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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



Thanks , I'm back till surgery, still waiting for the Dr. to give me the date. I hate the waiting game, but plenty to do while I wait.My K.Q.R project is coming along great thanks to Drifter tending to it while I was away.
Such a beautiful day with lots of work to do. Have to get started. Have a great weekend everyone,:smoke:
What's new ladies!?


Although I just found out my landlord will be appraising the house for a refinance, it will be quick and easy to deal with :) and get them out of my hair for what I hope is a very.... long.... time! My first "solo" grow is going great and I'm pumping out a ridiculous amount of oil and nut butters this week! Lovin WA and my local dispensary is *expanding* rather than shrinking due to various economic/legal pressure like some of the others. YAY pac nw :) Now if we could just get a little sunshine here.... please!!! I only know its summer because of what flowers are blooming! hahaha... love, warm fuzzies, and fat puffs to you all~
~Where are you from? - Im originally from the great Sunshine State!!! im in the process of moving to the great state of Cali!

~Why do you like cannabis? - God what isnt there to like about Cannabis.. I love its spell, the way it looks, the way it grows, the way it feels when u break it up, the way it taste! im just very passionate about Ms Mary Jane

~How often do you smoke cannabis? - I smoke it all day everyday!

~Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you? shit everyone and their cousin knows i smoke.. im proud of it i wear it like a badge of honor. I smoke with everyone, i dont like smoking by myself its better when u have friends :)

~What do you like to do when you are "high"? anything and everything!!!


Active member
Hi all you Bad Girls!! To all in the USA, Happy 4th of July!! To all outside the US, hope you had a great weekend. I'll be heading off to work in a couple of hours(in the US)...but that's OK, I will get paid for 20 hours by working 8 hours today, after being unemployed for over 2 years, today is a good day!! Welcome to MaryJane and to anybody lurking out there... it's usually not this slow on this thread, but...life ebbs and flows, what can you do?

I'm pretty much starting over in my grow room, it was very neglected while I got used to my new routine, but at least this time I'll know what I'm doing! MissGreenDreamz, I'm so glad things are going well for you in WA... if I ever change states, WA would be among my top choices...

To everyone, particularly those celebrating the 4th...STAY SAFE and stay high! Love and positive energy being sent to you right now!!! Cheerful :joint: :joint:


New member
Howdy All,

I'm Mrs. Claude Hopper, you might know Mr. Claude Hopper from the HFH forum, but you can just call me any shortened version you like.

OK, so I am from middle America. Why do I like cannabis? I had stopped smoking 30 years ago at the ripe old age of 14. (Whoops just gave my age away, oh well.)I didn't like the paranoia feeling. I started smoking again 2 years ago after a back injury. I like the pain relief. I usually smoke with Mr. Hopper, in the evening after the kiddie has gone to bed. I don't smoke with nor tell anyone else I smoke.

I am just amazed at the difference in strains as opposed to 30 years ago. Shit I had no idea that weed can make you horney! Mr. Hopper is growing me/us a bunch of varieties looking for the best pain relief for me, well, and his fav too.

Wishing a grand day for all the Ladies,
Shit I had no idea that weed can make you horney! Mr. Hopper is growing me/us a bunch of varieties looking for the best pain relief for me, well, and his fav too.

Welcome MaryJane and Mrs. Claudehopper!
@Mrs.C - LOL!! I need to hook you and Mr.Claudehopper up with some of my aphrodisiac ganja massage oil! Or perhaps you can make some for your self and Mr.Claudehopper!

Hope those who celebrated had a dazzling 4th of July! I just got back from a few days at the National Rainbow gathering here in Washington. It was an amazing and magical weekend! What are you ladies up to besides tending gardens and/or puffin? Any music/festival lovers out there? What is the best part of your summer going to be?!

Cheerful, congrats on your job~ that sounds like a sweet deal! :) :) :)

Time for another BGC safety meeting. Spark it up Ladies! ;)

:smoke out::smoke out:


New member
Howdy Ladies and Lurkers

Thanks for the warm welcome.

MissGreenDreamz: hmmmmn ganja massage oil??? Tell me more?

Music: Awaiting the fall release of Tori Amos's new CD. So far no scheduled concerts near me, but I am hoping.

What I will remember about this summer: Getting my daughter safe and away from an abusive situation.

Anyone else?

A Grand Day to all the Ladies
Howdy Ladies and Lurkers

Thanks for the warm welcome.

MissGreenDreamz: hmmmmn ganja massage oil??? Tell me more?

Music: Awaiting the fall release of Tori Amos's new CD. So far no scheduled concerts near me, but I am hoping.

What I will remember about this summer: Getting my daughter safe and away from an abusive situation.

Anyone else?

A Grand Day to all the Ladies

Glad your daughter is ok! I will message you about the wonderous potion I make.

Oh, and about the music... Yeah someone like tori only plays big cities in big halls and such usually. Have you ever heard of a webcast? You can get a 'front row seat' at some concerts on your computer. You purchase it for like 12 or 15 bucks and get great views/shots of the stage and great sound (I hook up my laptop to a flatscreen and decent speakers - its a living room concert!) well worth the price compared to a front row seat and the other stack of cash it takes in gas, food hotel etc to check out the show. hope that is helpful!~MissGD


Hey all!

Where are you from?
- I am from the United States!

- Why do you like cannabis?
For many reasons! I like to cannibis to wind down at the end of a long day. Or to help relax on my days off. It helps make my job seem like its not so bad.

- How often do you smoke cannabis?
Everyday! ALways at night and during the day it depends on what I have going on.

- Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you?
I don't think I have any friends that do not smoke. We all smoke together :)

- What do you like to do when you are "high"?
Everything! I know that is a general statement. I like to go to class "high." I also like to go to work "high" go to the salon, do some gardening, go to the mall, hang out with friends, watch movies, etc.


ICMag Donor
Welcome cnalfonso! Looks like you'll fit right in! Lets smoke!

MissGD...each episode of Weeds gets stranger and stranger! Its deff changed since it first started but I cant seem to not watch it! Its got me hooked :D
yah mon, poppin' bud porn cherry wit dis bomb pic ;) haha ~ courtesy of CC1

Cherry Bomb


Natalie J. Puffington
Hello ladies!! :tiphat:
That is a really nice photo, MissGreenDreamz! :) What a beautiful plant! Enjoy her!! :smokeit:
EDIT: AmberTrich, you snuck in some lovely shots, while I was posting... Nice work! :yummy:
They make me even more excited to start flowering again, finally!, (medical issues stalled things for a bit; but we're getting back on track now!)

I don't upload photos very often, (the first photo of Sour Bubble, which is a few months old);
but I do have some recent veg shots to share: of Sour Bubble and Flo...

And here are some photos I took around the house this summer.... :flowers2:

Have a fantastic and restful weekend ladies!! :smoke out:
(....and you boys too!)
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