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"The Best Dam Grow Show"



Wow Blaze,

You really know how to grow um... Hows the soil adventures working out > ?


New member
important Blazeoneup please read

important Blazeoneup please read

hi tried to post a few replys a fellow ic member said u could help with a strain i have and u mite know about it please contact sharkice_69
thx in advance



HOLY COW nice work mate! Im an old time OG'er and just a lurker to IC but decided to join so i could tell you HOLY COW! for my first post. Im glad theirs still ppl like you out there. i will be following your threads. Great work Blaze. peas


New member
This is the best dam grow show going on the forums that I can see. 1 Question though and I'm sure you've already answered this somewhere but anyway. I am building your system and I was wondereing about stem rot and if you still use the feed line to spray directly into your net cups or did you change this? I was thinking maybe of using a aeroponics sprayer. Any ideas?


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Just use a elbow instead of straight barb for the feed line and it will spray the feed right into the solution below and you wont see any stem rot..


Active member
Hiya Blaze, thanks my friend. this thread is indeed what the title says as well and just as important blaze is who he says he is " the helpfull one " Awesome garden blaze!!! and to have the soil and baddest DWC ive ever seen, wow man everyone here is lucky to have you here. Enjoy the friuts of your labor bro! Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

peace allways


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last edited:


Active member
i know everyone already said this..
but this really is the coolest thread on here.
everything is perfect.
blazeoneup is the best grower on icmag
sry to reck the thred.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Hey blaze great thread, i have 1 question for ya. What do you do about the heat and the drip from the back of that Window ac you have. THANKS


The Helpful One

Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Lost in my garden!
Posts: 1,046

Where do you see an exhaust at?Also i only have one ac the only exhaust is the heat from the cool tubes and its pulling from an outside source!

I do not have an intake or exhaust i dont see where you thought there were one

You mentioned you do not have intake or exhaust? So no fresh air coming in, and no stale stagnant air going out? Interesting.


New member
ShaolinBushido said:
You mentioned you do not have intake or exhaust? So no fresh air coming in, and no stale stagnant air going out? Interesting.

Well you dont need a dayton fan/intake/exhaust of you have a "sealed" grow room. A nice BTU A/c, dehumidifier and scrubber is all you need in a controlled environment because thats what keeps the air fresh, controlled and allows you to seal off the room completely. Thus, a sealed room. Hope that helps.

Btw, 1st post here...used to browse OG awhile back. Just wanted to introduce myself to these parts and tell you to keep doin your thing blaze! Good shit.

Also, you should make a thread for your pH/ppm guide, and any other guru wisdom you want to spread cuz that was pretty damn informative. I've been lookin for info like that for awhile...you know your shit man. Ill be waiting for the next grow. peace!

Blazeoneup every time I spot a thread started by you I always give it a read and I always learn something new. Much thanks and respect oh helpful one.

Grow safe


im about to copy this set up i have the perfect spot water supply and all thanks blaze
Blaze one up at it again! havent read the whole thread but from what i have read I must say I've never seen a setup as small as this utilizing such diverse strains, every other plant is a different strain! Good job and great harvest, I can only hope to cultivate a green thumb as powerful as yours :)


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, Sorry I havent been updating or posting to this thread, The room is still rocking I have just been sharing my soil grow log, Considering the ammount of replies these threads get, It would be to much to keep up with this thread and the soil thread, But seeing the continued replies and bumps, I thought I could atleast show you the current 20 urkles just being flipped!


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