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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



Lola.....sorry it took a while to answer your post but I did not want to approach it on a personal level with anger.

But when you hit a persons
"achilles tendon" it takes a while to regroup. But not just I was offended you know?
LolaGal says: I did not think anybody posting had any idea what it was like at that time and place for a woman. I painted a pretty accurate picture of how women were treated at that time by men who resented women in a traditionally male workforce. I did not mean to imply that you were their slut baby. I figured you, like I, had been pinched, mauled and man handled. I too, had a job in a traditionally all male workforce. Let me tell you I was black and blue from being pinched. I had to outcuss em, out prank em or get rolled under like a steam roller.

But I do have feelings and emotions for my cause. Just like you do daily for your cause. LolaGal Sez: I don't have a cause other than to be treated fairly and equally in my daily life. I demand it and don't deal with people who try and intimidate me. I will take my car buying elsewhere for example. Or shop at another furniture store where I am treated nicely

No you make FUN of women who had THAT COURAGE.
And OF course
I DID IT FOR MY KIDS! LolaGal sez: Uh, I said that in the post, that you had to work at a place where people where being mean to you just because you had kids to feed. How is that making fun? I was attempting to be supportive and let others know what it was like. Not my intention to make fun.
But I won't be posting in the womens section any further. It is yours now dear. I canceled myself out of the Ladies of ICMag as I don't feel it is a woman friendly place. We must accept others with different lifestyles than our own... Especially enlightened stoner women. LolaGal Sez: I want the Toker's Den too.... :D

So You have the womens section and the growers section all to yourself now...and I will just take the good advise I got and move on and contribute in a positive way and not let you and dongle push my buttons
AS I KNOW BETTER really.:wallbash:

have a nice weekend and this toke is for the women out there busting their ass for the love of their kids and Lolagal! te he

LolaGal replys in Bold


So many lovely ladies here!
What an awesome surprise! Am new here so it will be nice to talk to you all!

Hi ladies!
- Where are you from? Am from Portugal but live in the UK.
- Why do you like cannabis? It makes me relax after a hard day of work,
- How often do you smoke cannabis? Sometimes but prefer the vaporizer ,
- Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you? I smoke with my boyfriend most times he's a smoker too and a grower,
- What do you like to do when you are "high"? normally we chill out watch film go for walks and i love the sea side.


Hey there Brazil from Portugal... nice to have ya.


I was so BAD yesterday. Roamed the countryside. Over hill, over dale. Planted up 3 counties.... Put out 4,000,000 plants.... I'm trying for some 1,000 acre fields of green.


Then I robbed a bank or two and slept with Joe Biden ..... It was a busy day... LOL


Hope you ladies are having a wonderful weekend!
I'll be much more sensitive.....kinda got off on the wrong foot.
I'll go back where I belong now....Peace


The Tudors finale is tonight. crying02.gif
Thankfully,there'll be a next season love.gif


Oh, cool, thanks Trichy, something to look forward to tonite! :D

Too bad they killed Anne Boleyn off so early, she should have been good for 2 or 3 seasons... lol.

You know it's outs for this new Queen too. I think they divorced if I remember?? Maybe an anullment? So funny when she complains about his putrid leg wound... haha

Will be watching! When's True Blood Coming back on?

TV NETWORKS: A season consisting of at least 13 episodes would be nice. I'm tired of these 6 episode seasons they have on HBO and Showtime..


True Blood starts June 14th. Anna Paquin is dating her vampire hottie off-set.
"his leg Stinct-you understand dis" lol
Last edited:


Da da, hish leg stinkh. It were from the shjousting acshident. Now it's pootrified... haha


LOL!!! That's it !!!
I had read somewhere that Anne of Cleves had sexy time with Holbein,the artist when he painted her 'courting' pic.
In the series says she's 'no virgin mary' do you think that eludes to holbein or just the stinky leg?


ICMag Donor
Hope you ladies are having a wonderful weekend!
I'll be much more sensitive.....kinda got off on the wrong foot.
I'll go back where I belong now....Peace

Hey BT thanks for the apologies, we are bad but not mean, your forgiven!! ehehe
Have a great weekend also!!

Hiya brazilgal...welcome to the womens forum! glad to have ya aboard! :D


LOL!!! That's it !!!
I had read somewhere that Anne of Cleves had sexy time with Holbein,the artist when he painted her 'courting' pic.
In the series says she's 'no virgin mary' do you think that eludes to holbein or just the stinky leg?

Sexy time with Holbein???? Very interesting....

They said 8 left her "as much a maid as I found her", sorta sounds like sexy time with Holbein....lol

Only 500 years after the affair and we are still talking about it... :D


So,the whole season was 8 episodes. My jon rhys meyers it seem's hitting the nectar juice hard.... :( so sad.

Sister Sara

-Where are you from?
The Southwestern U.S.A.

- Why do you like cannabis?
I am a medical user. Diabetes, endometriosis, stress.

- How often do you smoke cannabis?
Not much at all. Cannabutter and tincture are my thing. Also, occasional vaporizing.

- Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you?
Some relatives do. Yes, we smoke together sometimes. But they bring their own greens.

- What do you like to do when you are "high"?
Trying to find a strain right now that doesn't give me couch lock, so I can pursue activities while medicated. But no driving under the influence.


Hey Sister Sara, got a couple mules for ya :D

Wow your first post is in the Bad Girls Club... haha watch out !


If ya'll had a time machine and could go back in time what would you do? :D

I don't think the laws of physics will allow anybody to go back before they were born, so that will limit travel to any time within your lifetime... What would you do? :D

I think I would go back in time and rob a gold shipment and then come back here and would be like instantly rich. Also the statute of limitations would be over and I could spend the money without hiding out...

Then I would go back to the 1960s and plant some really good plots of choice strains and keep going back to pick them... lol. I bet you could sneak some big fields in back then and nobody would really care around here... hahaha

Oh, of course I'd have to go back and love up Elvis.... haha