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That space behind my bed.

Oh YAY! You're revegging! I am most excited about watching THAT progress, since I am a little behind you on that. I will be harvesting my LP next Monday (most likely) and attempting a reveg. The CD4 I am just going to chop when it's time.

I love this setup you have going, KG!


Quick update. I've moved the bed forward a bit and now have room to place plants 360 degrees around the hanging 400 watt HPS.

Here's some pic of the new and improved setup.


Remember that clone I took a week or two ago, check out it's root system!

Here's the top half of the clone, she's still pretty small up top.

IF any of ya'll are curious what Cloning powder I use It is called IBAdex, with the active ingredient Indole-3-butyric acid at 3 grams per kg. I swear by this stuff, way better success rate with the powder than with the gel in my opinion.


Hey ya'll,

Just a small update. One of the clones I have that you can see in the 2nd to last post by me that are covered by humidity domes took off with really nice formation and fast growth both up top and down below. She was already root bound in a 2 liter bottle after just 2 weeks. So I have transplanted her and given her a bit more foot space. Here are some pics. That other clone I showed you guys in the last post will outside it's gonna get huge out there this summer.


MrCopyZ, I know exactly what you mean man! I checked the root zone at day 7 and saw 1 root making it's way down the side of the bottle, 7 days later and the whole fuckin bottle was just jam packed with roots.

I put it down to me starting to get the right idea of how long to wait between specific watering times when dealing with clones as well as the Cloning Powder I started using a while ago called IBAdex. Works so much better than any gel I've bought, and you only need to dab the angled cut off bit of the stem, not the entire stem that is to be put lower than soil level just the bit where you made the cut. It's very economical and works really well so I highly recommend to all.

I should also mention that I have used about 20% more perlite this run which would definitely have helped speed things up due to more oxygen getting at those small roots.

IF any of ya'll are curious what Cloning powder I use It is called IBAdex, with the active ingredient Indole-3-butyric acid at 3 grams per kg. I swear by this stuff, way better success rate with the powder than with the gel in my opinion.


Here's that Pineapple Express Clone That I re-potted the other day, its in the post further up.

Here are some strawberries that were just about to die, I found em hidden amoungst all the weeds in my neighbors garden and they more than happily let me take them. I have seen a huge improvement since I put them under this 400watt HPS. Since it is almost summer here I will put them outside under some netting once they all have fully established a nice vigor. Also a picture of my Flowering Venus Fly Trap. I re-potted that.

So as you can see, really I am just fucking about. Not getting much progress done, waiting on some clones then we will be in business.
LOL I am scrolling through your pics and come across the strawberries one, and before I read that it was actually strawberries, I am thinking, "WTF? That variety looks like strawberry leaves!" thinking it was cannabis. Hahahahaha!


The clones have arrived. I now have 25 clones plus the clone I took from my P.E mother. She is getting pretty big I will be flipping to 12/12 next Friday.

Here's some pics. Btw the different strains I have going this round are Power Kush, Sour Kush, Critical 47 and Pineapple Express. I am hoping to achieve the same lollipop kind of effect with all these clones as I got on the last run with the Power Kush and the Black Widow.

This ice cream container is filled with 9 Power Kush clones that Urgently need repotting. I didn't quite have enough juice bottles to use but I am gonna go out and buy some pots for them all tomorrow.

I know 26 plants seems like a lot for 1 400 watter so I am probably going to have to add in my 400 watt MH up top. Once these girls get bigger i'll setup a stadium type thing for some of them to sit on to ensure even light distribution.


Here's that P.E clone that I took just over 2 weeks ago I think.
She is doing real well, I have topped her 3 times. I will leave it at that. I expect a healthy yield from this girl given the veg time she is getting is almost 3 times that of the clones I have in here. She had a fantastic root system when I transplanted and has been keeping up a good rate of growth since transplant.


Active member
Once these girls get bigger i'll setup a stadium type thing for some of them to sit on to ensure even light distribution.

...and that....well that would be awesome. :biggrin:

I dunno about 26 being too many to fit around there though....I mean as long as they all get some light, no harm no foul right?

Can't wait to see some bud's outta this crazy grow space :tiphat:


Hey everybody,

Sorry for not havin updated in a while. Livin life on lifes terms can be hectic..I will be updating weekly from here on out..Anyways, Here is an update.

I had a few hiccups with unexpected visits and things, so progress was put on halt for a short while. But we are back up and running now and these clones are growing like crazy! I switched them last week. I have yet to make the stadium for them so at the moment I just have the short girls in front and the tall sativa dom girls(Critical 47) around the outside. The stretch on the Critical 47 is massive, I won't complain though as the rate of growth is impressive to say the least....

Here's some pics for ya'll. By the way, I will be throwing a 400watt MH above that HPS once they're tall enough for it. And there is a huge fan constantly blowing on these girls, but its not in sight because I had to move it to take the photos.



Thanks for your input littlegrow.

I took 4 clones from my Power Kush girls and have put them outside nice and early in the season. These clones have had a good headstart and will be monsters by the end of the growing season.

Here's some pics, I took a pic of all 4 in the plot I have dug over. And the a picture of each individual clone. Can't wait to see what these girls do!



And here are some pics of the girls behind my bed.

I wasn't able to set the MH bulb up the way I wanted to because the height of my grow space doesn't allow for it to be nice and vertical and I just don't have the time at the moment to rebuild the cage to fit both bulbs in..

Some of the girls have stretched way too much for my liking, I think I may have waited too long to add the MH bulb in there. But too late to turn back now. I will just have to see how things turn out.

Here are some pics, the single cola clones are a mixture of Sour Kush, Power Kush and Critical 47. The Critical 47 are the tallest girls. Sour Kush and Power Kush are much the same when it comes to the initial Stretch phase at the beginning of flower. The Short, stout, bushy girl you see at the front of the crowd is Pineapple Express. I have a very good feeling about her
On with the pics..


I see youve been up to a whole lotta cloning and vegging KG! That's why I have been M.I.A. as well lol. Still stick my head in now and again to get my word in ;P... Good to see you still going bredren!


follow the pink rabbit!
wow, that vert is a hell of a bomb setup! :good:


and good luck with outdoor adventure! i am looking with high interest, given that the outdoor season is almost over in my location.
we already get frost at nights here :[

happy growing, buddy! :smoke:


Active member
Rockin' plants indoors n' out. :tiphat:

Just a thought... I see a few empty spaces where you could bend those tops down. Tie 'em up n' you can get rid of the MH if you wanted to. The stretch really ain't that bad in my opinion ma man.


Thank you all for the input! Really appreciate the kind words:)

5th, I think I understand what you mean. Do you mean to do somethin similar to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th post in this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=206397..

I could very well set up somethin like that, it looks really effective and the yield that blokes netting are intense!

Do you think it could be too late into flowering to do this though, I made the switch on the 26th of September. I have seen some people fail because they started trainin way too late into flowerin the the buds had no structure at all they just sorta looked airy and loose.


Active member
Very similar mate. (Just spent the past half hour drooling @ Marlo's work)

I believe the reason that people fuck up their weed late in the game like you mentioned, is because they train to aggressively...shocks the plants n' shit.

I'd just put a small hole in the side of your container to anchor some thread too....tie the other end to the top of the plant...tighten until your comfortable. Nothing crazy...just to lean the tops over a few inches.

I wouldn't pinch stems or any of that. (some have and have had great results from some of the threads I've seen here)

You'll see all that starts with "I"....you just keep doing "your" thing bro. :tiphat: