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Thanks, now I cant grow!


Hey All

So my dreams of doing my first grow were dashed tonight by one of my tenants.
This tenant brought home a girl that obviously should not have been drinking, she was absolutely crazy. She kicked the shit out of him them texted her whole address book saying that she was being held captive by him and some friends and they were assaulting her. Needless to say shit hit the fan!
I woke up to my dog freaking out, flash lights in my bedroom window, pounding on the front door and 6 cruisers out front. Its now 5am and the last officers have left. She is locked up and he is at the hospital getting treated for face lacerations. Dude almost lost a eye

Now a bit about my issue.
I was in the process of building a small personal grow in the closet in my separate apartment from where all this shit happened. I only have the frame built. Because of the nature of the call they had to check my place to make sure all was clear as well and looked in said closet and obviously saw the frame. I have trouble sleeping and usually wake up around midnight and smoke a bowl so the house still had the stench of burnt bud when this all happened. The officer mentioned he could smell it but said he could care less(I think he's a toker when off duty)
I have never had a issue with any of my tenants, the guy that got caught up in this is a good kid(hes only 20) he just picked the wrong girl tonight.
I was really looking forward to my first indoor grow but now think I should wait a while for things to cool down. How long would you all wait to start up again? Or would you just give up on the idea.

I hope this made sense ha ha, I am still worked up and now pretty stonned



nah man, your good, I would just take things slow though. don't know what time frame you had in mind to getting things together, but I think you should do it month by month for a total of 3 months, once that's done get things crackin BUT grow regular plants/veg/flowers.

just in case you've got that one ass that did smell it but is willin to stalk you, then even if they do come in it would be a hobby thing and not the scene from a hippy version of new jack city in your place.
just move alil slower imo, but by no means should you stop.


Yeah, I'd let a little time pass. Also worth moving to a new apartment.


Well-known member
I can't tell you how many time I've read about some whacked out girl putting the dampers on a grow in progress. Since you haven't even started growing yet. Build away,get it all set up and GROW from there.
Framing is done correct? get the wiring done put in more plugs than you will ever need. Insulate,put in a venting system(top of the line) carbon scrubber, run off drain(if pissable) by the time you get it all done the dust would have settled and you will be fine to OVERGROW!!!

Just make damn shore this nutter never comes back,if necessary a restraining order..

Good growing
finish it out and make sure it works right. Grow some tomatoes and herbs to start with. That way you get your hands wet in the growing end of things and you will also get your power usage up to par. Then you can go your cannabis grow down the line when the feeling is right. If they do come back it will be with in the year if they are keeping an eye on you. Then the look of shame on their faces when they find veggies and herbs growing :). Priceless.


If it were me, I would not be growing at all in your situation. You are not in control of who comes and who goes in this house. Look at what happened here tonight. If you had been growing already you'd be fucked. All because of a tenant you have no control of, who obviously has a flaw in his judgement. What are the chances the cops will come again for some other reason because of your tenants. I will never grow unless I have full control of who comes and goes, or unless someone else is taking the risk of having it in their name. Just my opinion. Good luck whatever you decide to do.


You're fine, continue building with no delay.

Think about it like this
You think that cop went back to the station, booked the girl in, and then called somebody from narcotics, told them he smelled smoked weed, and saw what looked like the beginning of a closet build(that's assuming he even recognized it as such), and then based on that info they opened a major investigation and put you under surveillance?
Sounds pretty far fetched huh?
That's because it is.
They have better stuff to do then worry about your personal grow that wasn't even started yet.


I was in the process of building a small personal grow in the closet in my separate apartment from where all this shit happened. I only have the frame built. Because of the nature of the call they had to check my place to make sure all was clear as well and looked in said closet and obviously saw the frame.
So is this a multi unit building, with true seperate apartments, or just a big house where everyone has their own bedroom?

If it's a big shared house, then it's risky to grow.
But if it really is separate apartments, then you are fine.

Did they search your area before or after finding the girl?
If it was before, I understand, if it was after, that is bullshit then, and I don't think they had the right, even if they had found a little grow probably nothing would have happened on the spot as they were not there for that.

There are very limited situations where cops can just come in without a warrant and search your house.
They are, if they believe someone is being held against their will in your house(after someone calls and says so)
Or, as in the case of my Asian neighbor, a 911 hangup.
Guys trying to dial 411, accidentally dials 911, they answer, he hangs up, ten minutes later the cops are at his house and they hold him outside and search it at gunpoint to make sure someone isn't being held inside who placed the call and was cut off.

Also, even if they have a warrant it has to list specifically what they are looking for, and where they can search.
Many many years ago I had a search warrant served on me, door kicked open, the whole bit.
They didn't find what was listed in the warrant, but they did find a shitload of steroids, they brought them to me(i was cuffed on the couch) asked about them, I said nothing, since they hadn't found what they were looking for in the warrant, they uncuffed me and left, didn't even try to take the steroids.
Never heard another word about it.


Hey All,

Thanks for the responses. 2 days later and its all calm again. Tenant is back and is going to have some nasty scares. 15 stitches total and a chunk missing from his ear lobe. Man that girl was fucking crazy. As far as we know shes staying locked up for the time being

I think I am going to take it nice and slow and make sure everything is set up perfectly before I start to grow. I really like the idea of growing herbs or Tomatoes to begin with. Even without this BS that happened thats great advice, why kill some ladies your first time around when you can kill a tomato plant.

My place is located around back in the of my house. Complete separate entrance and completely separate from the rest of the house. Of course there is a door to the tenants from mine but its locked from my side with a couple locks.

Happy growing everyone,



My place is located around back in the of my house. Complete separate entrance and completely separate from the rest of the house. Of course there is a door to the tenants from mine but its locked from my side with a couple locks.

Happy growing everyone,

There's your problem, with that door from your place directly to theirs, in the eyes of the cops that's just one big house, and you're all roommates, that's why you got searched too.

Nothing stopping this from happening again if they do something stupid in the future that causes their place to be searched.

With that in mind I would try to set up some kind of stealthy cabinet that people could be in the same room with, but not recognize what it was.

Or find a whole new place to live and grow, and just rent that whole house out.


Get the single tenants together and suggest they get a room somewhere when they have a sleep over...then after a few months of growing flowers or whatnot, you can start slipping clones in...90 day minimum...


Active member
I was reading this thinking "why would they search his place?" I've lived in plenty of apts where shit went down next door and never had the cops come in on me. Frame and sheetrock that door, but even then its risky. Depends where you live too... too many variables. Your tenant is an "X" factor good thing you found out before shit was in full swing.

Jump ahead 18 months you're growing in that closet, and that cop gets promoted to narcotics... He may not care now, but dangle a promotion in front of him. Just sayin'

Do what you want but you're already off to a bad start.


ya i say either take the door down from your apartment to theres.. and have it walled. up.. then maybe call a lawyer.. or something and find out the laws on if a tenant gets cops involved in there life.. can they come into ur place? .. i would think not.. honestly.. maybe if u dont take the door down.. just put up a wall on the inside of ur place.. and take the door nob off the door.. and changed it all to locks with keys on both sides.. id really.. like to hear what u cuold do .. with the situation ? ? ?
You can almost always say no...
did the cop ask to search your place? he was probably very insistent but unless they have cause to be damn near positive of what they will find you almost always have the right to tell police they're not welcome in your private residence. If they ask why, or if you feel like giving an explanation you can say you're very phobic and would likely have severe anxiety for months if you allowed them to enter.
last time police nocked on my front door, for crap that I had nothing to do with, I walked out the back door and around to the front and talked with them outside. there's little chance of them seeing or smelling anything suspicious in my house, but absolutely no chance if there not in my house. also I think it was very important I greeted them with a courteous hello and asked how I could help them. it's not always easy to not get nervous when talking to cops, my mental trick is to give an impression I want to be helpful, not defensive or adversarial.
stay safe, grow smart