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The apocolypse on 13/08/2012 ???!!!


[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]I did some reasearch and THIS IS WHAT I FOUND: Numerology and 2012 A.D.[/FONT]
One of the most significant years in numerology is the year 2012 A.D. That is because that is the date that the Mayans predicted that the world would end.
Even people who do not know a lot about Mayan astrology have heard this theory that the year 2012 will bring the apocalypse:yoinks:. It is supposed to end on August 13th 2012, at 11:11 am. This is a date that has always significant to theorists, physicist, astrologers, historians and umerologists as the year signifies the end of the thirteen cycle that make up what is known as the Mayan Long Count Calendar.
The Mayan Calendar contains both components of astrology and numerology. The people that belonged to this ancient civilization of South America were adept pampers and trackers of the heavens. The massive temples that were built by this early civilization were not just tombs or places to worship the Gods. They were also built to be giant observatories of the heavens.
These temples were architecturally designed so that the movements of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars could be tracked. The majestic structures that the ancient Mayans built war not just places of worship. They were centers of astronomic studies that also did dual duty as temples of worship. Some temples even had cut out's in their stones in the shapes of snakes. As the sun would raise these cut out shapes would cast lengthening shadows in the shape of snakes down the temple steps. From a distance it would seem that a real snake was slithering down the steps. When the snake shadow lengthened so that it reached the bottom of the steps it marked a day. One whole day in the Mayan calendar was called a Kin.

The reason that ancient Mayan year was a little bit shorter than our current calendar of 365 years is that it was based on the astral cycles of Venus. The ancient Mayans knew that whenever this shining celestial body was close to the earth that it seemed to bring good times. Of course today we would note this knowing that the planet Venus is associated in astrology with love and blessings. The planet Venus also has cycles that are the equivalent in length to the number twenty.
This Long Count system of measuring time was first put into practice by the Mayans around 32 B.C. The reason that it was called The Long Count is because the Mayans, who were quite dark spiritually, believed that the end of the world must happen. In fact it was something to look forward because life was believed to be easier after that.
In essence the Mayan Long Count is the countdown to the eventual and unavoidable apocalypse that would bring the end of the world. The high priests and shamans in the Mayan culture figured out that the Long Count which is supposed to equal 5125.36 days.
This number of days is also known as the Mayan Great Cycle. This passage of time ends exactly on the winter solstice. Amazingly the Mayan mathematicians were able to pinpoint the exact day and time that the world will end in the future and that is on August 13th
2012. Just as a matter of interest they also believed that the world was conceived n August 13th. There is actual astrological and astronomical data to back up the theory of the Mayan Long Count and there are things happening in the sky that day that could potential bring the end of the world!
Astrologically this date is important as this marks the date when the Sun is going to cross what is astronomically known as the Milky Way Equator. The Mayans were absolutely incredible mathematicians and they could predict centuries into the future when it came to
predicting the trajectory of the Sun.

I find the whole 2012 apocolypse theory REALLY worrying and id just like to add that even if the world IS going to end in 2012, i dont think the entire world should spend the next three years worrying about it, and that if this has ANY element of truth im just gonna spend the rest of my days getting the MOST out of life!

I also know that there are LOADS of ways the world might end e.g asteroids, ice ages ect.
Post your views guys and see what you can find!


I'd be more worried about the dollar collapsing.
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erm...if the world ends, then yh the dollar may loose SOME point value!oh nooooo!

cmon people! post your views i wanna hear dem!:)

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Thought the date for the end was 21.12.2012. Scientist have said that on this date ALL the planets in our solar system from the other side of the sun to this side will be in complete allignment with each other including all the moons. This will have an effect on our planet and people, but who know's what.

I personnaly think there will be WW111 before this date and the superpowers must be thinking of population control by now, that would be a good way to wipe out a billion or so of us. It's all about the money/oil presently, oh yeah and food, and it's all getting scarce.

Oh well.....strange world....what will be, will be, is what I say


YHYH! nostradomas. although while he predicted events with SOME accuracy,they where strange.for example his 'prediction' for 9/11 was that a giant pheonix of fire would fly into a gigantic 'skyhouse'?still near enough i guess.


It's all absurd. Look, I'm excited about the whole thing too, but it's not going to happen. Nostradamus wrote cryptic quatrains that could be twisted to fit any disaster, like the bible. The world (as we know it) will end the minute we die, for each of us. So your philosophy of living life to the fullest is always a smart move. Some of us will never see 2012, or tomorrow for that matter. Live it up while you can, and revel in your time.


that is the date that the Mayans predicted that the world would end.
You have no idea what you're talking about when it come to "what the mayans predicted."
You're just echoing the somewhat recent idea that something on the scale of their calendar stopping has to equal the end of the world.


Yh it has been predicted by that guy from the 1800s(cant remember name) who also predicted ww1,2, and 9/11, aswell as lots of other things tha have ALL benn somewhat accurate.

You're probably talking about Nostradamus, but it's easy to be accurate when you generalize everything.

OTOH, I have noticed an uptick in the number of 'doom & gloom' posters (not just on this site), so who knows? It's much easier to tear down than it is to create. By acting destructively, the imbeciles may indeed bring about their own destruction...


You have no idea what you're talking about when it come to "what the mayans predicted."
You're just echoing the somewhat recent idea that something on the scale of their calendar stopping has to equal the end of the world.

maybe so! all im trying to get across is that something, that noone knows what MAY or MAY NOT happen in th year 2012.

tbh mate do you really think a novice cannabis cultivator is going to know about mayan predictions/ways of life ecetera, if you do then damn! no offence...


You're probably talking about Nostradamus, but it's easy to be accurate when you generalize everything.

It's much easier to tear down than it is to create. By acting destructively, the imbeciles may indeed bring about their own destruction...

very true words, taco. i am no imbecile though, just one of many young minds... :joint:


the 06/06/06 theory was to do with the holy apocolypse, four horsemen, fire, brimstone ect. that didnt come true either!

the way i see it could be that all these predictions could be true, but on a minute scale of what was/has been predicted.


weed fiend
The Mayan calendar lasts 28,000 years, the length of time between the aligning of our sun and the galactic center of the galaxy.

Is there documented evidence of mass extinctions in the fossil record every 28,000 years?

tbh mate do you really think a novice cannabis cultivator is going to know about mayan predictions/ways of life ecetera, if you do then damn! no offence...

Wow, he'd actually have to know how to READ to learn about Mayan history. I mean, anthropologists study the culture and document their findings and hypotheses. No surprise here.


The Mayan calendar lasts 28,000 years, the length of time between the aligning of our sun and the galactic center of the galaxy.

Is there documented evidence of mass extinctions in the fossil record every 28,000 years?

hmmm. good question! back to google for me! lol


Active member
I wouldn't be surprised if nothing is actually supposed to happen but some moron decides to let off a nuclear bomb. Out of 6+ billion people there is gotta be some guy who is gonna do some harm just because its 2012. :mad:


I wouldn't be surprised if nothing is actually supposed to happen but some moron decides to let off a nuclear bomb. Out of 6+ billion people there is gotta be some guy who is gonna do some harm just because its 2012. :mad:

The chances of that happening=6+billion to one.

but nonetheless kim jong ill could go a little ott on the kro, slip an press the red button! who knows?