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The apocolypse on 13/08/2012 ???!!!


Active member
The way I've come to understand the events of 2012, the planets and moons and our sun will all come into perfect alignment with THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY where scientists believe there is a giant BLACK HOLE.

The GAMMA RADIATION spewed out from this black hole will be aimed straight for our solar system on 12/21/2012.

It is UNKNOWN what the effects of this Gamma radiation beaming at our Solar System will be. It is possible the Gamma radiation "enlightens" mankind, it is possible it destroys civilization.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
december 21st 2012 mayan calender ends, my thought is linear time will end such as 0-1-2-3-4 and maybe we can look at the 0 =)


In search of Genetics
Jesus told everyone the end the of the world was coming before his generation would pass.

So it was supposed to end a couple thousand years ago, according to the son of god.

I personally don't believe anyone knows when it will end, especially not the fairy folk.

Trusting some tribe that sticks bones through there noses or cuts notches in there foreheads or has any disturbing traditions and prey to sun gods and rain gods, should be taken with a grain of salt. You can be the Smartest astronomer or mathematician on the planet, it will not stop you from having absurd beliefs or crazy theories.

Thing about belief and faith is they require no intelligence they are like a disease they can infect the intelligent and the naive alike and once you subscribe to it taking off the blinders will be even harder.

On 1/1/13 I hope everyone who buys into boogieman stories, vows to stop the non sense.


The way I've come to understand the events of 2012, the planets and moons and our sun will all come into perfect alignment with THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY where scientists believe there is a giant BLACK HOLE.

The GAMMA RADIATION spewed out from this black hole will be aimed straight for our solar system on 12/21/2012.

It is UNKNOWN what the effects of this Gamma radiation beaming at our Solar System will be. It is possible the Gamma radiation "enlightens" mankind, it is possible it destroys civilization.

Is a link possible? Or is this possibly made up?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think the calender makers decided that thousands of years is enough work and maybe sometime in those thousands of years other calender makers would take up their task. It's nice to enjoy retirement and maybe that is exactly what the first group of calender makers did... it's the second group that was supposed to make more that dropped the ball.

PS How many of you are Mayan anyway? Do you read the Chinese page of instruction manuals?


The way I've come to understand the events of 2012, the planets and moons and our sun will all come into perfect alignment with THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY where scientists believe there is a giant BLACK HOLE.

The GAMMA RADIATION spewed out from this black hole will be aimed straight for our solar system on 12/21/2012.

It is UNKNOWN what the effects of this Gamma radiation beaming at our Solar System will be. It is possible the Gamma radiation "enlightens" mankind, it is possible it destroys civilization.

Havent heard this one yet, nice find ;) I can really imagine the radiation spewing out of the black hole traveling millions of lightyears away from the black hole that sucks up everything, and then giving us a higher intelligence.. I think the mercury in our vaccines is a more likely bet at attaining higher intelligence than this radiation.

edit: Im also pretty sure the radiation from your microwave is the same as that from the black hole, so sticking your head in the microwave now will give you the head start on attaining that higher level. go for it!


Active member
I am not going to read the whole thread cuz I'll just fall asleep where I sit.

I am personally looking forward to New Year's Eve 2013, the time at which all you 2012 theorists will finally have to STFU . Been listening to this garbage for too many years. I do respect the genius of the mayan doom theory marketing plan in that it was scheduled so far in the future... have the whole thing some real legs. unlike that one this past where the tin-foil-hat loons were like "the alien mothership will be here on thursday!"...

I love a crackpot theory with an expiration date.

Just a little food for thought. The Mayans did not have a Cray supercomputer and the quantum math department at MIT to crunch the calculations for their calendar. It would have taken many of them a whole lot of time to churn out a complete calendar that reached... well... infinity? This whole thing is predicated on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Isn't it possible that it ends on that date for the simple reason that that is the point to which they had completed before the project was interrupted?


Active member
The center of the galaxy, the earth, and the sun come into alignment every year on the 21st December. Contrary to what many doomsdayers say, this will not cause the apocalypse.

Every year around this date the population of the developed worlds consume more, pollute more and a more full of shit than at any other time of the year. coincidence?

We have far more serious matters to worry about at the moment anyway. I just looked at my calender, and it ends on the 31st of December 2009! We're all screwed!



The Mayan Calendar... Consider this:

The Mayan Calendar... Consider this:

If you have ever seen the Mayan calendar you know that it is round. Just like the Earth and the rest of the planets. Just like the Solar System. The round planets and their round moons travel in round circles round and round each other. Okay, by now you catch my drift. The Mayan calendar is circles within circles. It's round.

Don't take my word for this:

What do we know about circles? Cmon, think back. A circle is a line without an end! When you trace your finger around a circle how do you know where to stop? You don't. You could stop where you began but that's just an arbitrary point.

Okay... Here's the point people who think that any "coming apocalypse" based on the Mayan calendar is something to worry about need to understand:

The Mayan calendar isn't linear. It's a circle. It's a representation of the galaxy as it was known to the Mayans in their time. What happens to the Mayan calendar when it comes to the end? It starts over! The planets keep on turning on their axes, moons continue to circle their planets, and it all starts over. Just as accurately as the last time.

Consider this: If you fly around the Earth, begining where you are and travel North eventually you will travel to the "end of North". Do you fall off the Earth? No. You begin to travel South! At least you travel South according to your compass. (Hey aren't compasses... Round?) As far as you're concerned you haven't changed direction. Keep on traveling. Eventually you will get comfortable with the notion of traveling South. But ultimately South will come to an end. What happens?! Do you fall off the Earth this time? Well, no. If you have the nerve to keep on traveling you find that your compass is pointing North again. It doesn't look anything like where you began, but your compass says North. Keep on traveling in the same straight line, and if you're lucky you may end up right where you began. Does the Earth end? Nope. You can take the same trip again and again and again if you have the time. Same with the Mayan Calendar. It is CIRCULAR not LINEAR. It has no begining or end!


My question is this: How do I cash in on the panic that massive ignorance of this relatively simple concept will create?! :yoinks:


weed fiend
you wanted opiions eh:

Well im reading so much bullsh!t in this thread im having psychological convulsions..

Sounds like your world is ending....early.:D Try some Rolaids.

I too have looked into this 2012 thing, I had a friend totally psyched out over this topic explaining to me how much scientific data there is. Turns out he spent hours watching videos on google and youtube, sadly he doesnt know how to find real information yet ;)
What discoveries have you confirmed?

As it turns out you will not be able to find hard scientific evidence of ANY catastrophic astral event in 2012. There are so many theories as to "why the world could end in 2012", you will basically have to pic one of them and go with that.. The biggest idiots will try to prepare for them all :D
End of discussion. I guess we'll experience the whatever before we even ponder it's possibility.

Now I could go writing paragraphs about how smart the mayans were. But as a man of science, I ask myself, with all the Technology, and hundreds if not thousands of years of our own astrological records, would we not be able to pinpoint exactly what will happen in our solar system on a given day in 3 years? Then using physics would we not be able to determine the effects?
So how does a scientific one answer their own question?

So besides the Mayans there was the I-Ching, Nostradamus, some indian theories and so on.. Then there is Plant x, bringing either a meteor storm and/or increased sun radiation as it passes past the earth and sun.. possibly frying us all!

And then there is me, scheming to smoke extremely large bowls of Kief and weed in public areas causing mayhem and confusion :D


Yup. While there's lots to ponder while piping and typing, the thread topic is about 2012 apocalypse.


weed fiend
Nice analogy, SoloGro57.

I am not going to read the whole thread cuz I'll just fall asleep where I sit.

I am personally looking forward to New Year's Eve 2013, the time at which all you 2012 theorists will finally have to STFU .

Been listening to this garbage for too many years. I do respect the genius of the mayan doom theory marketing plan in that it was scheduled so far in the future... have the whole thing some real legs. unlike that one this past where the tin-foil-hat loons were like "the alien mothership will be here on thursday!"...

I love a crackpot theory with an expiration date.

Just a little food for thought. The Mayans did not have a Cray supercomputer and the quantum math department at MIT to crunch the calculations for their calendar. It would have taken many of them a whole lot of time to churn out a complete calendar that reached... well... infinity? This whole thing is predicated on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Isn't it possible that it ends on that date for the simple reason that that is the point to which they had completed before the project was interrupted?

:chin: Interest isn't endorsement. It's odd you talk about garbage, loons and crackpots, yet end your post with your own questions.

Tin foil hat time.


Active member
Yeah it could be a shift if consciousness or the end of all life on planet earth, whats interesting is the exact time is 11:11am. I have been seeing this number everywhere way too often to be coincidence for the past year or so. Anyone else been seeing 11:11 or 12:34 or 1:11 like it was trying to tell them something?


You really think you see 12:34 way more often then you should? I do, wtf? I thought I was the only one.
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm serious, for like 3-4 years now it seems like I see it all the time, always check the clock precisely at that time without knowing, weird, I wonder what that is.

Did anyone consider that the Mayans calendar was fundamentally cyclical.

If we reach the end of this 13 ba'actun cycle, then MAYBE it just starts over again??

Don't cancel your appointments for 8/14/2012.


Active member
I wonder if you see all number combos all the time, and are only more aware of ones like
12:34 because its sequential, and sticks out, that's my guess.


I'd be more worried about the dollar collapsing.

That pretty much would be the end of the world, or at least the end of the world order that has existed for the last 65 years. A panic run on the dollar would be catastrophic. Let's hope it occurs gradually over decades instead.

I too love a crackpot prediction with an expiration date. But it deosn't seem to faze the crackpots when their predictions don't come to pass. The Jehovahs witnesses were renowned for predicting the end of the world. Yet in spite of their failure to predict anything they still exist, annoying everyone with their silliness.

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