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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



I have decided I am now a Bad Girl, and would like to join the club. Hi Ladies! I have grown inside for 5 years, outside for 2, in western WA state. Where is everyone else living?


Welcome Fantastic, I just relocated to Southern Nevada. I have been helping my hubby grow indoor for over 3 years. This harvest I am doing on my own, he didn't get to move with me. It's pretty lonely here, I am looking forward to meeting new ppl. That's why IC has been a lifesaver. :comfort:


Active member
Welcome Fantastic, I just relocated to Southern Nevada. I have been helping my hubby grow indoor for over 3 years. This harvest I am doing on my own, he didn't get to move with me. It's pretty lonely here, I am looking forward to meeting new ppl. That's why IC has been a lifesaver. :comfort:

Wow....... really we're near each other LOL. I just relocated here myself :wave:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Hey bad girls.. checking in for the new year.. This preggo mama was passed out by 9:45 lol. I need my rest for the next 11 weeks till my new lil man arrives.. can't believe how time has flown!
hope everyone is doing great!!!


Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Hope you all have a happy, healthy, safe and plentiful new year!
See you girls at the 420 cup.

15 weeks and 3 days left.


Active member
:wave: :wave: :wave: Hey, everybody! Where'd you all go? Time to be done with that New Year's Eve hangover...

I hope all our mommies-to-be and new mommies (Lola) are doing well...

Peace n puffs to the BGC!
Hey bad girls, sorry I have been gone for so long, but the ladies that have known me for a while know my situation at home was bad, now I have left, moved to the mountains of Colorado and have an even larger grow now! Unfortunately, I have been absent from the forums, because it took me a while to find an appropriate place to move to to grow.
KK & Jessica congrats on all the babies!
O'mountain, I pm'd you, you can probably guess why LOL

I'm popping a lot of beans that I've breed myself, f4 of purple herijuana x warrior, strawberry cough x death star, f2 death star, f2 scarlet venom, iced grapefruit x purple herijuana x warrior, velvet hammer x purple herijuana x warrior, ak-47 x shishkaberry, ak-47 x sweet tooth #3 f6, kali most x cocoa kush x dp flo, black maduro, white rhino x death star, ak-47 x death star, buddah's sister x death star.

I'm more active in the local mmj community, going to hashbash every month, worked security for the one love caregivers cup, moving and groovin', and so much happier now.

I just finally got the phone company to come out and hook up the wifi and home phone, as my cell etc doesn't work at my new home, with 10k w of lights in flower, a greenhouse, a tent for vegging in the garage, beautiful mountain views on a dirt road.

I missed you all and will be posting ore, now that I finally got settled in at my new mountain home.

Have a kick ass day ladies! I'm going to go watch the wildcard game saint vs seahawks


Active member
DK, congrats! It sounds like you have an exciting year ahead!

I watched the game too, it was a good one, unless you're a Saints fan... do you have a team in the playoffs? I don't (Bucs just missed).

Peace n puffs, ladies!
i must be insane, no?

i must be insane, no?

I feel crazy to spill this or to ask but I'm enraged and frustrated. My best friend, who we will call Anna.... well anna and i have been friends a long time, best friends... more then friends. we've been through a lot. last year I noticed her changing, she was going through a lot in her life so I let a lot go. but the small lies got bigger, and i started to wonder what else was i being lied to about. she'd tell me i'm coming over... and an idiot i am. I waited, she never showed so an hr or so after she was supossed to arrive i call and anna says "sorry changed plans". this happened a lot. then last fall... sitting at the table she makes a joke, well what we thought was a joke and asks my man, cc, to give her a baby. says she just wants a baby and he won't have to apy anything or raise it. cc laughs... until he realizes it's not a joke. and then tells anna.... um NO!!!! lmg and i aren't ready for a kid and what u think i'm gonna bang you and give you a baby? ur crazy. if i bring a kid into the woolrd its with my woman and i'll be raising and supporting it. i was shocked.... and let it go. i now believe i'm insane and should have knocked her teeth out and dragged her out of my house. b ut i didn't. i let it go. continued to be friends with her. then she got her new bf to get her preg... after being with him, 2 months. not smart in my opinion but her life and her choice. we continued to have fights and such i alwasy forgave her.... a lot of the time she blamed me... i said you're right i'm the one who's wrong... well this summer i started to go see a shrink if you will to find who i am and to love who i am. and i now do. she had moved across the country. cc and i went on vacay for our anniversary and made plans to see her while down that way, since it was her bday also... unexpectedly her sister came down and stayed with her. cc and i put off seeing her for a day. she got upset and basically said never miond if you don't come now then fuck off. so i said fine and thanks a lot. she had left her tires at my house so she tells me she's sending a friend of her new bf to get the,... i said no i don't want random people there. anna then tells me fine then i'm sending the cops to your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and cc's sis got cancer because we grow weed and god punished his sis cause it karma..... i tell her it'll be the last thing she does. anyways months after she continously bitched about her tires and blamed all or problems in our friendship on me and i told her to stop being a spoiled bitch. then she for some reason said she realizes it was her and she shouldn't treat me like that. i tell her ok we can try and be friends again. it was going ok.... cc not a big fan at this point. today she wakes me up early bitching about me having told her sis she had a fight with her mom and she may need her sister. somehow i was accused of talking shit. no idea how but i was. i told her i'm fed up and i told anna to go fuck herself and to grow up. she then tells me im jealous and that cc wishes i was her!!! then.... to top it off... im just jealous cuz she's engaged and im not, she got a baby and i'm not preg and cc can't give me my baby..... before she said this cc said she is just jealous that i don't need to get knocked up or engaged to keep my man and she's just trying to compete with me and after she texted me that i realized he must be right. i know i'm rambling... i'm just lost... i dunno she was my best friend... best best friend and in the matter of a year she became an evil bitch... should i bother trying to fix this? i think i'd be crazy to... no? i don't think a real friend does this... i know friends fight... but this is too much, no?:dunno:

Amber Trich

Active member
thats way too much! Id stay as far away as possible. bad karma from growing causing cancer? asking your man for a baby? threatening to send the cops to your grow? RUN! ..and try not to antagonize.

littlemissgrow your old friend is not the good kinda bad girl. how bout we'll be your friends instead :comfort:
thanks amber... no i realize it's too late. she has somehting wrong in her head. its alwasy my fault and she has the balls to tell me she's better then me. like my man cc says he's with me cause he loves me not cause he's trying to amke it work cause i trapped him by getting preg. i don't need her. she's a b*tch lol. and the bad kind. a waste of breath and time :) luckily i have real friends who all told me they'd beat her ass down if they saw her lol. and as for the threats.... if she stoops low enough and we get busted i'll make sure it's the last thing she does. she's the jealous one.


DK-Welcome back.. Sounds like your new year is gonna be a great one.

LittleMiss--You shoulda beat that bitches ass the minute she came at your man like that. That's why I have little to no friends. You can't trust people to get that close. Too much at risk in this game. Sounds like you can easily be rid of her since she moved. Good luck.

My best friend and the only person I can really trust is my man.


It sucks to hear about this shit. The best thing to do is forget all about it. Sounds like cc has your back and that's awesome. She wishes she has someone that would have her back that way. It's time to have his back and forget she ever lived (not that you don't).

My best friend of 23 years just stabbed me in the back. She was dishing dirt about me to my ex-husband, the enemy. She is jealous that I have a good man now. She has tried for years to come between me and OneLove731. If I had only listened to him years ago I wouldn't be in the legal situation I am in.

I sit here today grateful that I still have him, and my ex-best friend is miserable. Once in a while she will try to stir the shit, but if you keep ignoring her she will go away.

Good Luck,


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