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The benefit is less mess, increased production, no disturbing from scraping and of course frequent refilling of the tank (If you are using canned butane it is still worth it cost wise). I've found it to be much more efficient then the scraping and full recovery that we are familiar with. Put the pyrex in the vacuum oven/chamber and finish as you wish.

In what sense are you seeing increasing production? When I do this the yield is lower, presumably because of the waxes that are being ditched. For me, every step is slower without heat, so I use the pour method for primo runs only.
If I was being deceptive to make myself look good then why would I post my mistakes? To insinuate Im faking it for the internet is really reaching. I must admit that got under my skin. I have nothing to prove or gain by faking shatter. WTF? I have a video of it and will post it for your pleasure. You havent shared a thing or detailed your method. You keep saying we is how I know your part of somebodys scene. Ashamed of what? That you dont like my oil? Someone who carries shame has something to prove/hide. You claim Im doing it all wrong but provide no correction. Sounds like you are setting on the puppet masters lap getting direction. So lets make it clear none of the methods I post are valid and I did not graduate spite club's rigorous extraction training, that qualifies you as an Extractioneer, lol. Point out what is bullshit again so others can be clear on it.
Then I will be sure and show you that its ok to have a different approach and even have your own ideas about things. Trying to attack my credibility because you never heard of something or cant even explain it is senseless .Tell your boss to sign in and let us know how to do it right since you dont have the answer. I tell you show me the right way and crap falls out of your mouth and you make a lame excuse. Dont talk about it be about it. Whats the proper way to do it. If you dont have an answer that is helpful, it will only confirm your status as a terp bus boy. show up or kick rocks. :moon:

well, technically you are faking shatter because your stuff waxes and you have to decarb a bit to break the bonds and get it to look like shatter.

i've clearly explained how we do it and why. what we are trying to avoid but pouring oil out in butane. in fact, i broke our process down in detail.

and that is why you are an idiot, i have shared, you just get so wrapped up in what you are doing you must not pay attention.

you are reading way too much into things. i just think that because you can't make good oil, you need to find all these work arounds rather than focusing on what you might be doing wrong. in the process, you are providing misinformation to those who are also trying to learn.

half your post is unintelligible. my boss? lol. once again your are mistaken. my partner said explaining to you was a waste of time.

why don't you pull your head out of your ass FE and look back on my posts... it is all there on reducing errors by trying to keep things as constant as possible. i broke out what we do from prep to purging.

if you knew half as much as you do, you'd realize how dumb your posts are. that is why we laughed so hard at your high temp extractions and having to flash your wax to decarb it to have a shatter look.

your basic extraction process is flawed which is why you get wax instead of shatter. i wouldn't even know where to begin with explaining what you might be doing wrong. you switch shit up so much it seems. i'm just shocked you were able to convince someone you were good enough to ruin their trim :/
In what sense are you seeing increasing production? When I do this the yield is lower, presumably because of the waxes that are being ditched. For me, every step is slower without heat, so I use the pour method for primo runs only.

he might have miss typed on the production thing because you yield less, but the quality should be better.
Northstate, looking good. Congrats!

May I suggest trying the "pour method"? It involves ditching the cooking pot, using dry ice on the recovery tank and stopping the recovering at around -10/15 hg to open the collection pot and pour it into a pyrex dish. The collection pot will become severely iced up to the point that the butane remains liquid to facilitate the pouring. At the same time, the waxes that were dissolved in the extraction, precipitate out of the liquid in the collection pot and can be filtered when pouring into the pyrex dish.

The benefit is less mess, increased production, no disturbing from scraping and of course frequent refilling of the tank (If you are using canned butane it is still worth it cost wise). I've found it to be much more efficient then the scraping and full recovery that we are familiar with. Put the pyrex in the vacuum oven/chamber and finish as you wish.

FE, Durden- You've both been helpful. I'd suggest not caring what each other says as you both have valid points. Durden, you haven't posted any pictures (and I get why), but FE has you on that. Call it stupid if you wish, but at least they are there for discussion. Durden, thanks for suggesting the pour method.

FE, can you explain why you are using heat that high? I think that the things you could be doing during the extraction such as super cold temps (which I know you are doing) would prevent this waxing. FE, have you tried the pour method?

i don't care about what FE does, but i do care about the large amount of misinformation he provides to people. i could give a shit about pictures. FE posts plenty and it proves nothing. if you want to see some of my stuff, i've posted where you can go to see them.

he is using high heat because he is lazy. it reduces recovery times greatly which means you can run more material but at the expense of quality. and because his shit is waxing, he has to flash his wax which partially decarbs it and then makes it "look" like shatter.

he also thinks because his stuff came out light looking with heat, that he suddenly figured out some new way of making oil when he actually didn't.

i'm not saying my way is the best, but it is how we like to do it. it isn't gimmicky and the reasoning behind why we do it that way has been backed up by plenty of others since before closed loops were around


There are FOUR lights!
So I'm doing my first extraction ever tomorrow. Hybrid BHOgart, Appion G5, Cloud Fuel butane.
3" x 36" tube + reducer. 10" x 12" recovery pot.
6 cfm vac pump and purge chamber. Electric griddle and Ranco ETC for temp control.
I plan on using the 'pour' method and have some
nice glass that will fit in the chamber. Ice, salt, coffee filters, tunes.

What am I missing?
So I'm doing my first extraction ever tomorrow. Hybrid BHOgart, Appion G5, Cloud Fuel butane.
3" x 36" tube + reducer. 10" x 12" recovery pot.
6 cfm vac pump and purge chamber. Electric griddle and Ranco ETC for temp control.
I plan on using the 'pour' method and have some
nice glass that will fit in the chamber. Ice, salt, coffee filters, tunes.

What am I missing?

what is the griddle for?

make sure you clean everything good and take notes for future reference.

make sure that when you pour your butane into the pie dish, which is sitting in a large pot of hot water, you never let the oil get cold. let it sit in the vac pot under heat for an hour or two, then pull a partial vac, then a full vac.

i'd use one of those reptile mats that can be cut to size and work well with the ranco


There are FOUR lights!
The 'Griddle' is an electric turkey roasting pan. Big enough for
a 22lb turkey. Plan is to put a gallon or so of water in it.
Put the purging pot in the water and let everything come up to 115.
Pour the contents of the pot into the pyrex, put it in the pot, and pull -29.5


P.s. Doing a dry run first to clean the butane. 3.5#
In a perfect world I'd say use a pot a bit smaller than the pie dish. Our pot is tall and holds about 4 gal. You don't want steam or the potential for water contamination.

I use tap hot water... Around 100-105. The water stays warm enough for the butane to purge... Where there is just minimal activity in the dish.

Then let it sit on dry heat for a period of time. If you get a big muffin, you run the risk of waxing. The idea is to minimize puff ups. We purge under vac at about 95-105.

I'd hold off pulling full vac for awhile

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk


There are FOUR lights!
In a perfect world I'd say use a pot a bit smaller than the pie dish. Our pot is tall and holds about 4 gal. You don't want steam or the potential for water contamination.

I use tap hot water... Around 100-105. The water stays warm enough for the butane to purge... Where there is just minimal activity in the dish.

Then let it sit on dry heat for a period of time. If you get a big muffin, you run the risk of waxing. The idea is to minimize puff ups. We purge under vac at about 95-105.

I'd hold off pulling full vac for awhile

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

Thanks Brother,

I just realized I'm in the wrong thread. Sorry GW!


Active member
I wish you would...

I wish you would...

I am not running high heat during extraction. I have by mistake gone far over temp with the wyott and still didnt ruin the oil. I post my observations, never said it was the bible to follow. I do not claim to be an official anything, but I get the results Im after one way or another. Not every run is perfect, but I can fix whatever problem may arise. You make a lot of claims with not much to back it. Funny how your the only one crying about me in my thread. You are ruining the vibe here. Start your own official Bite Club MK thread if you want to keep throwing shit. Put your money where your mouth is. If all you do is talk it doesnt do any good for trying to stop my misinformation. I bet my test results slay yours from the same lab,Ill put all this chatter to sleep, nighty nite. Looks like Im going to have to take my belt off and show you whats up... Quit gossiping and do something. You sure you and your 'partner arent just part of some sweat shop sewing circle? "I guess we are in the business of selling extractors" lmao yea sure thing.... pffft :thank you: now GTFO!


And the lamest quote award goes to the Bite Club! For:

there are many ways to skin a cat.


"Every strain is different"


You win Ill bow out and give props to you and your methods being superior and close my Icmag account, no socks.

I win, all you got to do is apologize and stay out of my threads.
Looks like i hurt FE's feelings. boy, for someone who says he won't address me anymore, you sure have a lot to say. :) did the ignore button not work for you? LOL

i don't feel the need to compete with you as you can't even make shatter! making wax and then flashing it isn't making shatter, you are just giving the appearance of it. LOL

i don't back stuff up? i certainly showed where you can see pics and others have had some success trying some of my methods. granted my methods are tried and true from open blasting times, but it works well. i'm not having to do gimmicks to try and make something "look" like shatter.

the reason i bitch about you is because most here are too new to oil making to know that your methods are b.s., that you aren't very good at what you do, and apparently have more money than skill. anybody else in this thread flashing their oil to make it look like shatter most likely doesn't have the skill yet to make shatter the first time around.

if anything FE, you are the one getting all petty and angry. my observations of you are based on what you post. and no, your test results would never beat me. especially a terp profile. you gotta remember, i don't run heat like you do, i can make shatter, and when i make wax, it is because i wanted to, not because of poor blasting methods.

if i were so full of shit, why would others seem to like how we blast? granted it isn't the only way to approach it, but it works well and produces consistent results. there isn't a need for us to try all these gimmicky methods like you do. the reason being we do well with ours.

the only thing you can talk trash about is my lack of pics, and that proves nothing, except in your narrow mind. if people want to see pics, they can find my instagram profile.

stop crying FE and learn how to blast well, because how you are currently doing it is very wrong. you go against the methods of all the big names and you just aren't smart enough to recreate the wheel


Durden we all know that you are an A+ shatter extractor but just because you are skilled at extracting doesn't mean you should mistreat others who are just trying to share their experience!

know I don't just speak for myself when I say both of your contributions to this discussion are greatly appreciated. With your experience we have learned that to make to make brittle shatter without winterization, run dry ice temps with no heat, and to make taffy shatter(misnomer?) we can use brief flashes of high heat. Not everybody gets it perfect every time and I'm sure FE's techniques will come in handy when a fudged batch needs a little polish up. Anyways, it is a damn shame seeing two invaluable contributors to this forum wasting time and effort exchanging insults.


Well-known member
Looks like i hurt FE's feelings. boy,
in your narrow mind
you go against the methods of all the big names and you just aren't smart enough to recreate the wheel

In my opinion , FE does not deserve such harsh criticism , it's not fair.
Maybe he does not have experience, but he has a research interest, not less valuable and much more rarer property.

His Photographs of the crystals have a higher cognitive value than photos of regular shatter, similar to each other like twins.

It always was and will be, some under fire seek and invent new ways, recipes and solutions, others jealously preserve obtained solutions of any changes or abnormalities.

Yin vs. yang. The progress is due to their conflict and interaction in the eternal unity and struggle.
Yang creates a new , yin saves created in unaltered form, both are necessary in Nature.
Thank you for the illustration of this truth! :thank you:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
In my opinion , FE does not deserve such harsh criticism , it's not fair.
Maybe he does not have experience, but he has a research interest, not less valuable and much more rarer property.

His Photographs of the crystals have a higher cognitive value than photos of regular shatter, similar to each other like twins.

It always was and will be, some under fire seek and invent new ways, recipes and solutions, others jealously preserve obtained solutions of any changes or abnormalities.

Yin vs. yang. The progress is due to their conflict and interaction in the eternal unity and struggle.
Yang creates a new , yin saves created in unaltered form, both are necessary in Nature.
Thank you for the illustration of this truth! :thank you:

I once read an interesting analogy, that put things in better perspective for me, and this looks like a good place to share.

Somewhere around 10% of the population are never satisfied with the status quo and always seeking new ways of doing things. They are the risk takers, and usually don't live as long as the 90% or produce as many kids, because they are not only risk takers and get killed at a disproportionately higher rate, but are sometimes killed by the 90% for scaring the shit out of them.

The 10% invented civilization, but the 90% was responsible for keeping it going, after the 10% lost interest and moved on to new more exciting pursuits.

The point is, that the 90% and the 10% are one, from the standpoint of mankind and civilization. If you separate us, we are done.

That brings me to an observation, and that is that this thread has moved from exploring new territory, to discussing personalities and personal shortfalls.

May I suggest that we move back to the original author's ostensible intent for the thread? The 10% is frequently vilified, but they are right often enough for civilization to evolve.
Durden we all know that you are an A+ shatter extractor but just because you are skilled at extracting doesn't mean you should mistreat others who are just trying to share their experience!

know I don't just speak for myself when I say both of your contributions to this discussion are greatly appreciated. With your experience we have learned that to make to make brittle shatter without winterization, run dry ice temps with no heat, and to make taffy shatter(misnomer?) we can use brief flashes of high heat. Not everybody gets it perfect every time and I'm sure FE's techniques will come in handy when a fudged batch needs a little polish up. Anyways, it is a damn shame seeing two invaluable contributors to this forum wasting time and effort exchanging insults.

I'm certainly not saying that I'm all that, but I also don't tolerate people such as FE. He is a cheat who skews things to make his methods seem better than they really are. In doing that, every one loses.

I totally understand not getting things right every time. It happens to everyone. Closed loops introduce variables different than open blasters.

I think I'd have more respect for the guy if he stated he was making wax and we ran through his processes to figure out where he might be making mistakes. in fact, we all could benefit from that.

Ultimately FE has a choice... he can ignore my comments, like he said he was going to do, or he can ineffectively try to make me look bad. As long as he introduces bad techniques and what not, I will be there to point out his B.S.
In my opinion , FE does not deserve such harsh criticism , it's not fair.
Maybe he does not have experience, but he has a research interest, not less valuable and much more rarer property.

His Photographs of the crystals have a higher cognitive value than photos of regular shatter, similar to each other like twins.

It always was and will be, some under fire seek and invent new ways, recipes and solutions, others jealously preserve obtained solutions of any changes or abnormalities.

Yin vs. yang. The progress is due to their conflict and interaction in the eternal unity and struggle.
Yang creates a new , yin saves created in unaltered form, both are necessary in Nature.
Thank you for the illustration of this truth! :thank you:

In my opinion, he does deserve it. He is providing bad information, skewing his end product to try and be something it isn't, etc.

Please understand that I'm not saying cold extractions are the only way to do it, because there are times when we would run ice, low bottom heat, etc.

And I agree, there are those who are innovators of new ways to do things, but when it comes to making oil, there aren't any great mysteries left. Just ways to improve efficiency.

I think if how he approached it was different, maybe I wouldn't be such an ass to him, but he begs to be slapped down due to his ignorance.

I certainly don't mind helping people, sharing methods, trouble shooting problems, etc, I just try and be honest with what I am doing versus trying to make you all think I am something I am not.