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I was hit by a uninsured motorist (dumbass in a car) on my way home from work (on my Harley) and the son-ova-Bitch broke my foot!

sorry to hear about the accident, how's the bike?
I feel for you! same thing happened to me a couple of years ago, I broke just about everything except my foot. and it totaled my Harley.

Yeah uninsured motorist suck.
Thank y'all for the warm welcome! The Bike is fine only minor damage and that has already been fixed, my foot took most of the damage and it's still broke but am able to walk around now have even been out riding! It's hard to keep a biker off his bike!
The Carnival I was growing didn't make 4 weeks of flower till the hurricane hit, lack of power and water I was unable to save them. I had gotten a bag of some California schwag (some really good schwag) from a neighbor who had just returned from Cali and was growing that out when the accident happened. And I had almost lost that because after 5 days doped up on painkillers and unable to walk I neglected to top off res with fresh water and the plants almost died! Infact, I had to cut about half of one off the other did not recover. The remaining plant has recovered and is flowering nicely now but was set back several weeks but that gives my new seeds time to grow a little before they are ready to put in flower room! I figure another 4 - 6 weeks on the Cali-schwag and I'll have some smoke and some kind bud will soon follow that!


Bob Marley Birthday Celebration Feb 6, 2009 Austin,Tx

Bob Marley Birthday Celebration Feb 6, 2009 Austin,Tx

Howdy folks.
For more info, Website: www.myspace.com/texasnorml
Febuary, 6, 2009


At the bottom of the Event pic, it looks like 3601 S. Congress (Ruta Maya). Not familar with that area, would have to do a city search. I bet there will be bunches of folk and a cloud so thick you could it with a knife. I've been to the ones they have held downtown at the shores. A big ass smoke out..


so anybody planning on going to Bob marleys bday at Ruta maya.....i know ill have a couple Northern Light plants finished and ready to be smoked for a celebration


I can see Ol casualtoker out in the back yard, playing with his train set..choo choo choo choooo toot toot. Of course he'll have the train that smokes when it runs, and convert it to a Loco- locomotive...Man I may need to stop baking when I wake.


As long as you get here...Nice pics in your album.
Stay safe & harvest well

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