? I need that guy..... :spank:....:scripture:..... legend.....
Im gonna have dinner then take pics of the girls and post...
They still wilting a bit, but hopefully they perk up real soon after their feed....
Drop some thoughts...

I'm not sure you will be hearing much from him, but there are many of us around that have taken notes from the School of Freds, I'm sure we can help pass it along.


Well-known member
@LSWM..... shot for stopping back in buddy, you not a dick at all my brah, I need to get asked these questions so fire away...... I feel you on the whole watering program[kinda lol] I think its common sense... dont rot the roots and give the plants as much as they can handle with regards to their stage of development.... just needs constant monitoring hey, but they should be everyday practice right...??
Im gona keep doing what Im doin, and step up amounts of feeds as they develop... Iv got the time, so I can afford to do smalller, more constant feeds..... Its pissing with rain right now, but I got the empty bag outside in the garden, will check in the am.... you gona give me a bitch slap here but I think its got quite a lot of peat in it.... it was made in germany........ and you are right, Iv mixed a bit of vermiculite into the top of the "coco" coz otherwise it gets this miff crust ontop which the water battles to seep through sometime....... other cheek aswell?? :friends: lol......;)