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% THC?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Just because you gave the correct answer as to what the % is based on does not mean nobody else is allowed to express an opinion about how the labs do it. You really need to get over yourself dude you're not the last word. Now if I was saying the THC% means what I've been saying it should mean you might have a valid reason for getting your panties all twisted up in a knot. I didn't say that though, I said that basing it on total bud weight is inaccurate and that if they did it the way I suggest the number would be more representative and have more real meaning.

It's real simple to reason out just imagine one starts with a bud that's been dried with all it's leaves still intact and attached and lets say an inch long stem. That's the bud that gets tested and the percentage of THC is determined based on the weight of the bud with all those leaves and that long stem attached. The percentage is X%. Now take the exact same bud but this time trim off some of the leaves. The percentage based on the bud with less leaves but still a long stem would be Y% because the weight to determine the ratio has now changed. Take the exact same bud and now trim off all the leaves and chop off that inch long stem, the percentage would then calculate out to Z% because the weight for the ratio has now changed even more. If the lab's way of doing things was accurate then that would mean that the mere act of triming increases the potency but in reality what is happening is some of the "impurities" if you will are being removed making the bud seem more concentrated. Now look at how these numbers are being used as a way to determine the value, there's good motivation for the labs to do it they way they do as it gives their customers more marketable data.

Yeah Hempcat now you are overdoing it lol ... I guess your logic might be sound but nah thats not how it works lol.. They would remove the stem as the stem has almost zero thc and the leaf would also be removed. You would only want your bud to be tested. YOUR VERY BEST BUD TOO lol..
I can't get the pic to come up but there is vials of pure THC the doctors are now playing with lol ,, stay safe headband 707:woohoo:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah Hempcat now you are overdoing it lol ... I guess your logic might be sound but nah thats not how it works lol.. They would remove the stem as the stem has almost zero thc and the leaf would also be removed. You would only want your bud to be tested. YOUR VERY BEST BUD TOO lol..
I can't get the pic to come up but there is vials of pure THC the doctors are now playing with lol ,, stay safe headband 707:woohoo:

It was a hypothetical scenario to help illustrate the point I was making. Which is that a change in weight alters the value of %THC when the %THC is a ratio based on total bud weight. Also if you read thru my thread "How do you trim your weed?" You'll see that there are all kinds of different ways people do their buds. So just because it had leaves and a long stem doesn't mean that it's not the person's best bud being tested. I seriously doubt the lab would take it upon themselves to trim the leaves and/or stem. That's not their job, they just do what you hire them to do (test the weed for THC content).

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