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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Garden Nymph
I agree KK. I think I gained 10 lbs. this winter. That is :yoinks: I never let myself go over 110 lbs. I'm short so I can't handle too much weight.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
oh yea well Im 5'6.. it is recommended my target weight be 126.. that personally I feel is too little for me, when I get below a size 9 I look rail waif chic thin lol.....no one could even tell how much I weigh by lookin at me, so it makes me giggle when guys say they wont keep a girl who is over 105.. I mean seriously? lmao....I'm a REAL woman. I have curves


Garden Nymph
I am barely 5' tall lol. So yeah, if I weighed more than 120 lbs (in the wrong places) it wouldn't look good. Luckily most of that weight goes on my chest hahahah Only bad thing is buying new clothes.


Garden Nymph
If he were complaining, he'd be out the door haha
I don't nag him about his physical appearances. Sometimes I say, "Let's start exercising" but I'm not gonna leave him if he got fat lol


I am a giantess! Almost 6 feet tall at 5' 10". Let's not talk about weight. Ya'll are making me feel fat at 140.... lol.

Only good thing about being tall is there is always cool shoes on sale in size 10. Oh the shoe bargains we giant footed gals find! LOL ;)


I'm with you girls. I'd like to lose atleast 10lbs before our vacation in June. I'm tiny 2 hippie. Only 4'9". I was 98lbs before the 2 kids and would like to get back to that. I'm 110 now. Damn last 10 lbs. I can't seem to shake them.
Lola 5'10 and 140 sounds thin to me. :dunno:
I want to exercise but the c99 calls to me as soon as I wake up. Once I've smoked it's over. My ass is stuck to the couch. Maybe tomorrow. :smokey:


Garden Nymph
Lol I agree Mrs. Evl
I smoke the NCDG which is a cross with C99 and there's also G13 in there somewhere, and I'm too lazy to do anything for hours. It doesn't help that it's winter and I feel tired all the time. I need sun!


ICMag Donor
heheh We have a bunch of midget BG around here!! jk jk :blowbubbles:..Im about 5'7' and around 125 lbs. ....I try to walk 5 miles a few times a week, it helps keep me from getting too lazy, Im not one to go to a gym, they arent my style. Winter deff let you pack on a few extra pounds!! ..We better becareful, we'll be kicked to the curb!! lol ...gotta love some of these freakin threads lately!! NOT :whee:

Im not sure if I coming down with something or what, just havent felt good the last cpl of days..been in a funk and I dot like it, its not like me, Im usually a pretty happy person. :snap out of it:

Hope you all are having a good week ladies :watchplant:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I am sure both you ladies don't get any complaints from the men in your lives
he loves my curves lol
I am a giantess! Almost 6 feet tall at 5' 10". Let's not talk about weight. Ya'll are making me feel fat at 140.... lol.

Only good thing about being tall is there is always cool shoes on sale in size 10. Oh the shoe bargains we giant footed gals find! LOL ;)
at 5'6 I wear a size 8.5 depending on the brand, in converse I wear a guys 6, I love shoes!!! and you are perfect for 5'10 lola.. 140 is actually skinny!!! no one knows, dont tell is my motto lol

I'm with you girls. I'd like to lose atleast 10lbs before our vacation in June. I'm tiny 2 hippie. Only 4'9". I was 98lbs before the 2 kids and would like to get back to that. I'm 110 now. Damn last 10 lbs. I can't seem to shake them.
Lola 5'10 and 140 sounds thin to me. :dunno:
I want to exercise but the c99 calls to me as soon as I wake up. Once I've smoked it's over. My ass is stuck to the couch. Maybe tomorrow. :smokey:
I say we start a weight loss thread in the womans forum for those of us that want to get fitter, or fit, however it works... lol... I'm thinking of taking my son on a walk today if its not raining..

heheh We have a bunch of midget BG around here!! jk jk :blowbubbles:..Im about 5'7' and around 125 lbs. ....I try to walk 5 miles a few times a week, it helps keep me from getting too lazy, Im not one to go to a gym, they arent my style. Winter deff let you pack on a few extra pounds!! ..We better becareful, we'll be kicked to the curb!! lol ...gotta love some of these freakin threads lately!! NOT :whee:

Im not sure if I coming down with something or what, just havent felt good the last cpl of days..been in a funk and I dot like it, its not like me, Im usually a pretty happy person. :snap out of it:

Hope you all are having a good week ladies :watchplant:
I hope you feel better! I have been in a funk the past couple of days too, I actually slept till 8. normally Im up by 5-6; I just kept going back to
bed, until my son woke up.... im not a gym type person either. But I usually do like to exercise. especially when its warm, it makes me feel good...I like those 10 minute solution workouts.. I build up to about 4 sessions every other day.. I am way behind.. My friend and I lost weight the same time and shes 5 pounds below me and she was way bigger than I was at the time!!! damned weight!!
its not the numbers, but how I fit in my jeans, and right now im carrying some excess, so my back hurts.. my boobs are huge I always seem to gain weight there first then I lose it there first too LMAO oh god the curses!!!


Garden Nymph
Uh oh, Mr. B's gonna ban you ran lol. Stop hittin' on Mrs. B!! :biglaugh:

Lots of people are getting sick around this time. Not me :D I eat cayenne powder once a day lol and one jalapeno pepper has as much Vitamin C as one bushel of oranges. So there ya have it.


ICMag Donor
Hi Zoe, Ill send ya an invite..dee you need to get to 50 posts to join the social group.
Ran!!! you bad boy you! :shucks: lol
Here its a free-for-all :whee: hehehe
We get lots of peeps stopping in to say high and stuff.
Hi Zoe, welcome to the party hehe :wave: Catching Up ~ I'm like 5'6 and around size 7 (really depends on the brand). I'm definitely at a good weight but I need to work out a lil before bikini weather. haha It's so easy to gain a few lbs during the winter months!!! lol KK ~ My twins are a decent size too (lol) I feel your pain!!!

Well, off to plan dinner. Happy Hump Day!!! :dance013:
Awesome, i'm in!!!
okay so does anyone else on here like to shop as much as i do??!!!! My mom thinks i'm ill (shopaholic) but i can't help it! when i see a sparkly blazer for a decent price i gotta have it! My closet looks like an Urban Outfitters but i'm pretty proud of that. haha

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Welcome Dee and good to see ya again Zoe! :wave:
Well since everyone is talking about their sizes.... Im 5' 7", I haven't weighed myself in forever cause its just too depressing, but Im a size 12. I have a realy hard time finding pants. I have a lil waist and huge hips. I usualy have to have them taken in so they wont fall off my huge ass! LoL! But hey.... more cushin for the push'n right??? :moon:

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