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thc gene can now be transfered to other plants


just found this freaky info tibit.......

Company makes any plant produce THC and the tomatoes are especially yummy
June 3, 2009

Oakdale, CA: Scientists at Montsaint Genie Tech Inc. announced today that they have successfully transferred the gene segment that produces the psychotropic chemical THC in cannabis plants to many other common garden plants, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and more.
“We probably can put the THC segment into almost any plant in existence,” says lead scientist Rebeca Vale. “It’s a very simple process. We are starting work on oak and maple trees now.”
Asked if the resulting plants could be used in ways similar to cannabis, Vale replied, “Well, you can’t make twine out of a tomato plant, but if someone were to dry it and smoke it, all of the medicinal and psychotropic effects of marijuana would be present. And what’s more, we have learned that tomatoes, in particular, actually produce more THC than cannabis itself.”
But is it legal? “Actually, yes,” says Vale. “Our research qualifies as GMO ‘intellectual property’, as does the process itself. Since tomatoes and other plants are not illegal, a person would be well within the law to grow them and use them as they please.”
Vale says that her company is working on a spray that will transfer the segment to many plants simply by spraying the leaves of seedlings.
“It’s a very simple process,” she says. “Anyone can do it. We plan to start selling the spray - ‘Genie Mist’ - in a matter of weeks. One bottle will sell for five dollars and be capable of treating 6,000 seedlings.”
But how do the tomatoes taste? “Scrumptious,” Vale says. “But, of course, they are best when roasted.”
I had to make sure the date isn't April 1.



Simply by spraying the leaves? No, what are they smoking? Tomatoes?

This can't be true. Any botanists out there?


This would get me excited if OP posted source of info, but somethin in me is callin bullshit.


omg this cant be real can it? Ive always thought about how awesome it would be to grow cannamatoes

Ima start looking for more info on this asap

edit: Bodhi if your just blowing smoke I hope you get duped!

edit2: Google doesnt turn up any useful sources I have a feeling this is a mean horrible hoax


Why do people want to mess with our heads like this!

Such a shame=(
What a let down, a little dream bubble formed above my head @ first with a fat dank BLT sammich ...and then I read further & well... *cry*


Sounds like bullshit to me.

Does a company called Montsaint Genie Tech Inc even exist? Can't find anything but copies of this article with a google search.


New member
The last couple of lines give it away as the obvious joke it is. OP should have read the whole thing perhaps?
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Active member

MKZDK - 9 November 1998

A Florida Biochemist designs a citrus tree with THC.

DATELINE--Tallahassee, Fla.

In the summer of 1984, 10th-grader Irwin Nanofsky and a friend were driving down the Apalachee Parkway on the way home from baseball practice when they were pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic infraction.

After Nanofsky produced his driver's license the police officer asked permission to search the vehicle. In less than two minutes, the officer found a homemade pipe underneath the passenger's seat of the Ford Aerostar belonging to the teenage driver's parents. The minivan was seized, and the two youths were taken into custody on suspicion of drug possession. more at the link above...

ive read recently nicotene has been found in tomatoes after simply grafting a tomato plant to tobacco roots, crazy sh*t!


I believe this to be possible (perhaps not in this particular case), gentic engineering has already combined animal and plant genes


I think that the marijuana plant has evolved to be the best host for resin and if we think we are going to reinvent a better wheel I think we are going down the wrong road

HOWEVER (yeah 1 more)

in space for example it woudl be neat to engineer one plant to have fruit thc fiber flowers and all the various components needed to support life
Ya'll are too easy, though.... come on spray the plant and it becomes a thc producer... not unless you just sprayed thc on it...LOL

We wish!



Even if it was possible, who the fuck wants to smoke a tomato?!

LoL @ this being on the front page of the site too. Maybe this forum needs pre-approval/moderation? :laughing:


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Even if it was possible, who the fuck wants to smoke a tomato?!

LoL @ this being on the front page of the site too. Maybe this forum needs pre-approval/moderation? :laughing:

Funny shit.


Funny...except Montsaint sounds like Monsanto the legit genetic seed company. Somebody has a great imagination.