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THC-THCA-Which is which?


ICMag Donor
May I mention names here? Ok, "hypothetically speaking" a "friend" shops mostly at Elemental Wellness rather than Harbourside in San Jose. Why? Because all the THC levels of almost every strain at harbourside shows less in terms of THC.

However they do show THCA and if combined with THC it's a higher number than Elementals .

I've never heard the term used ( thca ) would someone please illuminate the terrain for me here? Does Harbourside just sell lower strength cannabis? :blowbubbles:


When thc-a is biosynthesized by the cannabis plant it is in a form that humans can receive different medical benefits. During drying burning vaping and curing, decarboxylation occurs, turning the thc-a into thc, a form that humans can get high from and receive other medical benefits (delta-9 THC decreases tumor size and inhibits cancer cell proliferation). This is true for the other Cannabinoids as well as thc.


howdy Tudo
howdy wingdings

how you do?

respect Tudo for such discussion and thinks
respect wingdings to express thinks within

thank you to share

am keen to think indeed similar with wingdings thc-a represent form to being carboxylic acid
with respect to decarboxylate for change to being acid form
each unique within spectrum to thinks and analysis indeed
one perspective

indeed within such acid form not psychoactive, with respect to medicinal am keen to think indeed medicinal attribute within not decarboxylate form such and such thc-a
one perspective thc-a form being benefit to anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-spasam

with respect to analysis spectrum within thc-a rather thc, one perspective am keen to think within more fresh herb sample thc-a more available for analysis with respect to potential thc potency to measure

such analysis with respect to lab analysis depend with perspective

positive vibrations


Danut has written a good bit about this subject, IIRC. I hope I recollect correctly! Could it have been qupee? They both have similar avatars, but I think it's danut.


THCA, THC acid, is thc in its carboxylic acid form, other major cannabinoids such as CBDA are also in their carboxylic acid form.

THCA is the main constituent in raw and freshly dried cannabis. THCA decarboxylates into D9-THC when burned, vaporized, or heated for a period of time at a certain temperature. Partial decarboxylation can happen during curing, but IMO if your curing in a cool, dark and airtight jar it will mostly stay in its carboxylic acid form.
THCA holds much of the anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anti-proliferative (inhibiting the cell-growth in tumors/ cancer cells,) as well as anti-spasmodic (suppresses muscle-spasms.)


Active member

THCA, CBDA, CBNA etc all grow on the cannabis plant. When the plant is heated/burned at a certain temperature it removes the Acidic molecule (The A), which makes THC, CBD, CBN etc.. (There may be other processes that remove the Acidic molecule as well...)

I'm pretty sure they have some algorithm to predict how much THC will be created from the amount of THCA, so forth with CBDA etc.


Active member
Cannabinoids Primer - Get familiar with some of the main cannabinoids
Full Article @ http://www.halent.com/Resources/Cannabinoids Primer New.pdf

"Cannabinoids are a set of about 80-100 compounds found only in cannabis plants. The cannabinoids are a subset of terpenoids. Terpenoids are a very large class of naturally occurring organic chemicals that come in thousands of varieties. They contribute to scents and flavors and colors of plants, such as cinnamon or ginger. Many are valued for herbal or medicinal properties(antibacterials, analgesics), such as menthol, camphor, or eucalyptol. Thus, all cannabinoids are terpenoids, but not all terpenoids are cannabinoids. Cannabis does produce many terpenoids that are not cannabinoids, as well, but the cannabinoids are currently the compounds in which most people are interested. Nevertheless, Halent Laboratories is embarking on a quest to identify and quantify several of the other terpenoids in cannabis that may, also, have medicinal qualities. Cannabis plants are unique in that they make a compound called CBGA (cannabigerol acid). This compound is the “mother” or “grandmother” to all of the rest of the cannabinoids. Some of the more prevalent cannabinoids are listed below.

In the plant, CBGA gets converted mostly along three major divisions: (1) THCA and derivatives, (2) CBDA and derivatives, and (3) CBCA and derivatives. Most of the currently common strains produce primarily the THCA family. Years of hybridization efforts to increase the psychoactive potency of cannabis have, largely, been successful in this. A few strains are known to sometimes produce more of the CBDA family and are of great interest now due to recent successful studies showing the great potential of CBD, in particular, as effective for treating numerous ailments. The CBCA family is much less studied at this point, but, with the advent of new technologies like those at Halent Labs, the identification of strains with significant amounts of the CBCA family is just beginning. In fact, this is true of almost all of the cannabinoids other than THC and CBD. The research on most other compounds is still in its infancy, but results are being produced at an increasingly rapid pace.

Common Cannabinoids:

“CBGA” = cannabigerol acid– CBGA is the primary cannabinoid from which all others derive. The plant first makes CBGA and then converts it, sometimes in several sequential steps, into the others. There are three major branches: (1) THCA and derivatives, (2) CBDA and derivatives, and (3) CBCA and derivatives. At certain stages of development, significant amounts of CBGA are observed in plant samples, but typically there is less than 2% at harvest. Like many of the acid forms of cannabinoids, it has been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties. A patent filed in 2006 also claimed analgesic properties and many others have also been reported.

“CBG” = cannabigerol – When acid forms of cannabis are heated (or exposed to lots of UV light) they lose a molecule of carbon dioxide and form the neutral cannabinoid (sometimes called the phenol). CBG has been reported to have anti-proliferative (anti-tumor) and antibacterial activity, among others. CBG has been reported to inhibit growth of human epithelial cancer tumors. Reported effects: bone-stimulant, antibacterial, antiproliferative (anticancer)1 Anti prostate cancer, antifungal, antidepressant, analgesic, anti-psoriasis, antibacterial (MRSA),

“THCA” =9-THCA = ∆9-THCA A: ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol acid
– This is the precursor to THC and is typically the most abundant cannabinoid produced in most plants grown at present. (Dried cannabis typically contains 15-25% THCA.) A large fraction (but not all ) of the THCA converts to THC upon strong heating (> 200°F). The amount converted depends on the details of the temperature and timing. THCA has been shown to have anti-spasmodic and anti-proliferative (anti-cancer) properties, as well as evidence of anti-inflammatory activity. (In fact, there are other acid forms of THC, but they are almost always present in only very small quantities. THCA A and THCA B differ only in the placement of the carboxylic acid group. THCA A is almost always the version referred to when no designation is made.) Reported effects: antiproliferative (anticancer), antispasmodic1

“THC"= “D9-THC” = ∆9-THC = ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol – Thought to be the most psychoactive of the cannabinoids and largely attributed with many beneficial medical properties, such as pain relief, appetite stimulation, anti-spasmodic properties, anti-emetic properties and many more. Plants don’t produce this compound directly. (Dried plant material contains only a few percent THC.) It is produced from THCA (see previous entry) by heating or exposure to UV light. Not all THCA ends up as THC. Heating has been shown to convert at most about 70% of the THCA into THC. The “∆9” in the name indicates the specific location of a carbon-carbon double-bond in one of the rings. Analgesic, antioxidant, bronchodilatory, reduce symptoms of Alzheimers, beneficial for duodenal ulcers, muscle relaxant, antipruritic

“D8-THC” = ∆8–THC = ∆8-tetrahydrocannabinol – This compound has almost the exact same structure as ∆9-THC, except, as you might have guessed, the double bond in question is in the ∆8 position instead of the ∆9 position. Its effects are thought to be very similar to ∆9-THC. This compound is almost never produced in any significant amount by plants, but it is one of the few readily available standards that labs can purchase. Nevertheless, studies on the medicinal properties are few at this time.

“THCA-C4” = Tetrahydrocannabinol-C4 – Version of THCA with a slightly shorter side chain. It only has a 4-carbon chain, whereas THCA has a five-carbon chain. Believed to have similar effects to THCA.

“THVA” = “THCVA” = tetrahydrocannabivarin acid – A version of THCA that only has three carbons (instead of 5) in the “alkyl side chain.” Believed to have similar effects to THCA.

“THV” = “THCV” = tetrahydrocannabivarin – Formed when THVA is heated (or exposed to UV light). It has been reported to be anti-epileptic, anorectic, and a bone stimulant. Reported effects: anti-epileptic, bone-stimulant, anorectic1 Treatment of metabolic syndrome, anticonvulsant,

“CBNA” = cannabinol acid – A breakdown product of THCA by air oxidation.

“CBN” = cannabinol – Formed when CBNA is heated (or exposed to UV light). Sedative, antibacterial(MRSA), burns, psoriasis, breast cancer

“CBDA” = cannabidiol acid – CBDA is at the top of the second major branch of CBGA derivatives and is thought to concentrate in the glandular hairs. It has been shown to exhibit anti-proliferative (antitumor) effects, among several other attributes. Some strains of cannabis occasionally yield plants that produce more CBDA than THCA, which, after heating, means more CBD than THC. Many patients prize these samples since they seem to exert many beneficial medical effects without the sometimes disorienting “high” associated with similar doses of THC. Most plant samples contain less than 2% CBDA. However, the few samples that do produce large amounts often contain over 10% CBDA (and only ~5% THCA). Reported effects: antiproliferative (anticancer)1

“CBD” = cannabidiol – CBD is, after THC, one of the most widely studied of the cannabinoids. It is believed to possess numerous beneficial medicinal effects. It has been clinically evaluated in anxiety, psychosis, and movement disorders, and to relieve neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis (in combination with D9-THC as a 1:1 mixture, i.e. Sativex). “Project CBD” is an organization that tracks the medical and cannabis industries for advances in the knowledge of CBD. They have many resources on their web site for learning more about CBD and its effects.

Reported effects: anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antiepileptic, neuroprotective, vasorelaxant, antispasmodic, anti-ischemic, antiproliferative (anti-cancer), antiemetic, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antipsioratic, intestinal anti-prokinetic, analgesic, bone-stimulant, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, Antioxidant, anti-anxiety, anticonvulsant, anti-breast cancer, anti-bacterial (MRSA), decreases sebum/sebocytes, treatment of addiction CBDVA CBDV anticonvulsant

“CBCA” = cannabichromene acid – CBCA sits at the top of the third major “daughter” branch of cannabinoids from CBGA. A recent patent claims that CBCA is produced primarily in the sessile trichomes of the plant (those without stalks). CBCA is thought to possess anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal activity.

“CBC” = cannabichromene – CBC forms when CBCA is heated (or exposed to UV light). Although one of the three most prevalent classes of cannabinoids, CBC has, to date, received relatively little attention. CBC is reported to exert anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and modest analgesic activity. It also has been reported to be a bone stimulant. Reported effects: antiproliferative (anticancer), antimicrobial, bone-stimulant, analgesic, antiinflammatory, Antifungal, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antidepressant

“CBLA” = cannabicyclol acid – CBLA is a degradation product. When CBCA absorbs UV light, CBLA is produced.

“CBL” = cannabicyclol – CBL forms when CBLA is heated (or exposed to UV light).

Reference: 1 Non‐psychotropic plant cannabinoids: new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb, Angelo A. Izzo, Francesca Borrelli, Raffaele Capasso, Vincenzo Di Marzo and Raphael Mechoulam, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences vol. 30 (2009) pp. 515–527."


Active member
When thc-a is biosynthesized by the cannabis plant it is in a form that humans can not receive the medical benefits. During drying and curing, decarboxylation occurs, turning the thc-a into thc, a form that humans can get high from and receive medical benefits (delta-9 THC decreases tumor size and inhibits cancer cell proliferation). This is true for the other Cannabinoids as well as thc.

There are actually MANY additional benefits to the cannainoid molecules that still have the acidic molecule. It won't get you "buzzed" in the same way, but it does have many proven medical effects. For instance THCA, is another attack path against cancer that isn't present in CBD or THC. If you have the cannabis to do it, it's always a good idea to make cannabis bud blended drinks and eat them raw in combination with smoking/edibles.

The list I posted above, shows many of the positive effects associated with THCA, CBDA, CBGA, CBCA etc...
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ICMag Donor
So elemental is advertising total thc and thca content while harborside shows the breakdown and in order to get the total you must add both together?

A youtube on the subject and they also say that lots more needs to be studied and known:

What is THCA


Active member
I parsed out the Acidic cannaibinoid list of medical effects for anyone who is curious:

Medical Uses discovered so far

CBCA : anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal activity.

CBDA : antiproliferative (anticancer)

THCA : antiproliferative (anticancer), antispasmodic

CBGA : It has been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties. A patent filed in 2006 also claimed analgesic (Pain reduction) properties and many others have also been reported.

THC-VA : Believed to have similar effects to THCA (anti-epileptic, bone-stimulant, anorectic1 Treatment of metabolic syndrome, anti-convulsant)


am keen to think indeed similar with wingdings thc-a represent form to being carboxylic acid
with respect to decarboxylate for change to being acid form
each unique within spectrum to thinks and analysis indeed
one perspective

indeed within such acid form not psychoactive, with respect to medicinal am keen to think indeed medicinal attribute within not decarboxylate form such and such thc-a
one perspective thc-a form being benefit to anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-spasam

regarding the psychoactivity of thc-a, it will metabolize in the human body and convert into thc without the need of heat or flame. oxidation will cause this, and oxidation might not be as healthy for your body.


howdy S-C

how you do?

am keen to you analysis and research with respect to various rate to oxidate with respect to various form to ingest thc-a

such process within liver similar food to process within estomach
such process within mucous membrane similar sublingual
such process within transdermal similar topical ointment salve and oil

albeit perhap indeed at when masticate and chew food perhap within mucous membrane a touch absorb?
am keen to such research

are you to thinks thc-a psychoactive or rather are you to thinks human body ability to metabolize thc-a into not acid form for nature to being psychoactive?

am keen to thinks medicinal benefit relate such symbiosis with respect to such ratio and rate at how to metabolize indeed

tokes herb and mucous membrane more fast delivery
liver process more delay
one perspective

within much variance indeed

at how to compete and occupy receptor within human form am read much ambiguity
thank you to discuss

more alkaline more efficient human body convert?
human form indeed similar machine
at when healthy much efficient
at when not healthy not much efficient

am keen to agree with human body for convert thc-a to psychoactive form to thc
with respect to rate for convert and such and such am read much ambiguity within analysis to research

are you familiar to pdf and various analysis am keen to read

thank you to share

positive vibrations



The liver/pancreas/kidneys/red blood cells will turn it into energy and byproduct almost immediately, unless liver/panc/renal failure. This could be a bad thing for diabetic, i.e. Keto acidosis, or liver transplant patients. keep the oxides at a minimum.

Transdermal infusion will not be as intrusive as oral or sublingual administration as it will bypass much of the internal organ absorption and oxidate efficiency.

are you to thinks thc-a psychoactive or rather are you to thinks human body ability to metabolize thc-a into not acid form for nature to being psychoactive?

maybe as a topical ointment and localized infusion. It will eventually oxidize and turn into THC, how much is metabolized? who knows. Now you are talking chemistry.

It looks like you are more interested in forming a chemical similar to THC-A which is not convertible into THC, but keeping all of the same properties except psycho-activity. Ya, you can.. Its being done in medicine all the time BUT there are major drawbacks. Often calcium or some medium is needed to prevent oxidation. I can look at it, I have a degree in chemistry but for real information, you will need a full-time chemist.


howdy S-C

how you do?

thank you to reply
am keen to read and analysis within you link

with respect to cannabinoid and resin and such and such, am keen to cannabis to form within natural synthesis

am keen to enjoy and analysis natural cannabinoid within nature

indeed perhap cofactor available to human form
with respect to synthesis am keen to cannabis plant with respect to resin and cannabinoid and terpene form to being

thank you to share

positive vibrations


So elemental is advertising total thc and thca content while harborside shows the breakdown and in order to get the total you must add both together?

A youtube on the subject and they also say that lots more needs to be studied and known:

What is THCA

In case no one talked about it yet...

The raw form of THC (THCa) has a CO2 stuck in it. That adds weight to the molecule. When it gets cooked, the CO2 breaks off. As a result, the THC now weighs less.

I believe the ratio is 1 to 0.83 (might be .87) In other words, if you start with 1 gram of THCa, you will have 0.83 grams of THC.

So when they add them together, they should be taking into account the weight loss.

Not sure how much that helps ..


ICMag Donor
I have some Ingrid from elemental and it's rated at 18+% thc

Here's harborsides:
Ingrid (I/S)
14.11% THC, 16.63% THCA

Nowhere can any cannabis higher than the low 20% range be found at harborside while several above 25% are at elemental. Is elemental just selling higher thc cannabis or is it grading symantics?


I have some Ingrid from elemental and it's rated at 18+% thc

Here's harborsides:
Ingrid (I/S)
14.11% THC, 16.63% THCA

Nowhere can any cannabis higher than the low 20% range be found at harborside while several above 25% are at elemental. Is elemental just selling higher thc cannabis or is it grading symantics?

I doubt that the sample was more than 30% combined THC and THCa.

If you take that 16.63 number and multiply by .85 you arrive close to the 14.11.

The 16.63 number is close to the 18% number reported by the other place.


ICMag Donor
Hmmm, I think it's time for a side by side comparison of sorts


dang Danut.. Bravo! I think some people were interested in a few numbers, I know I was!. :)
Srry, i am often in school during my hours and difficult to reach via forums. :) I would LOVE to learn more about this conversation and where it progresses. !


New member
Can someone please tell me in easy to understand English, what is the difference between THCA and CBD..
