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The Ace Pic Place


Active member
Sigh... I had a single Purple Haze X Malawi (lots of Malawi Madness in this coming grow) Unfortunately the seed slipped through my clumsy fingers, bounced off of my safety catch tray and onto my floor. I heard the seed hit the wood floor and I thought for sure I would find it... no such luck.

Ouch... I'm so sorry to hear that. When I lose something important that way I just keep looking for a lot of time, but when I can't find it it's so frustrating I start to sweat lol... I messep up 2 seeds last year, and I wasn't even high (I usually don't smoke when I'm working with the plants, specially when they are young) :)

On the other hand, you have an amazing selection of genetics and you are lucky for that :comfort: I really want to see the Panama, Tikal and Kali China. I also want to see the violeta, because I have some free seeds :dance013:

Fatty Bubba

New member
Hello all!

Buddler, Yesum, Idiit & some other members asked about the smoke of the Guatemalan that I posted early on this thread. I'm bit of a novice with these landrace sativas as what goes for growing/smoking,
so I'm probably not the best person to "judge" the smoke.

After only few weeks in a jar the smell & taste of the smoke is very very smooth, It tastes a bit like some sort of eucalyptus candy mints, kind of hard to describe, but Very pleasant indeed.

The high is very clear and energetic without any feelings of anxiety what so ever... That was very nice surprice to me, cause I've been searching this kind of "feel high & still can function" daytime herb for a long time. Definitely a keeper to me. I think the potency of this herb is pretty good (not in Malawi astral space trip kind of way though) and the high last's for a good while. Usually I don't smoke at all during the daytime, I only puff a spliff or two at night, but lately I have been slipping to a daytime smoking routine, because the flavour of this strain is so tempting and the high doesn't leave me feeling like a retarded for the whole day.

I think that people should stop spreading the common belive:, that sativas are not good for people with anxiety problems, & they should only smoke high cbd indicas. It's not so simple.. for me it was another way around. As for the Malawi smoke, yes it is very powerfull and bit trippy, but still I find it more pleasant & manageable, than most heavy indicas or hybrids.

I got some Ethiopes, Panamas, ol' Golden Tigers and Oldtimer haze's waiting there on the line for their turn to shine, but before that I'm gonna take a li'l summer break from the growing and enjoy from the fruits of my labour.



Well-known member
Nice report FB I agree the high thc sats are great daytime smoke energizing upbeat and clear ,the taste sounds nice probly get smoother as cure goes on.



Well-known member

Do a update on my bubs hash scrog day eight and looking good. Next few weeks should be fun hope I:laughing: can pull it off .


Well-known member
Speaking of GT . 8 weeks today not very good shots had a few critters show up damn intake:huggg: I keep saying I'm gonna put a filter on it .Anyways shes a survivor and cant wait to fill some jars.B


Well-known member
Hi Pandy 6 weeks of veggin and training under cheap LEDs thanks for the interest .



Well-known member
Heres the ace mix mystery pack they look like all hybrids to me .Maybe one Sat .Who knows, high hopes to find something special.:watchplant:


Well-known member
All's looking excellent your way. Mad scrog;) Good luck with the Mix girls. I've seen a lot of KC and China recently from those.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
I've seen a lot of KC and China recently from those.

That sounds really good to me.

I've got one KC and one KC Haze started and just one nice nugget of KC stash left. I really like the KC, taste and high.


Well-known member
Some KC would be nice or some Banging Haze is hybrid too, problem is you don't what they are so no idea on flowering times and such .But its part of the fun I reckon..Thanks for comments Fellers..


Well-known member
Some KC would be nice or some Banging Haze is hybrid too, problem is you don't what they are so no idea on flowering times and such .But its part of the fun I reckon..Thanks for comments Fellers..

Smoking some 6 month cured Bangi this AM-the best tasting weed I've got left from last year and a very up high:dance013: Hope you get one:tiphat:

The KC hybrids I've got going smell amazing. A month to go on a few of them.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Just a reminder -as if we need one- of the fickle finger of fate. I've never seen a mouse in my basement, or even any sign of a mouse. My face must've been contorted in pain when saw this today:


Sigh. I have more violeta, regular Malawi and Tikals to replace those nipped off. It really hurt to see my Kali China, of which I have one seed left, and my rare and precious old Sensi Stars that I had been planning to cross with Malawi and Panama this run. I still have 3 of the old Sensi Star seeds but no more seeds to replace the chomped Zamaldelicas . I'm just thankful the bastard spared my Panama and Panama crosses as well as my Western Winds. I also lost one of Soma's pricey Amnesia Hazes.

Oh well. I had just gone down to repot into bigger containers. Now I'm sitting here looking at our cats just sleeping the day away while the killer of my seedlings dances in freedom. Those dumb bastards still think there will be food in their bowls when they get up....LOL!

Back to work.


Active member
Just a reminder -as if we need one- of the fickle finger of fate. I've never seen a mouse in my basement, or even any sign of a mouse. My face must've been contorted in pain when saw this today:
Those dumb bastards still think there will be food in their bowls when they get up....LOL!

Back to work.

Claude, sorry for your loss. Know how it feels I lost 4 malawi fems in beer cups to a savage beast with no regard for humanity or horticulture. The cups were not draining properly got some green slim film inside the cups giving off horrible smell which attracted the rodents.

The day after my loss found a dead mouse at the base of table with the tinder young girls. Suspect whatever was growing in the cups was just the right dose for the bugger. Just deserts! :tiphat:


Well-known member
Damn, sad to see that, CH. Yep, had such bad losses to mice that I got a couple of cats;) Lost Jarilla de Sinaloa, GT, Panama and he nearly killed my favorite Bangi and a couple of freebies I was looking forward to. Devastating. Had no idea they liked sprouts before this.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Lost Jarilla de Sinaloa


Thank goodness I still have good seeds, other than the Zamaldelica and the KCxHaze. I'll just concentrate on the others and the lost week of production will (hopefully) soon be forgottenas the garden grows.

Oh, and a cat will be sleeping in the garden tonight.