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That's It!! This is TOO MUCH UP NORTH!!!



The way the world is going these days reminds me of the scene from back to the future 2 were biff is a billionair, corrupted, owns the police & everything & everybody is dangerous reminds me of the american gov. & the path we're starting to head down.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It times of crisis in the world there is always a minority that speaks against the majority's reality. Almost always the minority is vindicated by history. Standing on the side of conventional wisdom has always proved to be folly in the halls of history. I wear my badge of unconventional wisdom proudly.

They once said the earth was flat and it was heresy to to say otherwise. You were put to death if you dared spoke different. Today's world is not much different. Just packaged differently for mass consumption.

Conventional wisdom is better written as wisdom of convenience. Convenience implies simplicity. Better put as simple wisdom. Simplicity is a fools gold as ignorance is always bliss.

Ventura was UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) Team 12. He's not exactly an intellectual or academia, but that's nothing to scoff at. Not exactly the best spokesman for the cause, but it's what the mainstream media allows.


St. Elsewhere
Yea, if Jesse Ventura didn't make us all look so stupid, I don't think he'd have his show. I agree with him on alot of issues, but his show is ridiculous. I think the black girl is kinda cute though. :joint:

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I feel that all this shit raining jelly? is mosdef some kind of germ warfare being used by the us government against it's own people, You didnt think they were going to legalize marijuana and leave the most valuable land to the people, did you ? , Everything in our society is the opposite as I see it. Doctors, keep u sick,instead of making you better , schools are here to brainwash instead of teach, it has all been put in place to keep them in power, and in control of the curency. Everyone needs to unite, but we are being taught to only care about ME. hope granny is ok, and the slime stops raining down.
peace TS


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I didn't even know he had a TV show. I haven't read his book either, but I reckon I know the jist of it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Who are 'they'?
When was this the case?

Some Christians.

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians so on knew the world was round.

The metaphor I was looking for was that the Earth was the center of the universe. Not the earth being flat. Galileo was considered a heretic

Good catch. ;)


Green Mujaheed
uh ? what happened to my post ?? My rep shows it has received to helpful click, but the thread title show as "political".
I don't get it, what did I wrote for it to be erased ? Much worse is posted everyday in here without being erased, why did mine gone ? waaaaiil wail wail !

Irie !

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the chemical they are using to help contain the oil in the gulf is more toxic than the oil and it is being evaporated into the air and rained out over a small part the east coast.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Wow!!!!! My post's are getting deleted in my own thread!!!! Thanks for censorship really cool to know ICMAG doesn't support freedom of speach!