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Texting or talking??????

I don't care what anyone says- from time to time, we all use a cell phone to communicate. I'd like to hear opinions on what's safer/easiest defended by a lawyer. For a long time, I didn't like texting at all because there is a written record of what is being discussed but as you don't even need a warrant to listen in on a cell phone and the fact that a recording of your voice discussing illegal activities is pretty damning in court and you could always argue that it wasn't you that sent the text and if you delete the texts right after you send them and I'm 99% sure that once a text is sent, there's no way to intercept it and the communication compay has no way to store or record texts. I know the prisons are full of people who weren't quite careful enough so this might be a good discussion to have on a security forum instead of with your cellmate.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
If you are going to talk about anything you should be using other words for instance you can call herb "food" and there is nothing unusual or illegal about the statement "come over and eat some food I just made dinner" You could even go on to describe the fruit salad you made with grapefruits and blueberries :biggrin: :joint:

I would not be texting anything because that person on the other end has a record of that text in their phone and someone else could read it or they could lose their phone ect. If you must communicate on the phone it should be via voice and with codes that do not sound like you are talking about anything illegal. Because you should not be doing anything illegal :tiphat:
Yeah the whole talking in codes thing doesnt really work all that well and a recording of you talking about stupid shit that doesn't make any sense doesn't look good either. I've been advised by an attorney that texting is a more secure way to communicate but I'd like to hear everyone's opinion.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
When you speak though it's just once unless it is being recorded which is unlikely but a text can sit on the other persons phone and if they get arrested for instance the cops will read their texts even if the phone is locked they download all the info. I would always pick voice over text messages and if you use your head and the other people you are speaking with are on the same page with you the codes don't have to sound out of the ordinary whatsoever if you are just a little creative :joint:

I think your attorney is overlooking the fact that you cannot control who has access to that other persons phone and may potentially be reading that message and let us not forget it is electronically sent and there is a hard record of it I believe. :tiphat:

Green lung

Active member
If it was easy wouldn't they listen in on murder suspects and shit, I've never seen that on the first 48.


Fortunately, SOTF lives in a state where the person on the other end can't legally record your conversation. Texts are forever in my opinion. Logs tend to not go away and a text message doesn't travel from your phone directly to the other person's phone. It gets written into a log file somewhere. Maybe they get dumped. Maybe they don't.

If you have people tapping your phone, you're prolly already fucked and a big enough fish that you should probably have someone else making your calls for you.


I think email is an underrated form of communication for these matters. No doubt it will leave a digital trail but for example whats to say you have a private email account that is only ever accessed from a public computer and not your home comp so if any john q laws try to seize your computer there will never be any record of logins and/or communications to and from your "secret" email account on your computer. Obviously you still want to be talking in codes even through email but at least this way you get around the pathetic cellphone privacy protection barrier. Personally i fucking hate cellphones and if you use them for ANY dodgy communications you should be throwing them away and activating new numbers every few months max. I duno specific country laws but i know in my country for example you can purchase new cells / sim cards for like $50 that you do NOT have to register...

Convincing your crew to follow this way of communication can be tough especially if they're old school technology defunct growers. Suggestions of this nature can often be followed by vacant stares if mentioned to an old schooler lol.



I don't care what anyone says- from time to time, we all use a cell phone to communicate.

Take your phone, put it on the ground. Using the heel of your boot crush the shit out of it. Now go google "cutouts". No, not that cutout, the other one.


ICMag Donor
Yeah the whole talking in codes thing doesnt really work all that well and a recording of you talking about stupid shit that doesn't make any sense doesn't look good either. I've been advised by an attorney that texting is a more secure way to communicate but I'd like to hear everyone's opinion.

I'd be getting a new Attorney..... And don't be doing either....


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
it isn't the phone or the text that's the issue, it's the idea that you need to convey any information aside from 'i need to talk to you'.

in person.

you need to deal w/ 1 person, and that person should know what it means when you contact them. anything more than that, and risk just jumps exponentially.

tangential, but the same thing carries for open forms of communication. if both parties to the conversation knows what is being discussed, it can be couched any way you'd like.

if both parties know to check the Schenectady craigslist personals for a BBW looking for a 40 year old skinny man into yiffing...and both parties know that means there's 10 lbs of skunk for 4k/lb...you just communicated everything you need to, right out in the open. the responses from people that want to meet the fat lady are just an entertaining bonus.


If you have to, talk in code. Texts are asking for it IMO. Work out a simple code before hand and it's no big deal. It's easy to make it sound like you're talking about something legitimate.

In reality, if your phone is tapped you are probably fucked anyway. Police need a warrant for that still. They can't legally listen in on private conversations (I think.)


Tropical Outcast
If you don't want anything on record to be held against you communicate mouth to ear only.

On another note:
ALL cell convos in the USA are recorded. 100% and all of them.

That does not mean they are all being listened to.
But if a case justifies to retrieve the recording it is being done.
And due to all cell phones not being analog anymore but digital now ALL convos are being scanned for keywords.

Same as Emails.
Write certain things in an Email and you WILL have the feds knocking on your door
(that's if they won't come straight in - without knocking first).

And if someone here reading the above claims I am paranoid....I am not.

I don't even live in the US anymore and where I'm now we don't have cell phones, actually we don't even have cars here....

But I have my info first hand from someone who knows. He's been there and done it.

Bold statement I know so take it for what it is.


man fuck all of that, if its something i need to talk to you about or you need to talk to me about then either come see me or i'll come see you.

these bastards out here are seriously crazy about this bustin ppl shit. and for what a couple plants?!?!? if your the big fish they come arrest you , take your shit and thats all if your a lil fish they come bust up your shit while you watch and tell you to have a nice day with a smile.

heres a thought: if you dont want it on record then dont put it on record in the first place. the ppl i deal with are all a stones throw away and i keep/like things that way. you wanna shoot the shit then fire away, you need to "speak shop" well then bring your ass to the shop, or i'll come to yours

EDIT: and honestly me and my ppl's smoke too much to remember that code shit anyway! a 5 minute conversation would take a half fucking hour! can you imagine?!? maaaan, just come see me awight?


Active member
EDIT: and honestly me and my ppl's smoke too much to remember that code shit anyway! a 5 minute conversation would take a half fucking hour! can you imagine?!? maaaan, just come see me awight?

that is so funny. i had one of them conversations not long ago. it was like an abbot and costello routine. she was making up her own new code as we talked.

And if someone here reading the above claims I am paranoid....I am not.

I don't even live in the US anymore and where I'm now we don't have cell phones, actually we don't even have cars here....

Bold statement I know so take it for what it is.

Computer and internet are there but no cell phones or cars ? :moon:


Active member
golf carts it is LOL. its not uncommon for islands to not get any cell service. get a sattelite phone. when i lived in the keys and went fishing in the boonies i had one . expensive tho. internet can be had with a dish just about anywhere again expensive tho