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Thai Stick Test Grow

Elevator Man

Active member
I'm thinking if I do get a female and a male it might be better to try and make more seeds first, rather than trying to flower them out. At least that way there's plenty more, and I know they will be viable...:)


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey don't you have enough seeds yet? Love this quote " if you can't grow a sativa indoors you're not ready for it yet! "...I don't see that flo images link in your signature yet? I think you may be as bad as I am when it comes to being all over the place in the forums...HA! Dr.Duck...


Active member
Elevator Man said:
Well...if they look the same...I won't say anything if you don't...:)

lol filth

and yeh Glock23 I know exactly what you are saying about that effect Thai can have - I love that combination of psychedelic and narcotic ... and yeh just as you say it can be literally debilitating

I remember having a nightmare trying to walk round Bangkok fucked out of my head after some weed we scored in a pretty ghetto bit of town - it felt like my eyes and my consciousness were in some way dislocating, which made walking a real bitch ... if not fun, nevertheless impressively strong

ah man I would love some Thai ganja right now
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one in the chamber
I'll be back in Thailand in a few months...can't wait! I should germ these Cambodian seeds I have. I bet the highs would be similar...

Sounds like you got some good stuff in BKK :D

EM: if you do make some seeds, I'm sure some of them would like to come home to Asia. They'd flourish in my climate :D
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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
the Thai high

the Thai high

ol cookie just did a bong hit of Thai. :canabis:

I hope the thread starter doesn't consider this threadjacking, but since you folks were discussing the Thai high, I figured I'd chime in on that.

The Thai buzz is very unique. I know what yall are saying about the debilitating, non-functional aspects of it. It's strange for a sativa, which are usually so motivational.
The Thai I currently have is Bangkok Betty Thai from Billygoat Seeds.
I knew it was the real deal when I overdid it one day, and got that familiar feeling that I had only once before- in the late 80s I smoked some Thai, and found the buzz to be quite overwhelming.
I find the high to be very racy, spacy, speedy, makes my thoughts go in a hundred directions, like smoke induced ADD. As my thoughts are racing, it's hard to stay focused on just one of the hundred thoughts, therefore rendering me somewhat dazed and confuzed, and therefore unable to actively complete any of the actions associated with the above mentioned thoughts. :pointlaug It's like the thoughts are there, but the passagesways that lead to the part of the brain labeled "act on thoughts" has been closed for construction. hehe
Generally speaking, I'm usually don't feel much paranoia, but this stuff will give me a nervous feeling. If a person does tend to get paranoid, they might want to steer clear of smoking Thai.

Having REALLY overdone it a couple times smoking the Thai (20yr+ smoker- no lightweight) it's left me sitting there with my heart pounding, breathing hard, startin to break a sweat, and downright confuzed. hehehe This stuff can border on trippy.
Personally, there are other sativas I find to be more pleasant, especially if you smoke a LOT of them. A11, certain Hazes, Mexican sativas seem very friendly to my head.
That being said, I am keeping ol Betty around for continued growth, and some crossing action. I just chopped my BBT plant that I pollinated with AK47. she's just LOADED with beans. Should be an interesting cross.

Good luck with the beans from the Thai stick. :D :yes:

Everybody chant with me "no herms...No Hems ...NO HERMS.."


Here's a peek at Betty(older pics from my gallery):

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Elevator Man

Active member
Great stuff man - no hijack there...:)

Glock23 - As for home-made seeds for Thailand - if I make some, it will happen. Also just heard a whisper there might be more sticks about to matierialise... :chin:

Doobieduck - I added the thread to my signature...:)


Traktor driver
Hiya mate :wave:

These look to be coming along nicely. :yes:

I've only smoked Thai once, well pure Thai anyway. Bought 3g in a coffeeshop in Venlo. Horrid looking stuff. I think it must have come out of a Thaistick aswell. It was real compressed and dark grey. Hardly any visible trichs or smell. No taste whilst smoking it either, but the high was awesome. Walking across the market felt like walking on clouds, I had a happy feeling from within and a real urge to grinn whilst walking through town. :biglaugh: We then went in to a restaurant for lunch. My girlfriend had some problems like some of you described, keeping her mind on track, but I didn't notice that on me. :chin:
The other one was last august when we last met MOD in amsterdam and smoked some of his Mist of Destruction, grown by him. Totally different experiance, much stronger and harder hitting. That came closer (for me) to what some here describe. Kind of smelled like hash when burnt. :chin:

Elevator Man

Active member
I just got some more Thai - this time not in a stick, but pressed in slabs. It's roughly the same stuff as before, if a little more electric. Strange smell - a bit like spicy emulsion paint. Whether that was transport or the cure I'm not sure, but it's great stuff, and top-quality manicuring - hardly any twigs, all buds and just a few good seeds - wahay! These are smaller seeds than the stick seeds, but they look even healthier...:)

I'll try and post some pics if I can find the time...:)


Active member
some (the rest will follow) of the seeded calyx's are dieing when the seed is fully formed. the newer buds havent been polinated and seem to be doing well and its very sticky!! after removing some seeds i found i couldnt shake them off my finger and my fingers kept stickign together rofl


Active member
updated pic of mine

grrr icmag stop resizing pictures to a measily 800x600!!! an option for 1280x1024 or full size would be nice :chin:
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Elevator Man

Active member
Sorry for the lack of updates recently - I've been insanely busy.

I repotted the main Thai into a large pot last night and put in in the main growroom on 12/12 - it's about 12 inches tall, and the main shade leaves are as large as my hand. It's female too - or at least so far! I've placed a circular plant supprt in the pot, and will start training the plant around it from tomorrow - this thing should explode pretty soon I think.

The other two are still in the veg room for a few more days - got another skunk to harvest first to free up some more room, and then I can put those in too - they're more of the 'skinny-leaf' phenos - the big one is much more chunky looking... :chin:


ICMag Donor
hi elevator man

hows the thai going
mine are going good
i have 3, they all look a litle diferent so far but still early days so who knows
havent got a camera around at the moment but will take photos by next week and upload
im really excited about these and hopefully they are herm free or minimal
anyway hope all is good and if you got time give us an update


Active member
mines doing super atm, lovely buds all over it. no more male balls have appeared so it looks like a straight run to the finish which is like another... 2months away?

Elevator Man

Active member
My first one is going strong in the main growroom on 12/12 - it's trained to a circular plant support, and I'll start some serious LST this week. The other two are almost ready for the same treatment, but they're still on 16/8 in the veg room - next day or two for those. I'll post pics of all very shortly, but #1 and #3 seem very similar, whilst #2 is a very skinny-leaf pheno. The numbers just correspond to germination order, BTW.

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a few pics of the later two phenos, #2 and #3.

#2 is on the right in all the pics, and is the skinny-leaf pheno. #3 is slightly more chunky and less branchy, whilst #1 (in the main growroom) is even more so - it looks like the Malawi Gold did at the early stages. I'll post pics of that one with the main grow diary update shortly.

These two will be repotted in the next day or so and placed under 12/12 in the main growroom.



Active member
those are gonna be some tall stretchy mofos after a few weeks in flower!!
whats ur other one looking like atm?

been 18 days since i last took a pic... brb :D

not the best photo, but the only one i could get cos of stupid flat batteries.

i wanted to get some pictures of the lower buds, which have a floro light nearby, they arent very big, maybe 4-5cm, but the calyx's are very close together and they look very very nice. the main colas will hopefully go like that as they start filling out.
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Elevator Man

Active member
It's looking good - sorry for the lack of pics also, but I'm just so damn busy - it's 4am for example, and I just got round to checking the threads! But it's doing great - been pinched many times, and is crucified around the plant support. The leaves are getting pretty big now - it's under 1200W at the moment, so it's happy enough. I'm going to clear out all my big plants this weekend, get these other two repotted and in there too, along with another Flo F2.

I'm really not sure how long they will take - I've also got some Malawi Gold X Flo crosses flowering that I'm guessing will be about 11 weeks - once my faster strains are done in about five weeks, I'm bringing it down to 10/14 until they're all finished.

Elevator Man

Active member
At long last, here's the first Thai, undergoing some strict discipline - this is the most heavy-set of the three phenos, and is getting very chunky with the training. I'm still pinching out tips, and will do for at least another week or so as required. Looking very nice though...:)



damn, that is a fine looking lady bro! :) gotta love thai's, and they go wonderfully with some yellow curry! :yummy:

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