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thc gene can now be transfered to other plants


Cookie monster

Cookies!!! i'll be around in the morning what time you start baking at??


Active member
company makes any plant produce THC

company makes any plant produce THC


June 1, 2009

Oakdale, CA: Scientists at Montsaint Genie Tech Inc. announced today that they have successfully transferred the gene segment that produces the psychotropic chemical THC in cannabis plants to many other common garden plants, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and more.

“We probably can put the THC segment into almost any plant in existence,” says lead scientist Rebeca Vale. “It’s a very simple process. We are starting work on oak and maple trees now.”

Asked if the resulting plants could be used in ways similar to cannabis, Vale replied, “Well, you can’t make twine out of a tomato plant, but if someone were to dry it and smoke it, all of the medicinal and psychotropic effects of marijuana would be present. And what’s more, we have learned that tomatoes, in particular, actually produce more THC than cannabis itself.”

But is it legal? “Actually, yes,” says Vale. “Our research qualifies as GMO ‘intellectual property’, as does the process itself. Since tomatoes and other plants are not illegal, a person would be well within the law to grow them and use them as they please.”

Vale says that her company is working on a spray that will transfer the segment to many plants simply by spraying the leaves of seedlings.

“It’s a very simple process,” she says. “Anyone can do it. We plan to start selling the spray - ‘Genie Mist’ - in a matter of weeks. One bottle will sell for five dollars and be capable of treating 6,000 seedlings.”

But how do the tomatoes taste? “Scrumptious,” Vale says. “But, of course, they are best when roasted.”



June 1, 2009

Oakdale, CA: Scientists at Montsaint Genie Tech Inc. announced today that they have successfully transferred the gene segment that produces the psychotropic chemical THC in cannabis plants to many other common garden plants, including tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, and more.

“We probably can put the THC segment into almost any plant in existence,” says lead scientist Rebeca Vale. “It’s a very simple process. We are starting work on oak and maple trees now.”

Asked if the resulting plants could be used in ways similar to cannabis, Vale replied, “Well, you can’t make twine out of a tomato plant, but if someone were to dry it and smoke it, all of the medicinal and psychotropic effects of marijuana would be present. And what’s more, we have learned that tomatoes, in particular, actually produce more THC than cannabis itself.”

But is it legal? “Actually, yes,” says Vale. “Our research qualifies as GMO ‘intellectual property’, as does the process itself. Since tomatoes and other plants are not illegal, a person would be well within the law to grow them and use them as they please.”

Vale says that her company is working on a spray that will transfer the segment to many plants simply by spraying the leaves of seedlings.

“It’s a very simple process,” she says. “Anyone can do it. We plan to start selling the spray - ‘Genie Mist’ - in a matter of weeks. One bottle will sell for five dollars and be capable of treating 6,000 seedlings.”

But how do the tomatoes taste? “Scrumptious,” Vale says. “But, of course, they are best when roasted.”

"And what’s more, we have learned that tomatoes, in particular, actually produce more THC than cannabis itself.” that is fucking crazy, good story! :laughing:


half cat half man half baked
Where can I pre-order that spray!?

Hopefully we can add CBD/CBN too!


Active member
It would be cool if you could get stinging Nettles to do the same jobs as Cannabis.
That stuff grows everywhere and they produce fibre too and have medical applications.



It would be cool if you could get stinging Nettles to do the same jobs as Cannabis.
That stuff grows everywhere and they produce fibre too and have medical applications.
Probably could - they are related plants, same family (cannabacae), I think...



No source = BS.

Desired genetic modifcation through topical spray? guys we don't have nanotechnology yet.

Even if this is true, who the fuck wants to smoke PURE THC with no terpenes or cannibinoids.

Can you say psychosis?


Just Call me Urkle!!
But folks IT'S TRUE!!! I crossed a cucumber plant that I sprayed with watermelons and then crossed that back to my favorite pot plant and OMG!!!!! I have a strain that smells like my ex girls body spray! It also produces colas like cucumbers that are BLUE and PINK with ORANGE trichomes! Did I mention I then sprayed my plant I just made with the stuff and now I threw my HID system away cuz I can grow 2ft tall plants that yield 6-8oz each under 252w of CFLs!!!!

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