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The Book Thread - What You're Reading & Everything Book Related


If your familiar with Ray Kurzweil. He has written an excellent book on the advances of medical breakthroughs and technology. It's called "Fantastic Voyage"


Hahah, pretty much what I was about to post, some of the best books I read last year. Check out Rum Diary by Hunter too, it's pretty different from most of his stuff, strong Hemingwayish vibe going on there.

read it already :) enjoyed it a lot to, find his stuff flows so easily, I end up reading a whole book in one go haha

might check out some Carlos Castaneda, heard some good stuff about him, I remember (google for exact ;)) one quote someone had in their sig that I particularly liked:

"If we don't have enough personal power the most magnificent piece of wisdom can be revealed to us and it won't make a damn bit of difference."

Hearing wisdom and applying it are two different things..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
just reread enders game by orson scott card....forgot how much i liked it...may have to read pastwatch again, same author...a book i was just reminded of as i lent it to my boss: the 13th valley by john delvechio, thats a book that grabs you and wont let go!


I'm reading A Scanner Darkly for like the thousandth time right now, that book is amazing. Philip K is always a good read, I need to get some of his other shit. I've been searching far and wide for some Bukowski because I hear such good things, but can't seem to find it anywhere.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Bukowski's an overrated drunk.
I'd rather read a manual to an electric cheese grater.

Finishing up the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the millionth time in honor of REZ's Galadriel....


Well-known member
White Fang - Jack London

Jack London's White Fang was the first book I ever did a "book-report" on for school, many, many mule years ago.

It's a timeless classic which I've read many times over the years on a rainy day. That and Ernest Hemingway's "Old Man & The Sea"

I just finished "Good Bounces & Bad Lies" by Ben Wright. I give it a two-thumbs-up for anyone that loves the game of golf as myself. Ben Wright is a masterful story-teller.



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
by Gregory David Roberts
it's a hell of a book and if it isn't already optioned for a movie it should be!
I envision Robert Carlyle as the lead, but he's a bit short I think.
It's really a quasi-autobiography from the author and let me tell you, this guy has done some amaaaazing shit with his life.
Breaks out of the front gate of an Australian prison with a cabled buzz saw, gets a fake NZ passport that lets him escape to Bombay, lives in the slums there as he learns Hindi and Marathi simultaneously while running a free clinic, gets locked up again this time in an Indian prison (no thaank you), and proceeds to join an Indian-Afghan-Persian mob as a smuggler and a forger. Plus multiple groups of people and a couple packs of wild dogs try to kill him.
AND that's only the first half of the book!
There are also appealing sections for the ladies (or the romantics in us all) with flowery descriptive language and heart-string-pulling love scenes. I'll be sad when I'm done. As this author's first book it's unlikely that any following books will be as truly written or heart felt, because he's got to have used up all of his good stuff in this one. Time will tell.

Smoke Buddy

Ive had Micheners Alaska sitting on the shelf for years and finally picked it up a week ago or so and now I cant put it down... Another classic, extremely well written and very interesting.