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The BroomRoom...


Well-known member
@JointOperaton.... watsup... thanks for stopping by....
:thinking: fan on wheels you say... move it could you think... mmmm thats a pretty sharp idea right there, never crossed my mind... will have to look into it. At the mo it just folds 90d and sits snug under a shelf...
I hear you on the getting burnt part:laughing:, had one or two.... sucks. Iv been keeping my eye out for one with a bendy neck that I can wall mount, like a desk lamp, just cooler an bigger, then I can just direct it where need be... have to keep looking.... What you reckon?

:smoke out:


Well-known member
@Retro.... got home, got three leave samples, looked them over real good, took some pics, didnt find anything moving[although yesterday morning after heat treat I did see movement with the thirtyloupe, but only on 6th leaf, think, maybe, just mayb, the heat treat put the breaks on em a bit....]


It was the first fiddle I had with it, defo a bit of skill to using the scope[fucking sweet thou]... hopefully get better with more practice...
Those brown "miteS?" then they ones iv seen moving about with my thirtyloupe....[not by eye...lol] then I can also see slightly smaller clearer coloured blobs, "russet mite" eggs prehaps....??

:smoke out: smelly....


Well-known member



Ideas ??


Well-known member
aaaaaaannnd moooooooreee.....

Retro... or anyone else, other things I need to look out for? Iv zoomed in lank, its got a dial zoom, so i cant tell the scope those pics are at... but its very close to max....
thoughts from the boys??:smoke out:


Active member
aaaaaaannnd moooooooreee.....

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1336301&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1336300&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=57166&pictureid=1336299&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Retro... or anyone else, other things I need to look out for? Iv zoomed in lank, its got a dial zoom, so i cant tell the scope those pics are at... but its very close to max....
thoughts from the boys??:smoke out:

Well, it's good you got the scope. I am not seeing anything, though. The eggs are easy to see if you have them. They will be on underside of leaves, and I'm not seeing any in the pictures.
White flies carry them though, and if you have mangoes/papayas nearby, you can be sure they are on the fruit trees. That's their favorite food!!! They are probably re-entering your space continuously. By the way, 120F is as high as you need to go.
Here's a picture of white fly carrying BMs:


By the way, imidcloprid will not kill BMs. It will kill root aphids, but not mites.


Well-known member
@RetroGrow... thanks for checking back in...
fuck, so you say you cant see any eggs?[broad/cyclamen] but what are those "brown specs" in the pics and the tinier clearer specs in your opinion?? Thanks again from taking time to look into this with me, Im really struggling and guidance in essential...


Well-known member
@Miraculous Meds.... buddy, watsup
That thought did cross my mind, but the "specs", they were moving before the heat treatment, found two afterwards "twitching", still yet to find any moving with digi scope.... yetttttttt.....
I dont believe its coco, or dirt, I however could be very wrong, wouldnt be the first time... I got the equipment now? Shirley! Surely, I can ID something trying to kill the girls....?
Thanks for chiming back in....:tiphat:


Well-known member
@Miraculous Meds... thanks for the quik reply time...
I did see movement after the heat treatment, but like I said, "twitching", fuck brah that was with a thirtyloupe too, an it wasnt plain to see, I had it under HID and really concentrated, after many minutes I saw a twitch on it, I mean like I could make out movement by the light simmering off it.... trust it was so hard to make out, I had to ask myself if I was tripping... Like am I just Imagining it, but after really concentrating, I could see tiny movement[hopefully like its fucking dying] I think the heat treatment put the brakes on em, I feel I need to refine my heat treatments[lol] and continue with a few more, to make sure they really gone....
But still I must ID watever if anything these pest are? I just seem em of a way of life here....
I also forgot to mention Guava, lemons and cane.... So Retro, take you pick, I got em, everywhere...........


Well-known member
Pics from this morning.....




@RetroGrow... Is this the leaf twisting you talking about? The tips vaai out sideways at an angel... maybe this is from stress caused earlier :dunno:


Well-known member
Pics I got of a forestry website... BMs at 100magnification....



Perhaps Im not zoomin in enough with the digi scope? But those shapes look awfully similar to the "brown specs" in my pics....??
Just saying....:dunno:
What do yous guys think.....??


Well-known member
Brah I just got reading the "bm sm ipm thread blah blah"...
I just wanted to say that I do appreciate you taking the time out of your day trying to help guys like me. I am trying to get as much info on this as posable, with search engines an the lot[battling to learn to use the site] I do understand your frustration of spoon feeding babies like me info, the reason why Iv been seeking your knowledge isnt out of laziness, its from my belief that you probably one of the best guys to speak to bout this... So please know that I am grateful and that I am in your debt...
I really wana try get this heat treatment down, I saw you said roughly 120F in a post on that thread, and that 120F could be overkill[ie: sufficient temp to kill] and your mate falling asleep etc... ie: its a guidline[120f] a few degrees this way of that is fine....
Its a treatment that once dialled can so be so easily repeated....
One that is obtainable where Im located, all its gona take is more effort to get dialled in an then I believe I can combat these things on a regular basis... with confidence......
Thanks again... Smelly


Active member
I had been fighting thrips for a good 8 months.

They started out slow, and I was able to control them using monterey garden spray with spinosad.

The thrips grew immune to the stuff. So I made my own spray after reading about many different alternatives.

Needless to say it works awesome. The thrips are totally gone now, but I am still doing a weekly spray to ensure I get any loners. They multiple quick.

Here is what I mixed to 1 gallon of water / 3.78L

4 TBLS of minced garlic
4 TBLS of dried red pepper flakes
4 TBLS sriracha sauce
2 cigarettes worth of tobacco (american spirits)

I let that sit for 24 hours before diluting it. I mixed about 1 liter concentrate per 1 gallon of fresh water with 1 tsp of dish soap added upon diluting.

Worked like a champ for me. Plants didnt show any sign of stress from the spray which leads me to believe its pretty plant friendly.

Make sure to use a good cheese cloth or similar to strain the concentrate otherwise you will seriously clog your sprayer. Try to avoid any mist, it will make you cough and burns your eyes like hell (go figure)

I would feel safe saying this spray will kill just about any pest. The nicotine is real toxic to bugs and the garlic / hot sauce mix drives anything away. The soap helps really make the spray stick to the plants.

Give it a try if you have a bug problem. I am willing to bet it will take care of it.


Pics I got of a forestry website... BMs at 100magnification....

View Image

View Image

Perhaps Im not zoomin in enough with the digi scope? But those shapes look awfully similar to the "brown specs" in my pics....??
Just saying....:dunno:
What do yous guys think.....??

When I had em and got my scope for the first time. Took me 45min to and hour to find a crawler. When I saw it i freaked the fuck out and jumped back. Tried to look back into the scope and lost it. Looked for another hour my friend thought I was nuts kept saying dude theres not shit your tripping. Found it or another after and hour ! I followed that fucker for 5 min watching it stroll along. Me being the persistent stubborn ass I am aha had to see an adult for me to believe it and boy did I see it.

Keep scoping that damage looks so so bad you gotta be able to find one. When I first had em hit em with avid no joke my plants bounced back overnight thats how I knew the thread was no joke on here. Two years just like retro said I couldnt get a grow going either I wanted to give up and said maybe this isnt for me. IC saved me and all the users here well not all but most :D aha

I had cyclamen mites though same family I believe.

BUT YES I CALL THOSE THE CAPTAIN HOOKS !!!! thee leaves instead of clawing down like an eagle they hook off to the right or left. Your plants show all the signs.

Could try the chem route but the heat treatments worked for me and pretty easy to do once you get it dialed in.


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I had been fighting thrips for a good 8 months.

They started out slow, and I was able to control them using monterey garden spray with spinosad.

The thrips grew immune to the stuff. So I made my own spray after reading about many different alternatives.

Needless to say it works awesome. The thrips are totally gone now, but I am still doing a weekly spray to ensure I get any loners. They multiple quick.

Here is what I mixed to 1 gallon of water / 3.78L

4 TBLS of minced garlic
4 TBLS of dried red pepper flakes
4 TBLS sriracha sauce
2 cigarettes worth of tobacco (american spirits)

I let that sit for 24 hours before diluting it. I mixed about 1 liter concentrate per 1 gallon of fresh water with 1 tsp of dish soap added upon diluting.

Worked like a champ for me. Plants didnt show any sign of stress from the spray which leads me to believe its pretty plant friendly.

Make sure to use a good cheese cloth or similar to strain the concentrate otherwise you will seriously clog your sprayer. Try to avoid any mist, it will make you cough and burns your eyes like hell (go figure)

I would feel safe saying this spray will kill just about any pest. The nicotine is real toxic to bugs and the garlic / hot sauce mix drives anything away. The soap helps really make the spray stick to the plants.

Give it a try if you have a bug problem. I am willing to bet it will take care of it.

Have u used that spray on any kind of mite benny?


Well-known member
@Bennyweed1.... watsup, thanks for stopping by....
Thanks for the info on the recipe'... will defo look into it, perhaps as a preventative measure once this infestations gone as Iv read that nicotine is a pesticide...

@AJEA... watsup buddy.....
Yeah Ill keep looking. Im finding it difficult to hold the scope firmly enough without hand wobble[lol] to be able to zoom in a move the scope up and down a leaf. Right now I zoom in, check that place out, zoom back out lift the scope to a new point and zoom back in. If I try move the scope while zoomed in I just drag the leaf with it... D'oh
I took more pics.... These micro shots are all after the heat treatment on monday... So maybe Im dreaming[I call it optimism] that these specs may be disfigured corpse' and damaged larvae and eggs, the heat treatment incinerates the bugs right? I just could be dreaming....

More great news:woohoo: did sweet fuckall with my actual work projects this week, Iv been on the net an driving like mad... But Iv done a tiny bit of research on em bugs... Other plants that I have in abundance which broad mites completely infest: African Violet, Azalea, Begonia, Eggplant, Lantana, Marigolds, Potatoes... these are just the ones I know I have right outside my house.... so yeah, Im taking it they here to stay..... I need to become the fucking miticide!!
I also found info that the Chlorpyrifos that Iv got and sprayed all the floors with is basically on the same level as Abamectin, Is just got a broader killing spectrum[Its got that 24hour re-entry policy] I also found info stating that you need to be agriculturally registered with the state you in to buy it where you guys are... Its a controlled substance... I still havnt sprayed any plants what so ever with this stuff, my thinking being that if I actually do have any cyclamens the spray just might not reach all of them due to the life habits[living in new shoots and hating light] and I feel that I could infact have all three, broads/cyclamens/russets the heat treatment is the way to go on the actual plants, trying not to let them get any chance on developing resistance to the one chemical I have access to which apparently kills them[well see]...
I was thinking, heat treats on plants weekly perhaps, blasting floors walls equipment with chlorpyrifos once or twice to eradicate the infestation, and them try to develop an more organic treatment of keeping them off my vegging plants and out off my house....
But first eradication of the infestation is the first task, we'll deal with keeping them at bay when we get to that bridge...
Like I said Im beginning to believe these will be a way of life for me... need to develop skills to deal with them.... fucksakes... I dont wana have to cruise around in a suit like old aliendawg... lol.... but I gotta figure something out...


Well-known member
More microscope pic from last night... so four days after heat treatment....





Maybe some of these pics arnt directly above what ever those things are, maybe that why the a distorted shape?? Im jus thinking mites...
Still did not find one of these things which seemed alive under the scope...
Thoughts from everyone will be much appreciated...