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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



you are a very nice bunch of ladies!!!! I feel pretty good today. I'm still fighting lack of motivation to do anything. I keep lookin at the dishes & saying "I WILL get these done today" lol & 3 days later.. well... not done lol....
my step son is here today(he stayed last night) me and IW's son loves him so much, hes like BRO BRO.. its too cute... and they both love the puppy, and chase her... I got approval from the bosses(the kids) to name her autumn... I will probably call her shithead a lot tho.. lol jk.....
have a great one ya'll
KK ~ I'm sorry to hear you're a lil down lately. Cheer up dear

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I like the name Autumn for your dog, KK. Shit heads nice too though... tough choice. Tee heee hee. And sometimes, dishes need to do themselfs.... damn it! I feel ya there girl!

Well, my son is finaly potty trained!!! Im so stoked! He'll be 3 in Nov.... and like 17 a week after that. It was a trecherous endever.... but we made it! Thanks to M&M's and popcicles. (I used them as bribery)

Hope everyone had a safe and relaxing day!


I'll tell ya something to cheer you up,kk.........I am the only person in the world that does not have a dishwasher. The dawgs work full time licking the plates clean for me. Wanna come over for dinner???:laughing:


I like the name Autumn for your dog, KK. Shit heads nice too though... tough choice. Tee heee hee. And sometimes, dishes need to do themselfs.... damn it! I feel ya there girl!

Well, my son is finaly potty trained!!! Im so stoked! He'll be 3 in Nov.... and like 17 a week after that. It was a trecherous endever.... but we made it! Thanks to M&M's and popcicles. (I used them as bribery)

Hope everyone had a safe and relaxing day!

Congrats Lil!! M&Ms are what got my daughter potty trained and I plan on having a full stock for my little man! Potty training is a big task, and definitely makes things a little easier (although now my daughter has to go in to EVERY single bathroom in EVERY single store we go to).


Takes me too long to fill one! Especially when I lived alone. Even now it would take me 5 days to fill a dishwasher! We're paper plate girls in this house:)


No dishwasher here either....and I got 2 kids and a hubby that eats everything in site!!! It seems like we are always doing dishes and laundry. They are both never ending!!


No dishwasher here either....and I got 2 kids and a hubby that eats everything in site!!! It seems like we are always doing dishes and laundry. They are both never ending!!

Whoa, 2 kids and a hubby? Well girl you actually need one!! Hell it's just me and my gf, I weigh about 135 and she weighs in at 100 at best. Can't say we're big eaters here! Now laundry is a different story, we have 2 washers and 2 dryers lined up like a laundromat! 2 girls = pounds and pounds of clothes:)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Some people prefer not to have a dishwasher. I have some friends who have one, but use it as a dish rack. They wash the dishes by hand, and put them in the dishwasher to dry. Personaly, a dishwasher is a must... well, if I want to keep my husband happy.


Well the dawgs do a pretty good job.........don't want em to get dishpan tongues working on the pots and pans. Problem is that they can't put anything away cuz of the NO THUMBS thing.


My dishwasher is the original when the house was built in the 80's. I ran it once to clean it out and it sounded like a rocket was taking off in my kitchen. I haven't used it since.
I have 2 kids and a hubby too. I feel like there are always dishes to wash.

I'm trying to potty train my daughter. She turned 3 in June. She just started peeing, but still has accidents right in front of the toilet. My son was pretty easy. He had a few accidents and mostly overnight. She seems to really not want to crap on the toilet. She'll hold it all day and wait til she has on a diaper to poop. Then she comes out of her room in the middle of the night to tell me " I have cocie mommy" I don't know why she's so afraid to poop. We tried soda, candy, mcdonalds. bribes are not working. Help.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I'm trying to potty train my daughter. She turned 3 in June. She just started peeing, but still has accidents right in front of the toilet. My son was pretty easy. He had a few accidents and mostly overnight. She seems to really not want to crap on the toilet. She'll hold it all day and wait til she has on a diaper to poop. Then she comes out of her room in the middle of the night to tell me " I have cocie mommy" I don't know why she's so afraid to poop. We tried soda, candy, mcdonalds. bribes are not working. Help.

It will happen... We were starting to think that our son wasn't ready for the potty yet and put him back in diapers. About a week later, he started asking to go in the potty again. He got the # 1 thing down no prob... but going #2 was a challenge. He would hold it for days too. He'd hide from us and then when we found him in the corner or something, he'd tell us, "go away!". We had a little talk, and I told him that if he wanted to wear his big boy underwear, he had to get it in the potty every time. So we used pull ups, so that he could still pull them up and down. After mabey 1 1/2 weeks, he decided he didnt want to wear the pull ups anymore, and wanted to wear big boy underwear. I also used insentives of popcicles and M&M's. She'll get it when she's ready. Good luck Mrs. E!


My dishwasher is the original when the house was built in the 80's. I ran it once to clean it out and it sounded like a rocket was taking off in my kitchen. I haven't used it since.
I have 2 kids and a hubby too. I feel like there are always dishes to wash.

I'm trying to potty train my daughter. She turned 3 in June. She just started peeing, but still has accidents right in front of the toilet. My son was pretty easy. He had a few accidents and mostly overnight. She seems to really not want to crap on the toilet. She'll hold it all day and wait til she has on a diaper to poop. Then she comes out of her room in the middle of the night to tell me " I have cocie mommy" I don't know why she's so afraid to poop. We tried soda, candy, mcdonalds. bribes are not working. Help.

This is gonna sound weird, but singing to them helps! I raised two boys with my ex, and I sang with both of them!! For some reason it relaxed them :)


I usually sing a congratulatory "you went pee pee in the potty" song when she is finished. She likes that. She seems to like peeing like a big girl. There is just something about pooping. The only time she pooped in the potty is when I caught her mid poop and threw her on the potty to finish. She seemed happy about it, but I can't get her to do it again. Anytime she's out of the room and quiet for more than 5 minutes I have to go make sure she's not pooping in a corner somewhere. :)
Everything is princesses with her so I got her princess panties hoping she wouldn't want to ruin them, she still poops in them.lol
I'm sure she'll get it soon enough. Just sucks having to clean pee out of the carpet. More incentive to get the floors tiled. Once she's starts going to bathroom by herself I'll be upset because my baby won't be a baby anymore.:(


I usually sing a congratulatory "you went pee pee in the potty" song when she is finished. She likes that. She seems to like peeing like a big girl. There is just something about pooping. The only time she pooped in the potty is when I caught her mid poop and threw her on the potty to finish. She seemed happy about it, but I can't get her to do it again. Anytime she's out of the room and quiet for more than 5 minutes I have to go make sure she's not pooping in a corner somewhere. :)
Everything is princesses with her so I got her princess panties hoping she wouldn't want to ruin them, she still poops in them.lol
I'm sure she'll get it soon enough. Just sucks having to clean pee out of the carpet. More incentive to get the floors tiled. Once she's starts going to bathroom by herself I'll be upset because my baby won't be a baby anymore.:(

I used to sing "There ain't no stops in Diaperville, so you better go poop in Pottytown!" Hahahahahaahahah:):):) It was an original song I wrote hahahahaha:) The oldest boy thought it was hysterical;)

I like to stretch my musical talents from time to time:):)

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