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I am a big reader and I got a great Dark Fantasy series for you all. The first law trilogy by joe abercrombie. Takes the typical archetypes and twisted them up. In a good way. Its seriously some of the best fantasy I have read in years.

Ioni Botani

Oh yea obey, I read that book, loved it, even if the ending was kind of a let down to me.

Yeh just finished the Dark Tower series....

King and his endings... hah!

However, being a gunslinger from all time and space, there could have been no other ending.



Active member
becoming enlightened - HH the dalai lama

excellent book for guidence even for everday use,im only halfway through and i like this book already.


IT might have been mentiond before, but

A short history of nearly everything, and At home by Bill Bryson. exelent books. i loved them.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Zen and the Art of motorcycle maintenance from Robert Pirsig
Awesome stuff...deep but easy reading if you get my drift


Anybody on here reading the Towers of Midnight? It's book 13 in The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan/Brian Sanderson. Great book!


can anyboddy help me find a book? i need a: how to of home repair. the baseics exsplained to a guy that have no clue. stuff like plumbing, how to change a tap, and how to change a plug,or install a lamp. that kind of stuff. something along the line of the king of the handymen, exsplaining to a normal guy how to do all around the house.

hope anyboddy knows of a good book

Ioni Botani



Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

By the Late, Great... DR. Hunter S. Thompson....

Anyone who hasn't yet read this and Hells Angels must do so immediately. I would certainly hope by now you have already, for if not...you have fallen FAR beyond the curve...

Nobody out there Gunslinger fans huh...? Wow. Surprising.

You would think being a Mescaline-eating, multidimensional Gunslinger (that listens to 'The Beatles') would do it for people...guess not...but that shit's right up my alley!!

Also check out

Chariots of the Gods
By Erich Von Daniken.. (LOL)


DMT: Spirit Molecule
By Dr. Rick Strassman.