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Source for stable plant hormones

Ok, for those of you experimenters out there, and any scientists or chemists or just plain curious people. Here is a link to an incredible amount of auxins, cytokins, auxin delivery agents, and other growth regulators.

Their gibberellic is a little over priced, but they have other goodies.


There's one on there that will stop leaf growth, and force a plant to focus solely on floral cell division and secondary floral cell division, i forgot which one... 6-BAP maybe?

Anyways, there is a wiki for each chemical, you just have to look it up. Also, some of these are only soluble in a 1N NaOH solution... To make this, you just mix 40g of NaOH (sodium hydroxide aka LYE) in 1 liter of distilled water, then add your varied amount of hormone, dilute and inject/spray/feed/etc.

Just thought i'd throw that out...

Also, wondering if anyone else here uses GA-3 on their moms... I've been using it for a few months now at 1000ppm (which is 80mg ga-3 to 80ml of h2o). Applied in a foliar spray it will get you very nice clones very quickly.

I'm thinking of investing in some synthetic auxins for rooting as well... If I can build enough auxins and cytokins in the mother plants, the cuttings should root faster and healthier than ever before.

Does anyone know of any research into whether hormones such as these have been shown to improve growth and production on marijuana? I know that EXTENSIVE research has gone into the agriculture sector, which is what this website is for... Most of these are used in flower greenhouses (annuals such as weed), and also hearty fruit bearing trees (perennials, apples, pears, citrus, etc).

Also, according to most sources during my own research, cytokins, auxins and gibberellins have shown to absorb in the root zone at a slower rate than foliar and injections. And due to the highly perishable nature of the mixed hormones, the root zone wont be able to absorb as much as it can before the mix goes bad.

Anyways, I just got very very high all of a sudden, so i'm going to go play some guitar.


Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Know whats easier and probably just as effective?

Norwegian kelp meal.
I don't think you understand...

Applying kelp meal is fine and dandy. Has a lot of cytokins. But it's not a stable source of hormones. It has as many as most fast growing plants...

Direct application of stable, PURE lab grade hormones is proven to do things that no amount of kelp meal or fungus or amino acid can do.

I'm talking about taking a plant, and disrupting the entire natural process, just to affect yield.

Or just to affect density, or just to affect potency. These aren't marketing gimmics being pushed on the growing scene by Advanced Nutrients. And they aren't kelp meal dissolved into a tea and sprayed on the leaves of vegetating plants. These are 100% pure hormones.

Please don't answer questions that have not been asked.

-- steve
I'm more or less asking if anyone has seen research into the various hormones in high doses on marijuana... I've done a little research myself with 20,000 ppm ga3, but I'm looking for lab studies, or links to lab studies.

Thank you,

-- steve


Custom User Title
Yeah why try new things, who wants progress? :jerkit:

stevewinthrop - I think there's a lot of potential using refined hormones could have great benefits, but only if it's done correctly. It could probably screw things up quite a bit, but it could also benefit quite a bit. Definitely looking forward to seeing any progress with this.
I'll be purchasing a few grams of some of the more interesting hormones in the middle of next month, and I'll be running a small laboratory in my house to experiment with. Definately going to do work with the 6-BAP, also going to dive back into reading hormone augmentation on hops, seeing as how it's the closest cousin to pot that's commercially grown on a very large scale. It's a perennial though, so some of the hormones will be different. Anyways, if colleges and the private sector aren't allowed to research these things because of the politics and bureaucratic bullshit, I think I might just have to do something.
Goddamn advanced nutrients... They ruin everything I'm interested in.


The gibberellins they're working with i'm sure are some of the ones I was going to check out... Including GA-1 and GA-5. But, if they try to charge 40 dollars a gram, i'm going to shit my pants. Especially since they generally overcharge for watered down nutrients, I'm sure they'll overcharge for watered down hormones.


Well, for all of those who were waiting for someone to experiment with plant hormones on marijuana, apparently we have a company doing so!

-- steve
stevewinthrop said:
Also, wondering if anyone else here uses GA-3 on their moms... I've been using it for a few months now at 1000ppm (which is 80mg ga-3 to 80ml of h2o). Applied in a foliar spray it will get you very nice clones very quickly.

I think GA3 is not the best for clone production. It only enlarges existing shoots. Against this BAP shoud be used which stimulates branch growth. So with BAP you get new shoot, for this reason is it used for shoot induction in tissue culture.
oddly enough, i have no problem with shoot production, I have a problem with shoots being stacked too tightly... I'm not sure why, but under a T5, my mothers stay squat and stack sites, GA makes em stretch out.

Also with BAP, I've read a few studies on it and it seems to do a few different things at different doses on different plants... But I'll still be ordering some just for kicks. Thanks for the input german_aero!

-- steve

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Please don't answer questions that have not been asked.

If you're here to teach, do so with humility and patience. You will receive more students and knowledge. Don't be an arrogant a-hole.

Kelp has plenty of hormones. I didn't realize you were talking about taking a single one, in a concentrated form and injecting it. I'm an organic farmer and don't really agree with your methods. I'm interested to see what will happen... I doubt its the cure for a low yielding strains.
sorry if i came off sounding like an asshole, it wasnt my intention. i was merely trying to keep the thread from moving off course.

and perhaps next time someone is looking for organic sources of hormones, they will find your post in a search and learn from it.

my apologies,
What happend to the 20k GA3 test? I think that was too high. Do you spray the shoots only or the whole plant? Do you have tried watering with a GA3 solution instead of foliar spraying?
20k ppm sends geraniums into prolific flowering... we'll see with marijuana. 1000 seems good for foliar.

ga3 degrades after a day or 2, and is absorbed slowly through root zone. foliar is the best method short of injection.

i will be injecting a 5k solution into a test animal soon.

How often do you spray? You should also test with lower concentrations, may be 100ppm. Regarding plant hormones you know less works often more.
i spray my mother once every few days, when I get my little lab set up, the application rate will probably be once a week.

-- steve
ahh, sorry. i misunderstood, i spray the whole plant. hormones are naturally concentrated in the parts that need them, spraying is a way to ensure the hormones reach places they wouldnt otherwise be concentrated

I got my Kinetin and IAA last night... There was some fraud involved, since I don't have a license to purchase these, but I was eventually able to get ahold of someone to send me a couple grams of each for much cheaper than the ones in the initial website i linked to.

As soon as I get some more free time, I'll set up my small bathroom laboratory.

For now I mixed up 20mg of kinetin and 5mg of IAA and foliar sprayed 5 flowering plants I have isolated in my flowering room.

-- steve

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