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the traveler, by john twelve hawks..
its a trilogy

Cool book, makes me think alot about the world we live in today..

shit hot book mate,it reminded me of a phillip k dick book.

part 2's good too,ive not had a chance to read the golden city yet,its still to expensive on amazon.

btw,current book im reading is magick in theory and practice by aleister crowley,man its some heavy reading.


"Tell no one" - Harlan Coben

My girlfriend told me a lot of good things about this author, so I decided to give a look at his most famous book, and I really enjoyed it ;)

Stoned Coder

I've been in the mood for a bit of lighthearted reading compared to the stuff that I have been reading lately, so I am currently revisiting Terry Pratchett's Disc world.

I read the "watch" branch several years ago (it was great), and now I am working on the "wizard (Rincewind)" branch.

* The colour of magic
* The light fantastic
* Sourcery
* (Faust) Eric - Illustrated Novel
* Interesting Times
* The last Continent
* The last Hero - Illustrated Novel
* Unseen Academicals

Good guide to the reading order (http://www.lspace.org/books/reading-order-guides/the-discworld-reading-order-guide-20.jpg)

I'm half way through this list so far.
I'm currently reading the Sharp series in chronological order .Just finished Trafalgar. I hope Hakeswill doesn't show back up later.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
almost finished with No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, and then i'll probably skim through a few of the Walking Dead comics before the show starts :joint:



Right Ho, Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse. This may be the funnest book I've ever read. Just could not stop smiling and out right laughing when Fink-Nottle drank a bit too much.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Stoners read to much intellectual shit
Cicero: on the republic on the laws and,
God's Breath, sacred scriptures of the world
and a couple Hawking books, his most recent and his Cambridge Lectures

the older I get the more I enjoy reading


Just finished a book called "A thousand forgotten men".

Its a story where the author suggest the adventures of a young British war hero from WW2 as the inspiration for Ian Flemings "James Bond". Its an account of some specific battles during the war and the accomplishment of a young war hero, Patrick Dalzel-Job, during these events. The character the story is based on and the events described in the book is interesting and could have made a great book, but the main character is kind of "lost" in the storyline as the author tries to jam as much fact information into the story as possible.

Have no idea what ill read next, sometimes it takes a while between books if I dont see something that immediately interests me.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
READ ANYBODY, whatcha got on the shelf????

READ ANYBODY, whatcha got on the shelf????

Figured I'd find some great reads from our stoner community
Currently got 3 books goin
Cicero, On the Rupublic On the Laws
Sufi Poetry from Rumi
Jason King's CannaBible, always scoping


ICMag Donor
Just finished Stephen King's new book, Full dark, no stars. 4 short stories, soooo good! Couldnt put it down, hes done it again, that man is the best! [at least in my opinion]

I have the book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Going to read that next.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That's kind of cool Mrs. B... I just dipped back into his old stuff... just finishing the Gunslinger.

I do love Stephen King.


ICMag Donor
cool mmm, hes a great writer,those are the only books I couldnt get into that he wrote...too sci fi for me.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think It was the first book I read of his, and I still applaud it as one of his very best works.

His really old stuff (Bachman) had a pretty creepy ring to it too.

I celebrate the man's entire catalog :D <<< Office Space reference