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The Book Thread - What You're Reading & Everything Book Related


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The last book i read was The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe. It's good a bit out there, but thats because it's about Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters. They pretty much began the psychedelic movement of the 60's.


ICMag Donor
reading that one right now :yes:

Sweet Keeper, have you finished it yet?..I did the other day, it was good. Not his best work but I enjoyed it. Big Jim was such an asshole! I was a little disappointed in the reason for the Dome.


Just finished up Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. Girlfriend got it for christmas, but I stole it from here 'cuz I had nothing else to read.

It's a good book even if you don't like Sarah Palin. It's her story of the campaign and the aftermath.


at the minute im reading 'we can remember it for you wholesale' by phillp k. dick
all time fave list:
design for dying (tim leary)
animal farm (george orwell)
trainspotting (irvine welsh)
one flew over the cuckoos nest (ken kesey)
steal this book (abbie hoffman)
marching powder (rusty young)
the running man (stephen king)
he died with a felafel in his hands (john birmingham)
the electric kool-aid acid test (tom wolfe)
the motorcycle diaries (ernesto 'che' guevara)
magician (raymond feist)


Jones...love the Pratchett Diskworld stories...:)

CMOT Dibbler is me fave...;)



Active member
I read A Game of Thrones. Absolutely loved it. I bought the second but never got around to really starting it. That is amazing that HBO is going to do a series. I won't miss that. Have you heard when?

Looks like March or April 2011. Read on:


HBO: 'Game of Thrones' dailies 'look fantastic'

TCA -- HBO programming chief Michael Lombardo says the dailies for highly anticipated fantasy series "Game of Thrones" look "fantastic" and the project looks very strong for a series pickup.

"Everything looks fantastic," said Lombardo, who's become a fan of the George R.R. Martin books upon which the project is based. "The director got great performances. Unlike a lot of projects like this, everything was shot on location. It has such a rich texture that it looks more expensive than it actually was."

The network spent $5 million-$10 million on the pilot to bring castle Winterfell to life. Lombardo says executives are "sitting on pins and needles" waiting for a rough cut in two weeks.

"The fantasy is so incidental, it has a very adult tone," Lombardo said. "You forget it's fantasy while you're watching it, and that's what I love about it."
The pilot will employ some CGI, for backgrounds, the story's "direwolves" (a mixture of real animals and CGI) and dragon eggs.

Also, like in the books, each family in the story will have its own color pallet for clothing and armor.
If all goes well, Lombardo said, "Game of Thrones" will be on HBO in spring 2011 -- "March or April."
"I would be surprised if it doesn't [get greenlit]," Lombardo said. "It has everything going for it."


Anyway - I just finished reading "The Alchemist" By Paulo Coelho, a south american writer... A short book, very charming, tells a story of an Analusian shepherd boy who has the courage to follow a dream... Literally!

Interesting to note that, in its' first run, "The Alchemist" got a print run of 50,000 copies yet in its first year was read by approx. 1,000,000 people - that means each book got passed around 20 times (WOW) ... don't believe it? I've bought it 7 times now, and no doubt after I finish it again (probably tomorrow, it's a short book) I'll pass it onto someone else...

Yes, this is quite a fantastic yet innocent book. It was 'perspective improving' for me, and absolutely drove me onto things much quicker, and with much more strength than I would have had without it. I've also bought 3 copies, and still turn people on to it, despite coming to it 5 years ago.

And for now, I am reading Naked Metamorphosis, a bizarro spin of naked lunch, hamlet, and kafkas metamorphosis. It's a unique and tasty blend of tale. Very enjoyable and worth a good laugh.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Continuing on with my obsession for the walking dead



At the moment I am reading:
Marijuana Botany by Robert C Clarke and 1984 by George Orwell.
Must Read Books

Must Read Books

Not sure if there is such a thread...

Anyway , just finished reading Doctor Dealer. Its a pretty good story , definitely worth a burn.

My buddy has just recommended Marching Powder by Thomas McFadden, its meant to be brilliant so if you looking for a book to buy , this is it!

Peace out :biggrin:


queen of the south is a awesome book based on a true story

tackles the gritty world of drug trafficking in Mexico, southern Spain and Morocco, offering a frightening, fascinating look at the international business of transporting cocaine and hashish as well as a portrait of a smart, fast, daring and lucky woman, Teresa Mendoza. As the novel opens, Teresa's phone rings. She doesn't have to answer it: the phone is a special one given to her by her boyfriend, drug runner and expert Cessna pilot Güero Dávila. He has warned her that if a call ever came, it meant he was dead, and that she had to run for her own life. On the lam, Teresa leaves Mexico for Morocco, where she keeps a low profile transporting drug shipments with her new lover. But after a terrible accident and a brief stint in prison, Teresa's on her own again. She manages to find her way, but Teresa is no mere survivor: gaining knowledge in every endeavor she becomes involved in and using her own head for numbers and brilliant intuition, she eventually winds up heading one of the biggest drug traffic rings in the Mediterranean. Spanning 12 years and introducing a host of intriguing, scary characters, from Teresa's drug-addicted prison comrade to her former assassin turned bodyguard, the novel tells the gripping tale of "a woman thriving in a world of dangerous men."