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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Sorry MR OMountain,

I did see your post and took much information from it. I meant to thank you earlier but had been swamped recently, so thank you thank you. Nice to know theres someone else aroun d here with some connection to this place....



ICMag Donor
Happy Mothers day to the baddest stoner chicks ever!!! ....have a great day my sisters!!! :D


Sometimes I just need to scream at the top of my lungs and let out all the anger, frustration and hot air. So, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try it, it feels good. Cutting feels better, but screams don't leave scars.
Really, JK.


Sometimes I just need to scream at the top of my lungs and let out all the anger, frustration and hot air. So, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try it, it feels good. Cutting feels better, but screams don't leave scars.
Really, JK.

let it out girl!


Girls, I am in a BAD girl mood today!

The lawn mower people came this morning without any warning, so I had to wake up and go outside and start picking up the yard so stuff would not get mowed over. That is not the way to start the day.

Now I am stoned on some Mr. Nice Seeds "The Cure". It is some good weed, let me tell you!

I was on Amazon last nite and saw a BAD GIRL guitar strap! Ya'll will have to check it out. lol.

time for some more Cure....

aaahhh.. that feels good. tasty, tasty!


It's a great day! The sun shines and flowers bloom.
All remnants of winter have disapeared in to the abyss :)
I've had a crazy busy few weeks, they are really screwing things up great in Colorado! I am seriously thinking about moving to another mmj state to set up, or a state about to pass mmj and allows someone to grow their own etc. so ladies, your suggestions would be appreciated.

I have grown for 25 years, in greenhouses, outdoors, indoors, soil and hydro and I have an enormous seed banks of top notch genetics and moms and am always searching for the right strains I make awesome edibles and take good care of my patients.

My husband doesn't want to leave CO, but I am ready.

None of my black domina seeds made it, one popped and then died. I am also looking for the original sol breeder steve's shishkaberry and grapefruit, if any of you wonderful ladies could help me out. I have many great seed genetics I am willing to trade for these seeds.

New to run in about 2 weeks is my blueberry x purple star and jack herer and golden goat, other than that, the ones to go into flowering I've run many many times before, so i don't expect many surprises.

I did sprout a bunch of seeds and they are percolating away, I am going to pop more seeds this weekend.
I have so far,
f2 master kush,
f2 scarlet venom,
himilayan blue diesel,
blue streak,
solid bottom,
strawberry cough x death star,
f2 death star,
ak-47 x death star,
white rhino x death star,
buddah's sister x death star,
pineapple big bud x black magic kush and some mystery beans I found that were unlabled.

Moms are: purple star, scarlet venom, death star 2, death star 5, pineapple indica, jack herer, velvet hammer (another of my creations an IBL 70/30 sativa/indica hybrid of dj short's blueberry x nirvana's pure power plant 11 week flowering time), ECSD, NYCD, Flo, blueberry, strawberry cough, ak-47, buddah's sister, golden goat, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of others. I have decided to throw out the pineapple big bud (but have lots more seeds) as I wasn't impressed with the smoke.

I hung up another 600w hps hood, bulb, ballast and worked on the room all weekend, had to vent the hoods and I got another 6' plastic kiddie pool (I use these for reservoirs), and I'm getting a co2 controller and another pump and timer and am going to move the 4' kiddie pool to the veg area to automate that. Currently I hand water everything in veg, but once I get that other table built and get the pumps and timers then veg will be fully automated along with my flowering building. It is nice just going in and inspecting every day and doing maintainance once a week as I have a host of medical conditions preventing me from working a "real" job, like what I do isn't work? My husband still works full time so it's not like we make a killing at growing or being caregivers, but we're comfortable, we have no debt except our mortgage. He says I have a spending habit at the grow store, he is always saying no DK you can not do that, do YOU have the money to pay for this DK? So to butter him up for a day of me bossing him around I will spring for lunch and be super sweet before I get super bossy (I'm SOOO good at telling other people what to do!).

I am excited about the high CDB auto flowering strain beans I just popped. It's the first time I've dealt with AFs, so a new learing curve is about to hit me LOL.

Jayla, hydro is way easier than soil for gals like us that have pain issues and need to garden. Like I said, I have my system almost all the way automated and over the last 2 years I've only put about 2K of equipt into my operation, a lot of it is making things myself (or having a super handy hubby and his super handy friends) and I am ALWAYS upgrading my room. There is not a week that goes by that I do not need to go get something for the room, wether it be something as trivial as batteries, new drippers, more line, more venting, butane, refridgerant, hoods, pumps, timers, nutrients, coco, jars, ingredients to make edibles. But I am a busy busy girl, even with all this automation. I do a perpetual multi strain, and those of you that have experience doing a perpetual multi strain will know how freaking hard this is to do really well. In 2 weeks when I take down my 5 death star females that are doing nothing right now but making me f2 seeds I will set off a bomb in flowering (minor mite problem and super huge pollen dump problem) and then sterilize it, replace the plastic on the tables and cut new slits and put in the co2 controller and tanks then flip all that are ready into flowering. I'm kinda nervous about some of our plants being flipped into flowering because I've had a lot of experience with these girls, and the velvet hammer, black magic kush and both of my diesel phenos stretch 3x their size from when I put them into flowering and they are all like 6' tall already. So when they start stretching like mad, I'm gong to have to supercrop to control it, and I'm already putting in giant trees, so I'm going to need a lot of trimming help about 10 weeks after I flip everything. Who wants to road trip to Colorado to help me trim giant freaking trees of weed in 13 weeks?!? You will not have one sober moment unless it's by choice! LOL Vaporizers, pipes, bongs, all sorts of different rolling papers and of course my famous super potent and super tasty edibles, along with my massive hash oil collection... is sure to keep any ganja-gourmand supremely happy with my organically grown well cured meds. I'm just not looking forward to trimming giant trees that have been supercropped all by myself. And ya'll know that scissor hash can't be beat. LOL


DK--nice genetics. I hear you about the trimming. It's a pain in the ass, especially when they stretch. We're thinking of moving to Rhode Island. You're allowed 12 plants there.

Be bad ladies.


Ya know Double, I have been considering hydro for the pain and lifting issues honestly, the only thing that makes me opposed to it is the fact that EVERY hydro grower i have spoken to around here say you MUST be able to physically look in on your PH atleast twice a day....I am down there much more then that, but I dont want to be OBLIGATED to do it or else... I like to have the freedom to go away for a weekend without having to worry about everything dying....In so much as a trimming trip, I am actually planning a trip to Co in late July early August for a week or so.... Colorado Springs (stepkids) and the Garden of the God's are calling me, and I love your beautiful state. dealing with all the grey areas and BS here in Michigan when it comes to MM has had me considering a move to your state..... No you say?

Ras Mason

Active member
Hi jalajaslet!
THis all depends on the size of your reservoir compared to the size of your biomass.
The Ph will fluctuate less if you have a larger reservoir. Besides, it iss good to let the ph drift a little, so that all nutrients have a chance at going in.
In reality you could check your ph only every two days or more, depending if you have automatic float valve filling your res.


Ya know Double, I have been considering hydro for the pain and lifting issues honestly, the only thing that makes me opposed to it is the fact that EVERY hydro grower i have spoken to around here say you MUST be able to physically look in on your PH atleast twice a day....I am down there much more then that, but I dont want to be OBLIGATED to do it or else... I like to have the freedom to go away for a weekend without having to worry about everything dying....In so much as a trimming trip, I am actually planning a trip to Co in late July early August for a week or so.... Colorado Springs (stepkids) and the Garden of the God's are calling me, and I love your beautiful state. dealing with all the grey areas and BS here in Michigan when it comes to MM has had me considering a move to your state..... No you say?

You dont necessarily have to check you ph twice a day, sometimes mine go a couple days without getting checked. Usually if you are using filtered water it takes the first few days after a nute change to stabilize with (in my case) ph down but after that it stays pretty stable, unless the ladies are drinking a ton of water and in that case just add a top off rez and you will be good!
Last edited:


oh forgot to introduce myself, Im Cannagirl, my love, Greenmopho, and I are legal caregivers in Co. Our current garden is the link in my signature and we are currently building another 24kw grow. Hi ladies!
Jayla, check out my thread in growroom lighting and design and you can kinda see what I've done, a lot of it is stuff you can find around, I check my ph every few days, sometimes my reservoirs (6' plastic kiddie pools) can go 10 days before needing to be adjusted, my res can hold 50-70 gal comfortable (it is super arid here absolutely no humidity, so the pols being reservoirs really helps out with my rh. Some ofmy stuff is getto.. kinda not really, but my husband can write code and build or fix pretty much anything and knows where to get stuff pretty cheap and we're always being gifted things useful for our grow, so that helps a lot too. I am a HUGE proponent of karma and always do a few random good deeds every day.

Canngirl is good peeps- we've met once. Cannagirl is growing on a much bigger level than I am. I am getting more into breeding at this point in my growing career. 25 long ass years, lot of frustration and joy, ups and downs.

I'm starting to feel OLD!!! My daughter will be 19 soon, no one who meets me would ever guess I've got a grown up child. Eyes usually bug out when I mention I have a daughter of that age. She's very supportive of me and marijuana as well as all of my family.. LOL

My dad wants me out in NC when they pass to teach him how to grow good meds with all his conditions, and to provide him genetics that will help him out. I've been thinking of teaching my daughter and her boyfriend and his family how to grow in alaska.

I could totally ditch it all and move back to Italy or Brazil (fluent in several languages).

At th is point, it's a lifestyle. Gotta go water.. see ya girls later.
I am only bad because the Johnny Law says I am.

I smoke an 1/8th every 2-3 days if its dank. Every day if its that poor quality seeded crap. But this makes me bad.

I am now starting a grow to earn some extra money since Uncle Sam denied my disability, even though I am a veteran and did work 4 out of the last 10 years (apparently i needed to work 5 to qualify for disability insurance). SO, this also makes me bad.

And i do occasionally say a bad word or few. Does that make me bad?

Or would saying "Colonel Angus", really fast, over and over again make me bad as well?:jump:

Whatever, my kids love me, and that's all that matters.

Hi everyone! :wave:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
hey bad girls.. i've missed talking to ya'll....

me and IW were discussing how much we could probably smoke in a day... we've never been ABLE to do this financially, but easily we could probably smoke at least a 1/4 in a day.. I know when we have it, we will smoke it... *I* try to conserve, but sometimes its like fuck it I just want to smoke...
I made an 1/8th of blue dream last 3 days, it wasnt that high quality as other blue dream we've had..

well i'm off to chat... hope some of you decide to join!


ICMag Donor
I guess its official.

I am a bad girl now because i don't swallow advice so quickly with a "Thank you sir can i have another".


What the heck...

I was just reading your thread SC, you are deff gettin some shit from some of the guys here!....Dont take any crap, looks like you can hold your own and growing is a personal thing, its different for everyone and we all our own style, hang in there girl!!

Hope everyone is having a good day!

KK...how ya doin girl?...you okay?

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