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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



I do! I do! Let me cheer ya up!

Superman flies over Wonder Woman's house, uses his x-ray vision! WHAT? !!!

Wonder Woman is naked, lying in front of the fireplace, her hands all over her own body!

Superman just can't resist!!!

ZOOM! Superman flies through the window, faster than a speeding bullet, rams it into Wonder Woman, gives it to her really good, and ZOOM! backout the window, all in a blink of an eye! (He's Super Fast)

Wonder Woman sits up and screams "What the hell was that??"

To which the Invisible Man replies "I don't know, but my ass is torn to hell !!! "


What's the matter KK?


I do! I do! Let me cheer ya up!

Superman flies over Wonder Woman's house, uses his x-ray vision! WHAT? !!!

Wonder Woman is naked, lying in front of the fireplace, her hands all over her own body!

Superman just can't resist!!!

ZOOM! Superman flies through the window, faster than a speeding bullet, rams it into Wonder Woman, gives it to her really good, and ZOOM! backout the window, all in a blink of an eye! (He's Super Fast)

Wonder Woman sits up and screams "What the hell was that??"

To which the Invisible Man replies "I don't know, but my ass is torn to hell !!! "


What's the matter KK?
LMMFAO.. that was good haha.. lol my son kept hitting me in the face last night so I didnt get much sleep


WonderWoman - I'd go to the hosp if you can. I have no insurance so pot is my cure-all. I was doing yard work and got hit in the head with a branch. Pretty funny actually, but I was deaf in my left ear for like 2 weeks. It came back, but still a little hard of hearing on that side. But, I'm not gonna spend $150 for the doctor to tell me what I already know and they can't do anything for it anyway.

Ka0tik - sorry your feeling shitty. I've been feeling like crap the last week also. Hope you feel better. I will be sending you good vibes.

Where is everyone from? Nothing specific. I'm from central FL. I've been dying for a vacation. Maybe we can meet up sometime. Someone suggested meeting in the middle. I'm down. Somewhere pot friendly would be good. Maybe Colorado. (didi I spell that right?) I've never been but from what I see it's really beautiful there. Anyways, let me stop ranting.
Have a great day ladies. May your grows be bountiful.
Wow Mrs. Ev, I'm happy it got better. I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow to have it x-rayed. Wish me luck!!!

Lola ~ Awesome story!!! *ROFL*

Colorado sounds nice . . . maybe a cute cabin near a river or something? *loves the outdoors*

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Dang! Sorry to hear about your foot W~W! Wait, dont you have super healing powers or something???? Well, Im back from my camping trip. How bad am I, that as soon as I get the car unloaded, I step into my office, load up a bowl and get online to see how my fellow bad girls are doing? I havent puffed since Friday! Ok... hold on a sec.... ahhhh...... thats better!!! As for this trip y'all are talk'n bout.... Im so down! Colorado sounds nice.
K.K..... Sorry to hear your in a pissy mood. Take a hike up in the mountains! Its just lovely! Im sure the awsome smells and trees would make you feel better. Anyways, Its good to be home. Now its time to wash off all the campfire and dirt. There's just something awsome about taking a shower after you've been all dirty and grimey!


I'm from the northeast, so Colorado sounds beautiful to me! My hubby spent a couple years out there and LOVED it! I hear it is absolutely gorgeous!! I would love to join ya'll!


Im from the armpit of california... I like to call it that anyways.. it was 104 today...Im thinking of doing dishes, but I have 9 days vacation off school, might as well enjoy it!!!!


WOW 104!! I'm in the upper South and it was in the 50s last nite, and is currently 71

Yankee summer! :woohoo:


its now currenty 93 degrees at 8:04 pm lol...
but I wouldnt take any of your humidity for anything lol I much rather prefer the dry heat over humidity...my hair is already off the chain, humidity just makes it straighter than a board lol..
I'm in the mood to chat. even tho im getting tired & ready for bed soon...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
lets do naughty confessions......ready set go!!!
i'm too stoned to think right now, so i'll come back.... lol

OMG man what have you girls done in here? I had no idea this club even existed until today and my first post I read was this one.:laughing:

Now you Bad Girls that have anything you need to get off your chest you just give ole Uncle Wagsy a call and we will get it all worked out.

I have been married for over 20 years was raised by women since I was 9 and understand the 3 SIMPLE facts that EVERY man should live by.

1. Tho she may let you walk in front she's ALWAYS holding on to the end of the leash.

2. If Mommas not happy NOBODY'S happy.

3. If ever in doubt see rule #2.

I may be old I may be married but Ole Uncle Wagsy has ALWAYS got an ear and a shoulder for some Naughty Confessions.

Just Tryin To Help Out:jump:


NAUGHT CONFESSION FOR UNKIE: i steal men's underwear from their drawers when they go in the bathroom and shut the door.


I saw KK post in here, and thought Id throw my 2c in..
my confession,
I like to spit in the coworkers drinks when they arent lookin.


ok heres a real one -
Back in the day I used to moon ppl from cars, and one time there was this old dude/lady in the car next to us on the freeway, well I dropped the drawers & showed them the moon, and the old guy looked like he was going to have a stroke LOL


I wish humidity made my hair straight. I live in FL where the humidity is like 100%. The only thing I can really do is slick it back and tie it up. I could never leave my hair out. I'd have a huge frizzy fro. I'm white by the way. I actually have very nice hair when the air is dry. Can't wait to move back up north. I feel like I live in Hell, it's so hot down here. I sweat just to go check the mail. The only good thing is that I can pretty much flower outdoors all year round.


WW,bummer about the ankle,OUCH! My RX is smoke yourself silly...............kk,cmon over,we will sit on the porch,puff and gaze at the beauty of the country!