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thanks nirvana for all the males


New member
order them they will arrive i promise, they always do. dogs cant smell seed and there very discreet the mail looks like buisness mail. seed isnt drugs and drug dogs snif drugs. Id assume cannabis seed would smell just like any seed of any plant?
dogs r dumb they dont know a seed from shit


Active member
i once got all 10 males from a strain called dagger gen. black domina x bubbleberry i think. just bad luck. i complained at CW and got lots of negativity. LOL now i get usually 70percent and up females


Active member
i was put off by my purchase of blue mystic i mean for the price they were ok,but id much rather pay the extra and get quality without having to sift through the poor phenotypes ect,glad you,s had good luck with yours im sure there will be good phenotypes to find but im thinking if you have to go through so many plants the strains could be more stable,god knows how this poor guy ended up with so many males though back on topic ive never had such a low ratio with any seed bank apart from willy jack the jackxbigbud out of 6 only 1 was fem and the other 4 never even germed.


Actually, if we assume a perfect 50/50 distribution of male/female seeds in each packet, and all packs contain 10 seeds, exactly one in every 1024 packets will be all males (and one will be all females too). He didn't even get that perfect 1:1024 packet of all males since he got 1 male, the odds of that are better at 10/1024. When one thinks about how many seeds get sold it's a wonder we don't hear about this kind of thing more often.


Active member
Try a little harder mate, believe me Alice at Nivarna will sort you out when she hears of your bad luck, she helps anyone in your prediciment. If you want your seeds replaced keep trying, there are a few different contact e-mail addys for them, not all automated replys either. Im telling you this because something similar happened to me & when they heard about it via e-mail of course, they fixed me up, as its only the right thing to do. If you aint heard nothing by the time you get to 50 posts(when you can recieve PM's(private messages) ill give you e-mail addy myself, they will sort you out, ill be shocked if they dont, its what Nivarna do, their a sound & honerable outfit mate"! Believe me they do recieve E-mails you just gotta know the right addy bro! Nivarna are 100% i cant speak highly enough of them!
Nivarna do state a 50/50 male/fem ratio is the norm for their reg seeds & i can testify most of the time to this, you were just unlucky man, make sure you give your tap root plenty of depth in future, you may get better luck! ive seen this too!


beats me how, looks like im growin out 1 girl. :watchplant:

I don't understand what's your confusion, he said they have more than one email address and that he'd help you out by giving you the email address he used in a PM when you hit 50 posts if you can't manage to find it on your own.


You should've just pollinated your 1 female with the best male and ended up with 200+ seeds of ur own haha. As long as there's 1 female you can breed ur own! :)

I just got 7 out of 11 males from serious seeds white russian fucking load of shit. lucky I have 50 femm'd clones from one of the fem's